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fat man

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Everything posted by fat man

  1. If she were only a fox bitch i would not breed from her cause i would not keep her,unless she had done her time on badger for a good number of year.
  2. Nice pair of terriers liam,that bitch looks the buisness.
  3. A lot of men i knew that dug badger consistanly would try and keep there dogs away from fox for obvious reasons.Not every fox is easy dug but that's down to the ground your working not the dog that is with it.If a fox can push a terrier when the presure is on then that terrier is questionable.We all here in eire have to settle for what we can legaly dig now and that is fox,but i still say they are no match for a desent terrier.I see some of the dogs that are been bred nowadays and have seen big lumps of dogs been drove back by fox how would these fare out against badger,they would'nt.Fair play
  4. Im not saying fox is easy quarry,im saying its easier to get a dog to work fox's than badger,pre ban.I know you do a bit with hounds kevin but your not honestly saying that the dogs of today that work fox on a weekly basis are better than the dogs that worked badger.I have seen first hand the best of fox dogs come away from badger and so did you if your truthfull.I never seen a badger dog come away from fox.Iknow we cant dig them anymore and its a pity cause they were the ultimate challenge for a terrier.Im not trying to stir shit or anything like that with any man or lady who dig fox,but i do
  5. I agree with SHAMO,i think it all boils down to what the dogs are worked on.I have seen dogs that are worked week in week out on fox,but would they go the distance with badger,PRE BAN of course.I have seen quarry dug one week and released and dug again the following week again,would the fox dogs of today be able to hold one that's been dug a few times,i have my doubt's.I have been lucky enough to have had the pleasure to dig both and in my eyes fox dogs are easy enough come by.It was a whole different ball game to keep consistant badger dogs and dogs that were dug to weekly.There the type of l
  6. Enjoy him,they make a great companion.
  7. P3D i have only used it a handfull of timesbut all with the same result,one side of the terrier.I have heard other lads complain about the same thing.We use the orthovox or the old deben with great success.Hole wise it depends on depth,if it was say 6ft in depth we open say 5ft long by 4ft wide,always enough room to work the shovel and to break through without hassle.Deeper then a longer wider outlet,all depends on the earth were diging.
  8. Not been funny but a small lurcher or whippet would be more siutable for your job.I like the staff's but cant see them been fast enough for a bolting rabbit,ok it might nail an odd one but could'nt see the catch rate been very high.JMHO.
  9. Its only in the last ft or so id use it,gives you an idea how much is left and helps in the break through,just the way i do it,people differ.
  10. The bar is an invaluble piece of equipment when diging without locater,even to this day i would not be without it.How many times have collars failed or a cave in occured in soft running sand,then the bar comes into its own.We always use locater now but i still like to push the bar through to find exactly where tube is.I have dug with the BnF a few times and we seemed to come down one side of the terrier so bar comes into use again.Maybe its a case of old habits die hard but i always say why change a winning team.
  11. What is a petterdale,is it black..choc..black.n.tan.rough.smooth.leggy.small.bull headed box headed.hard.bayer fcuk me is there such a breed or are they all just terriers.
  12. how were you so polite chubbs thought it was us english that were the polite ones lol id be majorly pissed if was my permission especialy with nob head poachers like you described as people have said there are two sorts or poacher those being the worst Geting old bogger,and its nice to be nice.
  13. No blue bear i dont own the ground but have permission on it.Not nice to see every hare on it killed just for the fun of it.People wonder why farmers run them when they see them out coursing,its pricks like them lads give everyone with a lurcher a bad name.ICEMAN i read on here a while back that the north is full of hares so why do the lads travel so far to get a run.Dont get me wrong i have nothing against the north lads,just seems a long way to come to run a hare.I know lads meet lads from each side for a day out but i see the north lads down this side pretty often
  14. Did you get the service of that dog or get that dog.I think a few are mixed up about it.
  15. Ùsed to be plenty about my area until a shower of c**ts came in from a different area and practially wiped them out.They were sliping 3or4 dogs at any time.The local coursing club intervened and got rid of these boys and they then started to release hares in the area.I can now see a build up of hares again in the area.We were out after fox with the gun club a few week back and i counted 9 hare leaving a small cover out into a big rushie field.I dont mind any man geting a run at a hare but when you have fcuking wankers like who hunted here about it spoils it for everyone.Why cant all these so
  16. Slip a short piece of copper piping up on tail and tape it to the tail,easy remove and will protect the tail in cover.
  17. best way mate [bANNED TEXT] one knows one knows [bANNED TEXT] two know every ucker knows and thats the way to disaster newbie ta site hope dint mind me junpin in all best dan No prob dan welcome to the site.
  18. Can see this is on a down hill slope all the way.
  19. Did you try it on the lamp :11: I've been going to Brians for years and can honestly say i've never seen a BIG dog there. Maybe its one of his sons siluki crosses you got haha.
  20. Mossy he never mentioned taken them alive,i understood they were for the pot.I know its tricky getting them out when there alive and the b*****ds can bite hard.Often had one kill itself from jumping about and hiting the peer or a stone on the ground.Know a man who was in the horrors from drink and on the same morn caught a hare while netting.Well the keep bag was a few yards away so in all the confusion with the hangover he left down the hare to fetch the bag and away with the hare down the field,so funny he could have got 20pound for it live and cured his hangover,but ended up with nowt only
  21. There's no dogs called a turnspit,the turnspit was a device used for spit roasting a pig.
  22. Shoot them then you will get even closer,haha only joking.
  23. Have'nt seen any smashed up terriers on here yet,not that i want to,i think they should be kept in the privisy of there kennell away from prying eyes.It only takes 1 bunny hugger to upset the apple cart.
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