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Everything posted by p3d

  1. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  2. Not sure choosing a breed is the best option. If you could get your hands on a failed digging terrier it would probably suit you because it will NOT go to ground. Busterdog has a fine kennel of dogs, If he or a guy like him is willing to give you the dog which will not suit him. Happy days. Better than putting the dog down. If it was agreeable to both of you, you could neuter the dog to prevent breeding from it. Best of luck in your search.
  3. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  4. Yes, 1/4 EBT. just put his pic up to show the type. He was not the best. I preferred the Staff Bullx myself.
  5. They look in great shape, credit to you. Best of luck with them. You will have to call the second pup SPOT.
  6. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  7. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  8. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  9. Best of luck with them. Hope they follow in their parents footsteps. Great to see working Borders.
  10. Just my opinion but the Irish Terrier as it is known today is dead and gone. Tell your friend to get a Red Fell/working type Lakeland and he will be closer to the original working dog. ATB
  11. Mr Bluck's site has been running for some time now. I joined hoping it would start something useful for the working side of the breed. But I think it was a mistake from the beginning. IMO it would be better to use a site like THL or Moochers to create the network required. These sites are established and working. All of our energy should be spent just working the dogs. Learning from the experiences of all terriermen. There are good kennels of Working Borders on these sites. What more would anyone need?
  12. IMO it is sad to see a breed destroyed by the Show people. Below are a few of the original "Fox terriers". __________________________________________________________________________________________________ "OLD TIP" The first wire fox terrier which is authentically recorded was OLD TIP. He was bred by the Master of the Sinnington Hounds in Yorkshire around 1866. The dog was never shown but was bred and used solely for work. Although his actual pedigree is unknown Old Tip is the source from which all our present-day wires emanate. Old Tip sired three champion sons from dams o
  13. Agree with everything that was said. Socialise the pup to as many things/places/stock/people as possible for the first few months. (The same as any dog.) IMO no need for any special training at this stage (up to 6-8 months)but be disciplined with it. Get her out in the country, not woodland walks or parks but agricultural land. (obtain permissions). If you come across rabbits and you probably will, do not encourage her. She will chase them in the open, but keep walking ahead. If you see a fox in the open , walk over the trail, let her pick up the difference. If she picks up on the scen
  14. mammut barryvox pulse 3.00 Matulkoh, would you still recommend the barryvox pulse 3.0 instead of the New barryvox box out next month?
  15. Best of luck, that's a good size permission. Should keep the dogs busy for a while.
  16. It could be a condition called pyoderma. Small hard wart like blisters, Crusting can form over parts of the skin. The skin will look slightly raw if the crust falls away. It does not seem to affect the dog too much. If it is this,you will need antibiotics and a medical wash from the vet. ATB
  17. Not nit picking BD, The core values that you have, are what terriermen should live by. But every terrierman will have their own plan for their kennel. It must be clear when you gift a pup as to what you expect in return. They may ask for your advice, and not take it. They might breed one of your line to a good working Russell or Smooth Black. They should offer you a pup from the first litter, but you may not want it. Would you then consider that they have behaved badly? Not nit picking, Mosby has started a good post. ATB.
  18. Just to clarify BD, Are you giving the pup to someone. Or are you loaning the pup to someone. If loaning the pup, at what stage does the person take ownership? (i.e. They can sell,cull,loan out,breed,gift pups themselves etc..) 1 year old, 2 years old ... ever. ""Ask yourself this, would you still take the pup with the restrictions attached ??, damned right you would because it's the pup that will make an average terrierman into the great terrierman, your only as good as the dog in the ground."" IMO A great dog does not make a great terrierman. I believe this has to be earned by
  19. IMO "Character and mannerisms" are things the dog does not worry about, these are human attributes. When you say "how it goes about stuff" do you mean the progress a young dog is showing at tracking, bushing, ratting etc.. Any terrier should progress steadily over the first 12 months if YOU put the time in. Their prey drive should be hard wired. But at 12 months if it won't work cover, use it's nose and dispatch rats quickly, there is something wrong. Providing you are honest that you gave the dog every chance. Was it socialised with people, dogs, car travel, farm stock (3-6 months) H
  20. Hi Vixen, Are you willing to part with one copy of the book, I would be interested in buying. P3D. Edited to add; Jumped in too quickly, maybe obi2 would want a copy, its his post. But if he does not, I am still interested.
  21. Thats some price Herdwick! Is it a good read, any photographs pre 1900's of Border's working in it. I would buy a copy but not at that price. ATB
  22. OK FM, I worked and have seen BullX's in the past myself, great dog if you got a good one, like most types. I was trying to highlight the 2 extremes. One extreme only believe in Hard dogs, and the other extreme have sporting terriers. In the middle as Cleanspade said, there is a grey area. Every terrierman has his own methods,his likes and dislikes. Both extremes are like born again christians, if you don't go along with what they believe in, you are dammed. They leave very little room for what I believe are the majority in the middle. An example from my own past, a Staff/ Russell cr
  23. A terrier that doesnt stay till it is dug with out being called out is a quitter ...a jacker ..a spewer ...it has walked of the job end off story ....there is no doubt some of they types have there uses ...There will be many lads that dont realise what differant types of terrier with all sorts of situations and uses is needed on a hunt Del glad to see you have put your toys back in the pram when some lads dont agree with things you have written ..this would be a boring forum if we all thought the same if you keep dogs to dig to i agree whole heartedly but if you keep terriers to bo
  24. I have read and bought a good number of Border Books over the years. There are no Working Border terrier books to speak of. Most of the better books (and they are not great) use a standard boring formula. The first chapter is a bad copy of Border terrier history. A lot of made up history about the "Border Hunt" "Cheviot Hills" etc.. Second chapter deals with the Show history since the early 1900's. lots of photo's of early champion's. Third Chapter deals with showing the dog, it may involve instructions about stripping the coat. if there is a chapter on working the Border. It will invol
  25. .17 hmr rifle the only way Most people can't get fox on a 17hmr ticket let alone old brock, the powers that be always prefer overkill. If I was to hazzard a gues I would say they will want a min of .243. I have .223 and .243 but if given the choice it would have to be the .223, what it looks at falls over nice and clean . 22.250 would be my choice rather than the .223 ideal for the job The type of gun might be less important than the ability to kill the badger with one shot. I don't shoot, but i am guessing that even the best marksman can miss. Unlik
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