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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Westwood and Willet were crap fair play.Yep they haven't had a great Ryder cup this year normally Westwood is old reliable, should be interesting day today, hopefully goes to the wire
  2. Now it explains why brookie was so angry, his dream of knowing a fella that knew a fella that knew Tyson fury has now been shot down by the DEA, lol
  3. Mon Europe, my flag is for rory Mcilroy he kicking ass, but the Americans played nice golf the 1st morning, good luck to both
  4. Deer skin, or natural animal hide
  5. tell him long as it's not clear roof anything else would be fine, clear has greenhouse effect in summer, ya prob already knew that lol. Good job mate
  6. Like an extension mate lol, what kind of roof ya putting on it?
  7. not in it for massive numbers it's about the sport although i do want a fair result on em..use them as an all rounder.nor am I, but if it gets away from a greyhound, there's nothing other than a bullet gona catch it. But as an all rounder I'd reckon they'd be a good pot filler, I'd go a bitch though
  8. Id defo run one the speed alone is something to be admired
  9. UKIP polling at around 9% and have seen a mass exodus of members to the Tories, yep they're definitely on track to become the official opposition :laugh: Things change,Labour is dying. I have feeling you'l be seeing another mass exodus soon Biggest left wing party in Europe, definitely dying UKIP are definitely going to somehow win around 100 seats when their poll numbers and membership have been tanking since the referendum Diane James is bound to lead them to a great victory. What a strange world you must live in A lot is going to depend on how Teresa may and the conservatives h
  10. With lefty fcuktards like labour and such parties is it any wonder why right wing extremists start on the rampage? They get left too long to wreck and destroy countries with total lack of self control and hippy attitudes
  11. i see what ya mean, but Europe too strong, look how they played when clarkys wife died that time, either way the win will be dedicated to Palmer and rightly so
  12. and get his job back if he kicks the living Shiite out of her
  13. Corbyn is posing more dangerous to GB than Isis, and the dissidents. If this man ever gets into power you will see a coup, by the army
  14. Lenmcharristar


    I whole heartedly believe there is life in other planets If the Big Bang theory is true then it's likely intelligent life isn't as advanced as many would imagine IMO. I don't think we are at risk of being wiped out by aliens anytime soon.... read up on the annunaki
  15. bollix, it's the best way to find new holes, and not in a gay way or on a putting green haha
  16. I can see walshie is looking at the thread,I bet his finger hasn't hovered above the 'thread lock' button for a while since TOLC has gone quiet. Let's hope they ain't regrouping lol I'm just amazed how angry someone can get when others don't agree with them. Offering to fight them? Telling them their dogs are shit? Calling them names? Are we at school? just makes himself look hard in his caravan shouting and shaking his fist at a computer, bet his wife loves it when he actually goes out with the dogs. To get a bit of peace n quiet.
  17. lolol, with today's peterl prices I can't afford to be wasting it soaking my hands in it.
  18. Yip deffo, ill prob get a terrier pup or 2 in near future, but id rather wait a season or 2 for right pups than waste the time on wankers hahaexactly why I'm waiting on my future lakey pup lol I reckon youll wait a while haha and i reckon im gonna try summat else this time, i wasted enough time on lakeys and now middleton gone there aint no way im paying the prices most pay for lakey pups for em to turn out shite haha i was gona post that big box of salmon and sea trout flies to you this week too, but if the dogs jacked then the deal is off hahaha
  19. better man than scum like you fools will ever be . you ladies can always meet up you know .tomorrows fine its only taking P/MS il even pay your diesel .or are you going to keep hiding behind your net .lets get it on mrslolololol, don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry. Now where did I say that I was better than any one? You just come on and hurl crap at anyone who goes against fury, ever wonder why nobody likes him?? The apple don't fall far from the tree
  20. Who do yas fancy? I'm for the Europeans as always, I love this tournament great atmosphere no politics, Rory defo on form, mon Europe and the uk
  21. Lololol ffs Brookie you shit the bed or something, you must be the angriest man on thl
  22. Lenmcharristar


    well that's the hard bit, and I'd hate to be any where near it if there's a change in the magnetic field lol, the universe has the answers to the problems, there's anti matter out there somewhere hanging about in the deep reaches of space so by studying it then it can teach us how to properly contain it safely, imagine if that scientific info fell into the wrong hands. That we Kim Jung un fella, feck its bye bye world, I'd put money on it that the American Germans from ww2 worked on it after the war, same as the Russians. And imagine just how far they've come from then?
  23. Spot on ... and what I would consider a rangey spot is 15 eyes even more.. going from shallow to deep... stretching over a large area...5 eyes may be gleaming ...10 dead.terrier says no.... walk on... I try same spot month later...completely dead looking no signs at all terrier drops in first hole and speaks 15 mins later far side maybe 30 yards away! is that terrier not to be trusted because he doesn't run dead holes? and is that terrier not to be trusted running rangeys all day and because he DOESNT drop means he doesn't knows his job? that to me is just a typical working terrier, experien
  24. Lenmcharristar


    the empty space also has to be something in the fabric of the universe itself, as its growing with the universe, so if there was nothing before the Big Bang what is the universe expanding into??? Then there's the subject of dark matter and the energy it emits when collided with matter, total anihilation, every bit is pure raw energy. The universe is amazing and God didn't make it easy that us mere mortals work it out in a hundred yrs lol. God created the heavens and the earth. All the devines workIt's when matter and antimatter collide that they cancel each other out and release energy. ..a
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