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Everything posted by harryshounds

  1. After a couple of Sundays out with Foxhounds I was back on my own permission today. Had good ramble, brought the auld side by side with me cos the farmer had lost alot of chickens during the week. Didn't see any chicken killers and only time I could get a bit of video was when he was hunting these rabbits.
  2. "Opinions over the incident have divided the village. One woman even claimed the matter had been ‘blown out of proportion’."
  3. Breakfast.... Steak n eggs, cheese n onion relish.
  4. Nemo, Collie/hound. Id had a couple of lurchers before I got as working hounds but he was first id got as a pup and trained up to a decent standard, good all rounder. I swapped him for a good digging terrier bitch but I always regretted it tbh. The little terrier bitch got killed on the road within a yr. Bout 20yrs ago
  5. I let mine hunt all game. They soon learn rabbits in burrows to be ignored but rats n foxes in ground to be scratched out. Id a great terrier yrs ago, she was tiny could fit to some rabbit holes and would go but I'd know by her it was a rabbit and just walk off and call her off but when was Basil shed stay and the sounding was different so id know. Most terriers and hounds will hunt a fox before anything but they'll hunting anything rather than nothing. I let mine hunt/flush all game n vermin above ground fur n feather. Each to their own. But as to the OP 4 months is to young
  6. Homemade burgers (well seasoned), fried eggs and burger toppings salad on the side.
  7. Still a bit young for rats etc ..... Wait another couple of months and start bringing him to areas there's scent and rabbits and rats about. It'll click.
  8. No, haven't read them. Look em up on line.
  9. Used to read hunting books/mags constantly, had a large collection over the yrs(hardcome, Plummer etc..)but with the Internet/laptops/phones over the last 20 off yrs I read less and less til eventually never at all, so I decided it's time to get back into it. Purchased these over last couple of weeks. Enjoying reading hunting stuff again. Any recommendations for terrier/hound/lurcher/moocher enthusiast?
  10. Hope he works well for ya.
  11. With the scarcity of working native breeds and the stupid money I wouldn't pay for borders my next one be an auld Russell type or Russell x.
  12. Got out for couple of hours today but weather f****d us. Orange weather warning, strong winds and pissing rain but still managed to bolt a rat from pile of sticks and got some chasing at big ears. Dogs were busy non stop but earned a spot at fire even though we finished early.
  13. Steak, eggs, cheese, tomatoes, chorizo.....beer
  14. At yr old ya could start that sort of exercise.
  15. 5 egg omelette with tomato, ham, jalapenos, grated cheese and few sausos! Jalapenos give it a nice kick.
  16. Might be of interest to Lakeland keepers. I don't know the fella or if he's legit a In Lakeland expert but I killed an hour watching these.
  17. Well all my currs are loyal AF. When everyone in house is giving me the cold shoulder my dogs welcome like returning war hero. My terriers, lurchers and hounds always happy to be out with me no matter how debauched my behavior.
  18. Bit ya but he's still loyal, like a brother, they beat shit outta ya but if someone else touches ya they smash em up.
  19. So true. Most (not all) humans in your life will at some time f**k ya over or let ya down. But a dog, they're staunch, 100%.
  20. Ours don't drop to ground so we can hunt anywhere without a care, thankfully. Good ground for mooching.
  21. Watched plenty of his YouTube vids. He's good with animals. He understands his dogs.
  22. https://www.instagram.com/calebfjholden?igsh=MWs0ZWljOWxjd3M1cA==
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