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Everything posted by foxfan

  1. There are safeguards in the constitution to stop that happening, if it was possible, dont you think Brown or his odious predecessor teflon tony would already have done it. However, the lisbon treaty if or when it gets passed, will be the final nail in the coffin of british democracy.
  2. Those coyotes are caught in leg hold traps that can be dragged so as to stop the animal from chewing off there own leg.The Dogs have to find the coyotes or foxes that have dragged away the traps and bay until the hunter finds them.I think its called PEST CONTROL Judging by the pictures, i think he would do just as well with a pair of binoculars, as that pair of dogs. Pest control ? and heres me thinking he was gonna eat them.
  3. I'm starting to feel a little more optomistic since the expenses row hit the headlines. people are starting to take an interest in whats going on, and shed some of the apathy thats been so prevalant. Just look at this thread for example, people airing strong views The BNP are enjoying popularity at the moment, for the simple reason that, the left wing have stifled healthy debate to such an extent, that people feel they have nowhere else to turn. The arrogance of this present government (and to a certain extent, the other two main parties) is staggering and si
  4. Hang on, those coyote's are caught in a leg hold trap, they cant go anywhere, the bloke knows where he set his traps, how are these dogs earning their keep ? Totaly unecessary, if you ask me.
  5. Put some broken biscuits in a little pile, near a steep bank, then overnight the foxes (attracted by the biscuits) will gnaw into the surrounding trees, felling them into a neat pile over the biccies. They will happily live in this pile of sticks, up to 9 at a time. I've gone too far hav'nt i ?
  6. Oh no, i knew it would end in tears. Rod you're under attack from all sides, i fear the worst. Dont worry about it. On here every one's a fricking expert.
  7. No, not trying to twist your words Rod, and i wasnt talking personaly about you walking, just using a hypothetical situation, to make a point. I appreciate you have a useful bitch there, but like many have said before me, "dont knock the hard dog"
  8. Think you need to be a bit careful there, as you sounded as though you were saying that the determined dog is inferior to the yapper, We all know that there are situations, where the yapper just wont cut it ? As you know some foxes can be very determined and aggresive, they dont want to bolt and they aint gonna, what does the yapper do then ? Do you walk away from the earth ?
  9. I know a good bolting dog is very useful, when you have a fox in, where angels fear to tread, (the B word) or a very difficult place, but in an honest to goodness fox earth, i know which dog i'd rather use, i like a dig, hey ho.
  10. Have to say, that your argument does'nt hold water Rod, If control is paramount, then the determined (hard) dog is even more important, you KNOW nothing is going to be left to ground.
  11. The reason the government wont do anything about immigration, or even debate the subject, is because they cant, they are powerless. they have already surrendered % of our right to self govern over to brussels. Look at my other thread on the E U. Probably the most important piece of knowledge you will learn in your lifetime. I am not usualy a political person, but this gives all the answers.
  12. foxfan

    E U

    Swampy, people are more interested in peter andre and jordans marriage break up. Talk about fiddling while rome burns.
  13. Well make the most of it wherever you are from, cos soon were all gonna be "european" Ruled by two dozen buerocrats, in Brussels, who are unelected, unaccountable, unsackable, and immune from prosecution. Think i'm joking ? It's already happening my friends, but most people are more interested in peter and jordan splitting up. In the words of Fraser, from dads army, "were doomed, doomed i tell ye"
  14. I say old chap, i'm English And an English gentleman at that, Dashed fine thing to be, i think.
  15. foxfan

    E U

    I know mate. Think you're too young to vote anyway ?
  16. foxfan

    E U

    Please take time to look at the link, there are 4 short films. Dont think it doesnt affect you. There is a European election coming up on june 4th atb ff
  17. foxfan

    E U

    The more you look into this organisation, european parliment, the more incredible it is that we are having anything to do with them. Soviet union, European union, same doctrine.
  18. foxfan

    E U

    Everyone should be aware of this. Research the E U and see what you think Say no to europe. atb ff.
  19. I would'nt worry too much about global warming, If you realy want to see whats in store for us, just type "new world order" into you tube, Be afraid, be very afraid.
  20. Thats a nice tribute pal. atb ff.
  21. What a lovely memory you will have of her, pal. Something special that. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Takes one to know one, buster. I'm quite happy with what i've got.
  23. LOL Well, you cant say fairer than that, straight from the horses mouth. Any chance of a pup ? :11:
  24. Well, well well, once again the truth is distorted behind "smoke and mirrors" Who's right, who's wrong, will we ever know, do we give a f*ck. I didnt realise Stevens stuff was protected by the official secrets act. I'd never of asked, if i'd known.
  25. Yes they are about, or used to be. I've seen a couple, owned one that was on the way to being one, before she payed the ultimate price, whilst lamping. Mate of mine had a bitch like that, i remember once she coursed a hare through a hedge and out of sight, came back through the hedge some minutes later, with a mallard drake and retrieved it live to hand. I saw that bitch take a leveret out the squat in broad daylight. Dont think you can breed for them, they just happen every now and then, although collie blood helps. atb ff.
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