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About hewastheboy

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Arnica for bruising Manuka honey for cuts etc
  2. Yes but not my cup of tea looking for fox deer type dog
  3. No I just rang up about them as seen the axel dog on f,book (yes I know) the story I got was they were all sold but 4 yes 4 lads changed there minds I live miles away so asked if I could leave a deposit for a week and collect but chap said no first come first served now 3 week latter he still got them it's fisheyer than a 3 pound whore
  4. No you make them for that have a try
  5. Yea on pheasant when the hawk grabs them they are in the air so tail is not bashing about on the ground breaking feathers but when grabbing and holding rabbits on the ground it tends to rub the tail and break feathers
  6. Nice goss I find rabbits smash tail feather so only hunt them end of season after doing pheasant
  7. If you do not know that it needs pulling together and closing then I have no hope for you healing this if you do close it rember to leave a drain hole AT THE BOTTOM.
  8. Why would you need a certain type of lurcher if your never going to allow it to do what it's bred to do .
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