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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. yeah what would i know. Ive found a lot of people who dont know what to say next just have a pop instead of explaining themselves Not having a pop but to think that groundwork is a rest shows you don't know what your talking about I'm sure you are quite knowledgeable on boxing but you obviously aren't on mma Who said anything about groundwork ? not me.......you are completely missing the point the rules of mma indicate that you are allowed to tie up an opponent and stop them from working you are not allowed to do that within the rules of boxing.......how good somebody is at doing that
  2. Ya know what mate I think your right and it's obviously superman
  3. yeah what would i know. Ive found a lot of people who dont know what to say next just have a pop instead of explaining themselves Not having a pop but to think that groundwork is a rest shows you don't know what your talking about I'm sure you are quite knowledgeable on boxing but you obviously aren't on mma I wouldnt claim to be knowledgable on mma ive never competed at it......ive done a bit with lads who have competed in it just to see what its all about and while we wasnt going full on its enough to gauge whats what.....but you simply cant argue with the rules......a boxers only re
  4. And its taken you 8 pages of arguing for it to finally sink in Not sunk in, your still bleating on about boxing, yawn. I thought the thread was a bout an MMA fighter competing against a boxer...in boxing. If anyone thinks all the talented fighters go to a sport where they'll be paid a fraction of what they would by boxing are deluding themselves. People still buying the UFC advertising "AS REAL AS IT GETS!!!!" Then why are boxers so shit now and the worlds best boxer wouldn't last a round in the ufc and before everyone starts saying its a different sport and a ufc fighter wouldn't
  5. yeah what would i know. Ive found a lot of people who dont know what to say next just have a pop instead of explaining themselves Not having a pop but to think that groundwork is a rest shows you don't know what your talking about I'm sure you are quite knowledgeable on boxing but you obviously aren't on mma
  6. And its taken you 8 pages of arguing for it to finally sink in Not sunk in, your still bleating on about boxing, yawn. I thought the thread was a bout an MMA fighter competing against a boxer...in boxing. If anyone thinks all the talented fighters go to a sport where they'll be paid a fraction of what they would by boxing are deluding themselves. People still buying the UFC advertising "AS REAL AS IT GETS!!!!" Then why are boxers so shit now and the worlds best boxer wouldn't last a round in the ufc and before everyone starts saying its a different sport and a ufc fighter wo
  7. I've seen it a few times British are as soft as shit now if that happens over here there would be a outcry and everyone would need counceling because they have been so offended
  8. And its taken you 8 pages of arguing for it to finally sink in Not sunk in, your still bleating on about boxing, yawn. Exactly mate the world of fighting has moved on boxing don't cut it anymore all the talent goes in to mma that's why the fighters that are champions today wouldn't even be a contender 20 /30 years ago and unless you've experienced mma you don't realise how hard it is that laying on the floor that people think is a rest is twice as hard as standupIf your on the bottom it's not a rest. On top it is. Not necessarily. It might look easy like your just resting but it's constan
  9. And its taken you 8 pages of arguing for it to finally sink in Not sunk in, your still bleating on about boxing, yawn. Exactly mate the world of fighting has moved on boxing don't cut it anymore all the talent goes in to mma that's why the fighters that are champions today wouldn't even be a contender 20 /30 years ago and unless you've experienced mma you don't realise how hard it is that laying on the floor that people think is a rest is twice as hard as standup
  10. No expert but I'm guessing it's shaped like a W
  11. A boxer cant grab his opponent the referee will call break is he does........an mma fighter can go to the ground get in a clinch and stay there for minutes on end before the referee will stand them up.......the only real way a boxer can sneak a breather is on the move an mma fighter can literally lay down and rest his bodyweight on an opponent. Your showing your lack of knowledge there and with the training camp comment unless you've experienced it you don't know what your talking about. I've found a lot of old men make the same mistake
  12. Pretty much in other words if it's a actual fight with world class fighters that need to be well rounded with a big heart mcgregor will win if it's a dance and posing contest in giant gloves that will be stopped of someone gets hit to hard or gets a bruise or god forbid a cut and the only point is to pose and look flashy and get points mayweather could winCasual fight fan are ya then ? Or just looking for a bite.Gatti ward Crawford Gamboa Marquez vs vasquez. Have a look at them. No posing or dancing or fightin hand picked fighters like the ufc favours these days Can you read? Yes why ? T
  13. Pretty much in other words if it's a actual fight with world class fighters that need to be well rounded with a big heart mcgregor will win if it's a dance and posing contest in giant gloves that will be stopped of someone gets hit to hard or gets a bruise or god forbid a cut and the only point is to pose and look flashy and get points mayweather could winCasual fight fan are ya then ? Or just looking for a bite.Gatti ward Crawford Gamboa Marquez vs vasquez. Have a look at them. No posing or dancing or fightin hand picked fighters like the ufc favours these days Can you read? Yes why ?
