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I was just wondering if anyone could have a resolution to an ongoing problem I have.A dog of mine has this disgusting habit of pissing into his water for the last year and a half.Ive tried a few things like rising the half barrell up from the ground level but he has a good aim it seems.I tried a concrete block left in the middle of the kennell to divert him from flavouring his water but nop....hes not interested in that.Any one got any ideas as to stop it.Its not the end of the world or anything,I just replace his water every morning and evening.His half brother has the same habit but not as bad.Its actually a family thing,my mates have the father and a few of the same line and they too are pot pissers :laugh: Looking forward to the scientific approaches to this problem.

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Its already been said but put the bowl in a corner and raise it up so he has to get on his back legs to drink it

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I was just wondering if anyone could have a resolution to an ongoing problem I have.A dog of mine has this disgusting habit of pissing into his water for the last year and a half.Ive tried a few things like rising the half barrell up from the ground level but he has a good aim it seems.I tried a concrete block left in the middle of the kennell to divert him from flavouring his water but nop....hes not interested in that.Any one got any ideas as to stop it.Its not the end of the world or anything,I just replace his water every morning and evening.His half brother has the same habit but not as bad.Its actually a family thing,my mates have the father and a few of the same line and they too are pot pissers :laugh: Looking forward to the scientific approaches to this problem.


is it not possible to raise his water high enough so he has to get up on his back legs to drink? im sure he wouldnt be able to piss that high? never heard of a dog doing this before, atb

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That was a great help guys :no: wetdog you got me mixed up with yer boyfriend,I havent ben in a pub for years so its a non starter,GOOD TRY THOUGH :laugh::feck: I'll take a look into the shed and see if theres an electric fencer hanging about Bryan,if this was to be done.....maybe,just maybe he might not want to drink from it either....you think? :tongue2: I think I may be flogging a dead horse here.I will be none the wiser I reckon in no time.

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It sounds like he's gotten into a habit, no matter what ye do, he's always gonna aim for his water, other than the advice of hiring the water, right out of aims way, look to what hight he pisses and up it a few inches, nothings gonna stop him, it's habit now, thats just the place to piss!

Could be worse though, i've got one that makes a bee line for my other dog, when he's stopped for a sniff, and pisses right on his head, the poor 'ol buggers only got one eye an usually don't see it coming, ends up with an eye socket filled up to the brim.... Nasty! ;)

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Try sticking his water in a smaller bowl right in the corner and he might not be able to get the angle on it or like other lads have said raise it up.


Yeah mate I have raised it and I'm not getting any maggots in the water any more but sticking it in the corner! a simple but genius idea :good: .

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