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Everything posted by wireviz

  1. [Nice going there and it looks to have very good volume should let a few youngsters in to fight of the place.
  2. Local that makes two of you Thst you and Johns guest my dogs are there only for the poseing. cufts here i come lol
  3. HA HA Bigears i thought you had dug up Micheal JACKSON for a minute there cool pick but i know this that dog with change when on quarrie. Harder than a Glasgow door man them things
  4. Hey no need to worry on this site mate most of us should have went to school more but then i might not have been as good at deer stalking ps i used spell check.
  5. I dont know what i am going to do looks like i have lost my new dog to the family .I just hope that i can have a famaliy pet and a hunting dog any one have a dual dog .
  6. Callum i got her from a chap called owen beardsley in stafford. He has a real nice bitch and the dog was an import. Were did you get that nice woman in your Avitar i have been looking for one like that for years well done.
  7. This is the final draft respoce what is in here will stay. Read all the sections and respond. There is a section asking to respond on the Peri- Urban Deer section of the best practice guide but sadly that has not been writen. http://www.snh.gov.uk/land-and-sea/managing-wildlife/managing-deer/code-of-deer-management/
  8. Nice Buck john one for the wall for the posing to clients mate.They are looking a tad scruffy at the moment and hair gets every ware but hey what can you do.
  9. Martin he is 11 years and thats old for his breed but by the time i get the new girl working 24 months he will i am sure be alot slower. But he has brightend up since the new dog came.
  10. Its a she BMH and training underway lads and old Buck will help sad day when an old dog retires .Some on here will remeber when he first started his deer work dont time fly.VIDEO
  11. Nice pictures John and a reaction i have seen many times to a heart lung shot normally the rest of my deer at the end of the clip will run like a greyhound for a 30-40 mtr Death run.
  12. Well i got my dog today and it was smiles alround always like to start a new dog traing its great but the look on the old Bucks face when his replacement waddled in kind of took the shine off it all. So out with the old in with the new. OLD BUCK AT HIS BEST The new upstart
  13. Never miss a chance shy wains get nae sweetys
  14. John he looked hit mate did you go to the strike site take your dog etc was there any signs of blood at the site hair pins etc Just kidding mate Christ if i had put that on the SD site i would have got ate alive. Nice we live vid and shows that even deer can get a real surprise
  15. Shit John that is a load of venison mate and i thought i was on top of my game with 7.
  16. Well done FD nice start i took this lad off the edge of a motorway forst Big buck and he will make a medal. Hopefully the sign of a good season but who know.
  17. Hey john thats the tall one that was in the video in velvet mate nice long buck will he make a medal after all.
  18. Well done Foxy nice boar and in your case is Diana not the goddess of poaching
  19. If i get asked a price on a bit of ground were i am removing deer as a job and that it might not be sustainable year in year out. I charge £20 per hour and will charge a wee bit extra if i need to travel quite a distance . I tell them i will be there three hours moring and three evening so they know whats what
  20. Great looking Buck mate looks like you will have a bit of work cleaning the velvet off .
  21. You can shoot Roe deer in scotland with no cert needed and they can be shot as vermin if crop protection is the reason for shooting them
  22. Welcome back foxhunter care to give us the strength of you knowlage and tell us what cased this afliction. I have seen it a few times my thoughts are more to the wet ground as mine had no injury.
  23. Yes should be but it looks like this site blocks other sites. Try my pm i have cleared it.

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