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About RTurlough

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    at 640 ft above sea level

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  1. Hey, I just wanted to say you have to hold this pup back. If you push her now she will pick her runs and start stalking rabbits on the lamp. I have seen pup after pup ruined by friends slipping far too a young age. 10 months old the bones and muscles are still forming and they just aren't ready. Lamping isn't like a normal hunt because dogs and especially pups are run constantly and sometimes there is either a ton of mileage involved and as well as that hardly time for an adult dog to get its breath before the next run, never mind a pup. If you want a smashing pup, make a pledge
  2. Hey dont worry about the month thing, even a spot on treatment you pick up in the corner shop at the pets stand works for a month. I had one sheep farmer friend who was concerned about the ivermectin and I asked him what did he do......now this is genius.......since he is a sheep farmer he filled a wheelie bin with water and threw in a cup of sheep dip and sloshed it around and the dipped the dog! Cleanest dog in the country, dont know how future pups will turn out....but cleanest dog in the country!!!! lol
  3. My god and to think hunting with terriers is getting such a bad rap these days. If he was to employ pest control to achieve them results through bait boxes he would have been out a clean fortune and no company could achieve those results in a few hours.
  4. He jumped over the gate on a dander down the mountain and I wasn't for opening the gate, so he had to make his way back over again. Lead or no lead.
  5. He is Irish terrier greyhound (lurcher to lurcher) so has great brains about about him, great round sheep and fiery when I need it. He is sitting at 14months old now so just starting out. Two good friends of mine bred him and I tell ya what, dogs of back in the day are so hard to find now.
  6. Luck is what we need for definite buddy. Luckily I have a few Fenn traps out, a few HMR rounds for the grey backs and maggies, as well as feeding the ground with a ton of old carrots and cabbages from Christmas. Strange taken what I know about managing deer and applying it to rabbits. Who ever thought rabbits would need this kind of conservation effort. I definitely didnt!
  7. Crackin lurcher. Ya can't beat the old types. This is my big fella learning how to jump there in early spring of this (nearly last) year. One thing I gotta give you a heads up on injury wise, is see the second you let the pup out of the pen and he is twisting and turning in the garden sprinting, until he is about 11-12 months old those first few minutes out of the pen can make or break your dog for the season. I am long in the tooth buddy and until his muscles properly develop make him walk out of the pen and his head goes straight through the loop of the lead. I have a few pals dogs
  8. If ya get the chance throw up a photo of the pup. Always good to see the dog on the other side. Happy Hunting!
  9. 9 months old but don't expect much and if on the lamp you have a real chance of your dog pulling up after 3 or 4 rabbits and not bothering running for the rest of the night. Drip feed the pup. At 9 months old keep your stuff to a bit of day time ferreting. As for the lamp 1-2 runs on a lamping night. No more, honestly. Taking a 9 month old lurcher pup out hunting is like taking a 10 year old child to a boxing session for the first time, you wouldn't get that child to spar for an hour but just give him about a few minutes so he can go away and think about what he has experienced. Inju
  10. He is happy we took the rabbits off his ground. ?
  11. Big mission happening here to relocate what we have left, moving some to old warrens, unused now for over 2 years. 22 relocated so far. We are only taking several from specific areas and relocating them all round us to make better bloodlines and keep the long-eared populations going for hunting seasons to come. Few burrows kicked out already after only a fortnight. Hopefully the virus wont wipe out our hard work but gonna be a great thing come summer to start seeing chippers again. Hunters duty bound to help and look after what we hunt for not only ourselves but the young hun
  12. Hope you don't mind me adding my pennys worth. You would never encourage a lurcher to chase something that wasn't there, or keep putting a ferret down a dead rabbit burrow so it is vital a Springer isn't asked to work cover that might be dead also. When you watch youtube videos of fieldtrial springers in action, most of the time they are working estate ground with released birds. In fact the ground scent would be crazy which an FT springer has to differentiate between old and new scent. But FT springer are given a time span of about 5-15mins max so bomb through cover for that small
  13. You did the right thing, how do I know this? Because I took the option you were going to pick. Way back, I sold all my dogs and went back to University to do a 2 year course. I got absolutely no where with it. I lost my self, my friends, my hunting and for over 6 years lived out of a back pack, 3 of those years in hostels. Workwise a degree got me nowhere. It has taken me near half a decade to rebuild my life, rebuild a home with dogs that you can call a working line. I now am only back to myself and can truly say I have my energy back. Doing a degree and the bullsh1te of striv
  14. Hey if that is demodex (demodectic mange) the vet wont treat it with anything other than a rinse i.e. Advocate. The only thing for this pup is Ivomec or Bimectin. Now on that note it is advised not to give it to collies as they have a gene which can cause death if given ivermectin (the active ingredient in Ivomec or Bimectin). That said every sheep farmer I know here in the Sperrins will always ask the vet to give their dogs a jag while he is there dosing sheep. Ivomec or bimectin retails at about £20 for 250ml. It is super strong but works miracles for demodex. I mean it is lik
  15. Lads must work their way through this questionnaire! It is completely structured so that many people will not fully understand how to answer and the most important part that we must highlight is for question 7! Sentencing disparity is shocking here, I mean come on, a £40,000 fine or 5 years in prison for hunting a fox with a dog. If answering that question just copy and paste this into the box: "fully opposed due to sentencing disparity as this is a form of unequal treatment where the reason for such severe punishment is not explained. The sentencing is also biased, incongruous, unfa
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