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Everything posted by RogerTheCat

  1. Any of these may be able to help. The only problem is they are Dwarfs not midgets but once your guests have had a few beers they will never spot the difference My link My link My link Happy tossing
  2. I have got a japennese water stone, a butcher steel and Fallkniven DC4 Whetstones (which is a sort of stone on one side and metal plate with diamonds in it on the other) I find the jap water stone best for sharpening carbon steel blades such as my mora knife and my billhook The butchers steel is best for sharpenning my Buck pen knife which is 371 stainless steel The Fallkniven DC4 Whetstones is best for sharpening my leatherman but also small enough to keep in my pocket when i am out. I think the point i am trying to make is that different sharpeners seem to work best with di
  3. In Bruges , great film
  4. If i am just out walking about anything I shoot (that can be eaten) gets taken home and used to make a meal. If I am ferreting the guy who has brought the ferrets gets the pick of the bunnies to feed to his ferts. Whatever is left gets divided amongs us and eaten. At the monet I do leave corvids but once i get my own ferts i will give them the breasts.
  5. buy a 6x4 shed, £130. concrete the floor, make a nest box and add some toys. sorted. oh and get him/her a friend for company. or if your anywhere near leicester you could come round and pick up a hutch from me for free. Why do you need to concrete the floor? Why can't you use teh wooden floor the shed comes with thats just the way i was shown by the old man when i was a kid. Thats ok. I am building mine with a wooden floor and thought i was doing something wrong
  6. buy a 6x4 shed, £130. concrete the floor, make a nest box and add some toys. sorted. oh and get him/her a friend for company. or if your anywhere near leicester you could come round and pick up a hutch from me for free. Why do you need to concrete the floor? Why can't you use teh wooden floor the shed comes with
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rr54Jps52Y
  8. Jedward - talentless nobodies who became "famous" because of some talent show. I think most of them off any of the realty tv shows and and tv talent shows are nobodies. Someone else who gets on my tits is Danny Dyer. The way he talks and tries to pretend that he is just some ordianry bloke and not some poncey actor. Also my old boss, what a b***h she was.
  9. Bad idea. High risk of arthritis from working all day in a damp environment
  10. My sister looked after a few underweight rescue dogs a few years ago. She always feed them lots of small meals rather than one or two big ones. Sometimes with an undernourished dog thier digestive systems can not cope with a big meal and it just goes straight through them
  11. I sent him the same message when he spammed me
  12. To read the view of the CPS and bear in mind that they are the ones who wil be prosecuting follow this link: CPS Reasonable force My personal view is that I should be able to use whatever force I want against anyone who with a view to committing a criminal offence sets foot on or in my property. My home, my castle. Outside of my home I should be able to use whatever force is needed to defend myself and my familey. If the attacker has a weapon or its 2 or 3 of them against me or the attacker is on drugs then no question I should be able to use lethal force. What I am not so sure a
  13. I decided to go out with the lamp tonight and try and get a few bunnies. As I am shinning the lamp I get two sets of big eyes reflected back at me. We have a fox problem and have been loosing chickens so this was my opportunity to even the score. I keep the lamp just in front of the eyes and pop my fox call in my mouth whilst swapping the cartridges in my gun to some a bit beefier. I start squeeking away trying to get one of the two foxes to come closer. Nothing they just stared at me. Eventually I get fed up and decide to sneak towards the eyes in the hope of getting close enough to shoo
  14. Couple of favorites of mine are In Bruges The Departed Borat We Were Solidiers
  15. Brown with bacon every time and sliced white bread not that brown stuff
  16. My friend always feeds his ferrets in the morning before they work. They are a mix of ages and all seem to work the same
  17. Thanks for the advice. Will give it a try next time I am out with the lamp
  18. I am building a ferret court and have used plain untreated wood which seemed like a good idea at the time. It has just occurred to me that left like that it will just rot. So how should I treat the wood? I have been to B&Q and looked at the various wood treatments and have no idea which would be best. Any suggesting would be gratefully received
  19. hi roger hw long did it take all in all to get your money back? atb steve I was phoning them for 6 maybe 8 weeks and getting nowhere. I emailed them this letter (below) and also sent it by post. i did not send it by recorded delivery as they would probabley just refused to accept recorded delivery letters. Anyway the money was refunded onto my credit card within a matter of days. I got the name of the owner of the buisness from this newspaper article which also shows his face which was handy should i have needed to visit te shop. My link My letter ""TO Cyr
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