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Everything posted by harryshounds

  1. Na too important to Scottish economy. They'll be left alone.
  2. Cops won't be hassling no driven shoots.
  3. Point being I'd rather be out on the land hunting in some form than pack up and walk away.
  4. Point being I'd rather be out on the land hunting in some form than pack up and walk away.
  5. I put this reply on another thread but it fit here too. Lads are being very pessimistic. I mean I'm sure most will probably just carry on but lets say you absolutely wanted to stay within the law, you can still hunt fox and rabbits to a gun, can still dig a fox, can still hunt and kill rats with dogs...... I'm in Ireland, my first love is following foot harriers and digging with terriers but through a series of life's turns I no longer keep hounds or a digging terrier and rarely can I travel the 1.5/2 hrs to follow friends packs so I keep myself very happy just mooching locally wit
  6. Lads are being very pessimistic. I mean I'm sure most will probably just carry on but lets say you absolutely wanted to stay within the law, you can still hunt fox and rabbits to a gun, can still dig a fox, can still hunt and kill rats with dogs...... I'm in Ireland, my first love is following foot harriers and digging with terriers but through a series of life's turns I no longer keep hounds or a digging terrier and rarely can I travel the 1.5/2 hrs to follow friends packs so I keep myself very happy just mooching locally with my ratting terrier and little lurcher, we can still catch rab
  7. In Scandinavia and Germany they eat badger afaik. Very legitimate reason to dig em and kill em if ya eat em.
  8. My lads very unfortunate. Been at vet loads, everything from me nephew catching him with a fishing hook out fishing to bad infections from rat bites and cuts. He seems to get infections easily too, can swell badly. But he's honest trier.
  9. We safe here in Ireland for the foreseeable. But the Green menace is always lurking.
  10. I think the hunting with dogs has been done to death in England and Wales, can't see any party wanting to touch it again.
  11. My lads leg was left gimped, it's out of shape, can see the ball shape on front wrist in the pic. But he does a bit he's definitely limited by it.
  12. This happened 4 yrs ago today.....came up on me Google memory.... He was on his way to being my best ever rabbit lamping dog. Half way through only his 3rd season, only starting to hit his prime. Normally an injury like this would have ment PTS but he was my young sons dog and that just wasn't an option. He never fully recovered and it definitely stopped him ever reaching his potential. I actually didn't lamp him for over a yr after the break. He still hunts a bit, day time mooching and an odd nights lamping but it usually means a few days lame after. Any one else hang on to a dog with a
  13. Is Scotland just a basket case?? Can't see lurcher work on rabbits going anywhere else? Not in a long time. Most people that I've met that don't like the idea of fox hunting with hounds never have an issue with lamping rabbits tbh. Not entirely sure but I'd say catching rabbits with dogs is ok everywhere except Scotland now.
  14. It does look like the lurcher men where thrown to the green wolves tbh.
  15. But who wants to be dealing with solicitors just to do a bit of rabbiting??? It's a massive own goal not keeping rabbits, which are pests, in with rats and mice.
  16. Warning signs and lessons to be learned for every other country.
  17. f***ing hell. Scottish hunting lobby have failed miserably on this one.
  18. Only flushing to guns is legal?
  19. Think the Scot greens and DNP want rid of the redcoats once and for all.
  20. Its really only hound packs that are done?
  21. Can you lamp and bush rabbits and ferrets?
  22. Hunting lobby in Scotland should pack up and f**k off.
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