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Everything posted by foxfan

  1. Lots of pollared willows near me and as we all know, they will climb a fair old hieght up into them. Whats the digging like earth, is it that chalk ?
  2. Sadly Agenda21 is no conspiracy theory. google " the UN comission on global governance" its all been published. Scary stuff.
  3. EU PLOT TO FORCE BRITAIN TO TAKE MORE MIGRANTS Britain could be forced to accept a fresh wave of migrant workers from India under EU plans Monday November 8,2010 By Macer Hall, Political EditorBRITAIN could be forced to accept a fresh wave of migrant workers from India under secret plans being discussed in Brussels, a leaked document reveals. Officials want the UK to take 40 per cent of up to 50,000 Indian skilled migrants expected to come to Europe every year under a new international free trade agreement, European Union discussion papers show. The proposed quota of migran
  4. Who would of ever thought that the Jack Russell would end up standardised and KC registered, but its happened. I think its inevitable that the same will happen with the Patterdale ? Years ago you couldnt buy a bad one, now they have already split into the work or show type.
  5. What exactly is your point with this picture? Picture deleted as it seems some were offended and/or want to make an issue.
  6. Thank god someone else can see it ! They keep you lot distracted with in fighting, whilst plundering the real wealth, destroying industry, and eradicating British culture. Wake up for fooks sake !!!
  7. Over the last few weeks it has been my misfotune to meet a few pet owners with ridiculous parodies of pats, who have proudly informed me that their dogs are patterdale, These dogs were oversized and unsuitable in every way as a working terrier. An aquantance of mine asked me if i wanted "another Patterdale", when i asked why, i was told that he was getting rid of a bitch becauase she threw white pups in her last litter, he said thats ok as i can sell them as "jackerdales" or Patterjacks, or some other stupid name, but they dont go for as much money as the "pure Patterdales" I fear for
  8. so its just blacks is it....theres decent blacks aswell you know,also what about all the other racies in london,there is good and bad in all but what about these british perverts over 85 % are WHITE britsh males Are you talking about judges and politicians ??
  9. You'd look the part walking round the mead with one of them !! Ive heard that they are shitbags who only want to know while they are winning All the best.
  10. What the hell is out there lurking in the British countryside to warrant using such dogs ? Using a sledge hammer to crack a walnut, if you ask me.
  11. Bert Gripton was a bit of a character apparently. Theres plenty who domt get written about.
  12. foxfan

    The French

    You have to admire the French for standing up for themselves. If this takes off, the powers that be are gonna sh*t themselves. It seems to be going viral on the net. breakingpoint Commented 2 days ago in Politics7039 views“European Bank Run on 7th December 2010 The French want to break their banks by withdrawing their money on December 7th. French activists call for a Europe-wide and joint account termination on 7 December 2010 "Everyone should get his money from the account." What does this protest? In France the last few weeks has been enough protest. Since demons
  13. Oops this is the one i meant. They stole his elephant
  14. For pure bone crunching kick ass muay thai high jinks, it has to be the one, the only Tom Yung Goong. I think the body count is around lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXIGP6_fNZk
  15. Exelent Theyve turned taking our money off us into a science.
  16. Found this reply from a member of the public, in response to a newspaper article on this subject. In light of the fact that just about everything is being sold off it Sums up the position quite accurately imo. "The British Government is about to sell off over half of all UK Forests that are currently under the control of the Forestry Commission to private corporations as the asset-stripping of the UK is begun on behalf of the International Monetary Fund and the Big Six Beast Banks. During the IMF Riots in Greece, the Greek government was busy selling off several islands to the sam
  17. didnt realise you were in eire mate, just thought you were incriminating yerself . fair play to ye
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1322872/Poisoned-woods-Ordeal-family-hit-mystery-illness-thats-killed-30-pets.html
  19. A, Plenty of people TALK a good game B, This site is a nest of vipers (in the background)
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