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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. Yeh tried that they said the extra money was for leaks
  2. Looking for some advice I own a property that is land locked with a access lane to my gate o share a water supply with the people who own the property in front of mine I want to get my own water supply but would have to go down the access lane that they own they are refusing and saying I have to continue sharing the water supply that they get the bill for and then charge me an absurd amount for does anyone have any idea where I stand on this
  3. Hello lads haven’t been on for a while but I’m on the look out for a jagd pup if anyone can point me in the right direction would be appreciated please anywhere in the uk distance not a problem for the right dog atb
  4. I actually know a polish man called Martin
  5. He’s been here one night is right at home and my three year old has called him hulk
  6. Yeh I have heard that but I have one here already a dog and yes he can be hard work but I’ve got a soft spot for him I’ve been around a few different terriers over the years and for what I do he does suit but I might get another one and regret it
  7. So this is the story my old Lakeland Russel bitch died beginning of the summer leaving me a dog down i mentioned this to a few of my mates and one of them offered me a pup from a upcoming breeding well the time has come the dog is almost ready here’s the problem it’s a dog I want a bitch i am looking to do some kind of a deal for a bitch pup or slightly older the dog is a pure jagd from imported parents I would prefer a jagd but am open to some other cross now before everyone rips into me for wanting to swap dogs and being some sort of peddler I am not and if I don’t find the right deal from t
  8. Spent the day watching soldiers train and a cowboy shootout
  9. My view for the next two days at work
  10. I’m sure I see the bloom brothers taking these single handed with there dogs
  11. I’ve been watching this programme what these people do is insane would never think it would be possible for normal people I was wondering if anyone on here has any experience with similar stuff or if there was any amateur things in this country
  12. Do that offer stand to anyone because I would like to try it
  13. I tried this in the trapping section with no luck I have these traps set all the time baited with peanut butter I had some success with them then nothing I can’t catch anything with them the rats are still here I’ve seen them so should I move them I don’t know if the rats get used to them and won’t go in I don’t know anything about this so any help is appreciated thanks
  14. I’ve got these traps set all the time baited with peanut butter I’ve had reasonable success for about a year now but the last 2 months nothing the rats are stil about as I’ve seen them my question is should I move the boxes to a different place I don’t know anything about trapping so any advice is appreciated thanks
  15. Yes that’s right vanelles kennels I think they have sent dogs to Miranda bullz in Florida but it all comes back to ingles dogs
  16. Yeh he’s still going a kennel in France use his dogs as a base for their own stock
  17. It’s a bull terrier x Australian staghound it’s dead now snake bite or over heating I think
  18. It’s a bull terrier cross I’ve seen it on the Australian pig hunting sites
  19. I was watching that last night as walks back over a bridge behind the van he grabs out of his door surely he’s just got to find out what depot the van come from and go there with the video
  20. Your probably right there mate he knows what to say and what will push peoples buttons
  21. I been reading all the things you been writing on this and the other thread and you go on like you are 200 year old invented dog fighting and hunting and covered the world hunting everything that’s ever existed and to be honest I think half of what your saying is shit mate
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