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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. And if found guilty or attempted assassination on trump he will be the next one shot
  2. Been watching hunting squirrel and chipmunk with tannerite coated air rifle rounds, feck i havent laughed as hard in years
  3. Yes i know that, only God has the correct codes, where in the case of thylacine they can check multiple specimens and get a better match to the correct codes, the mammoth they hope to use the asian elephant but how close they get who knows? The dire wolf bones where found in the boneyard aswell as north american lions, how well preserved the dna is though is anyones guess, but 1 thing they were discussing was the mammoth meat they ate at bbqs, there must be some well preserved carcasses around
  4. Good luck lads, be careful of trouble makers tomorrow, these black a d muslim c**ts will try to disrupt it, or maybethis is where the civil war starts from??
  5. True at this stage, but science always making breakthroughs, could end up with o e yet, science always contradicts itself
  6. Seen him. He got duped recently by some faggot artist, sending him pics of ones but ended yp being fake
  7. Surely once theres more taking than paying in the countries finished? At that stage they can keep whats left, imagine all the kings throughout history most have went into battle and fought along side the soldiers, oul charlie couldnt give 2 fcuks about his soldiers, subjects or kingdom, the easiest king to conquer, as he just gave it all away, all aided by lizard liz, the point all these elite realise is the point of no return and not 1 should be granted asylum anywhere they and their families should be made to stay in what they created
  8. This is what will happen, they will go complain to the local imam, hhe will contact kier smarmer, demanding jail for the cop or a healthy payment to the guys family, a march around the playground with shitslam is peace placards on display, more of their kin granted asylum, or there will be more riots on the streets, kiers response will be…….. take the knee and grant it all
  9. Ever do any aboriginals?
  10. Cheese and branston pickle make nice ones too, also brandton pickle on a cheese burger tops
  11. We have them in lough melvin and maybe corrib, they were once in lough neagh and erne system, man killed them off by over fishing a d pollution, so it would be nice to put them back
  12. With fish, id like to see the arctic charr restocked i to rivers all throughout the uk and ireland, they were here in abundance now extinct except for a few pockets of ancient lakes
  13. Im saying it matters if cloning or de extincting a species they have to be genetically compatible ie, closest living relative, until they can incubate in pods with fully mapped and live genomes, thats all,
  14. It matters genetically, we were close enough to be able to breed and create life, we are 99% related to chimps butt cant breed with them, so the other humanids were closer as we could not only breed with them but could create fertile offspring, most likely we coexisted but who was the smarter? We have to say us as we are here today, but in a small portion so are they, so if they found an ancient t type buried on the permafrost would you lime to see if they could splice the dna with ours to see what comes out?
  15. Yes your right there, equally with a better diet we grew stronger aswell, however the med diet is proven to be 1 of the most healthiest on earth so they would have had some cracking nutrition back then too
  16. I dont think it has, look at the differences, but we must have just bred when in close proximity or when our joe biden types rid anything lol, they never went extinct, we absorbed them and obviously kept what was useful and rejected what wasnt, obviuosly after the flood the gene pool narrowed to a few thousand then went from there again, breeding to type sort of.
  17. Do any of you believe in the men of old, the greek and norse mythology? Look at the old marbles and statues, the male back then was much more muscular like the africans too, maybe due to us iventing stuff made us lose the muscle mass?
  18. Yeah bet he was white hahha , gave us the strongest and biggest, probably why we are the strongest on earth at power lifting hahaha
  19. Yes i know that, but we must have pumped the other humanoids and have had enough dna compatible to create a life and a life that was fertile and could keep on procreating
  20. She would be an every holes a goal type of girl, a reet oul slaaaag
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