  14. Pretty much in other words if it's a actual fight with world class fighters that need to be well rounded with a big heart mcgregor will win if it's a dance and posing contest in giant gloves that will be stopped of someone gets hit to hard or gets a bruise or god forbid a cut and the only point is to pose and look flashy and get points mayweather could win Casual fight fan are ya then ? Or just looking for a bite. Gatti ward Crawford Gamboa Marquez vs vasquez. Have a look at them. No posing or dancing or fightin hand picked fighters like the ufc favours these days I've seen th
  15. Pretty much in other words if it's a actual fight with world class fighters that need to be well rounded with a big heart mcgregor will win if it's a dance and posing contest in giant gloves that will be stopped of someone gets hit to hard or gets a bruise or god forbid a cut and the only point is to pose and look flashy and get points mayweather could win
  16. Eh ? They are talking about a straight boxing match of course the boxer is up to it lol McGregor knocked out one of his opponents in one punch, has Mayweather ever done that? Did he do it with boxing gloves on or little 4 oz mitts ?....did he knock out a man from a boxing stance or mma ?.......has Mayweather ever kicked a man ? Ask people who have experienced fight sports you,ll get one answer.....ask people who have just watched fight sports on telly you,ll get a completely different answer its apples and oranges mate. Gloves don't make any difference, if you get hit hard enough, y
  17. Is it a strong stuff collar or are you worried about drowning
  18. I think a lot of people get caught up on the hype they don't like Connor so they look for reasons he will lose they get caught up in floyds mistic so he can't lose but at the end of the day Connor is bigger stronger younger doesn't fear or respect floyd will force floyd to fight his fight floyd would start to pose like he always does and hope for a points win and mcgregor would bully him
  19. Mcgregor throws lots of kicks....have you ever tried throwing a kick at a target thats 6 inches away from you ?.....he WANTS distance because he fights off the opponents momentum the Aldo ko being the perfect example......wait for the lunge,half step back and time the momentum......its pretty basic stuff that he does very well BUT.....a boxer wont allow him that space...........Mayweather is a phenomenal defensive fighter who has fantastic instinctive reactions but from 6 inches not 6 feet......hence he wont give him 6 feet. You keep saying Mcgregor wont let Mayweather do his thing......what
  20. Why would an mma fighter want to hold distance in a boxing contest he cant kick or take down ?.......how do you know Mcgregor is capable of fighting a boxer in close where the referee will call break if he clinches ?....thats why its ridiculous the reasons for doing things are completely different. I don't know if a mma fighter would want to hold distance or not that would be down to the fighter on the night you said a mma fighter only fights at a distance which is ridiculous mcgregor is a well rounded world class fighter I'm sure he would be capable of fighting on the inside. Mayweather relie
  21. " isn't far behind "....its not even close !......they are the complete opposites of each other in every way mma fighters are looking to create space boxers are looking to close space down the footwork is completely different the movement and mentalities are completely different infact the only thing similar is giving and absorbing punishment its like comparing cricket and tennis because they both use a bat and ball ! Personally i dont think Mcgregor would have the power in a boxing ring his punches are all about timing and reacting off his opponents momentum he would be lost fighting up clo
  22. But top class mma boxing isn't quite on the level as top class boxing but it isn't far behind mma is overtaking all other combat sports and floyds posing won't cut it any more and mcgregor won't stand for it
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