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Everything posted by foxfan

  1. Taken from UK Column website. Every idiot they roll out this morning to comment on yesterday's continuing treasonous attack on the British people has said "we must pay down the deficit." They are all liars. Every one. We must not pay off the deficit. Not one penny. We need to recognise first and foremost that the majority of debt owed by this nation has come about through the traitors in Westminster paying people's gambling debts. We must force these traitors to enact legislation similar in intent to Glass Steagall. Any debt which does not meet the standards set by th
  2. The BBC (British Betrayal Corporation) has sank to the level of soviet state TV, so i would question anything i see/hear from them, as you can garantee it has a marxist political slant. In this case i would suggest the underlying message is "Everyone blindly hate the muslims, so when we kick the shit out of them it doesnt realy matter, as they are only smelly ragheads" or "uppety mussies, lets ivade Iran" of course at the same time they they pretend to be sympathetic to them, as that also fucks us all right off. Thats how they influence public opinion to accept illegal wars that are very
  3. 35 billion a year in foriegn aid, ringfenced. 42 million per DAY on the EU, set to increase, and yet they target benefits, now we see the reason why they allowed mass immigration. . .to end the welfare state.
  4. Was asked to deal with a pheasant killer recently, so as we had the first real frost this morning, i thought i would take a look and hey presto. A good bitch at her work Prior to humane despatch After HUMANE despatch Sorry pics aint the best, me camera was steamed up !
  5. Nice strong bitch to carry a line on, i always think dogs have the cold hard courage, bitches have the fury !
  6. Bullshit !....Lalonde was one of the worst champions in the history of the division,Leonard showed his age in this fight getting kocked down and tagged more than once,weight wasnt a factor either.The best fight Leonard was in was the first Hearns fight. jaysus Gnasher yer a hard man to please, Leonard certainly looked the smaller man to me. I seem to remember from the Tyson thread that you rated Lennox, personaly i thought he was mediocre, oh he could box alrite but he always seemed a little over cautious to me. I suppose this thread realy comes down to peoples favourite fighters.
  7. Colour co-ordinated shovels !! good do lads
  8. yeh, sometimes we forget how good fighters were, remember "the brawl in montreal" ?
  9. J C Chavez v Meldrick Taylor Alexis Arguelo v Ruben Olivares Gatti v Ward Benn v Mclennan Who did Marciano beat when his nose was opened to the bone ? Sure someone will know, anyway that one as well.
  10. Why is the thread called MALMUTES save his life, not dogs or lurchers, shit its no big deal, i got a wee terrier bitch who is good as gold round the farms but she wont let stock near me.
  11. if he'd had decent dogs wi him the cattle wouldnt of got anywhere near him. hope he's not too badly hurt.
  12. "Whats that Skippy? uncle lou is stuck down the mine, you say ! I'll go get help"
  13. I had a mate, well we grew up together, tho went our seperate ways as we got older. He was always very intelligent and went on to become a dentist, in fact he had several practices up and down the country, im not joking when i say he was minted, he owned property everywhere, was having a house built in venezuala because its the best place for kite surfing, which he was into. he always remained down to earth and was a good pal even after he'd made it. He threw himself off a cliff. How do you explain that ? he left assets of between 8 and 10 million quid. People who havent experienced it, ha
  14. foxfan


    Maybe he could join Gordon Brown and the rest of the jocks who are running England, They're all big headed useless bast*rds as well
  15. foxfan

    Good songs

    Stick with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J3j74R9dbw
  16. foxfan

    Good songs

  17. Gawd, i'm getting fed up with spelling it out, but here we go again. Immigration is just one of many symptoms created by a government who are bought and paid for by the banking elite. They are intent on taking us into a federal europe, a single currency and ultimately enslaving us with debt. Any of the three main parties are set on the same road, they do not have the peoples interest at heart. Untill people wake up, and stop being happily led by the nose, from one downturn to another, while quality of life gets steadily worse and worse, nothing will change.
  18. Border lad has raised the important issue. Back in the 80s when this topic realy started, i was a young(ish) lad starting out, i found it quite disheartening, to think that "real" dogmen were hoovering up vast hauls of bunnies with ease, What was wrong with my dogs ? Why wernt they happily plonking 100s of rabbits into my eager, yet hoplessly green hands ? Only with time and experience (and becoming a little decrepid) did i realise, why the f*ck would you want to catch that many ? unless its a job of work, it can only be one reason, BRAGGING RIGHTS, a bit hollow, imho. S
  19. Yes indeed, Working dogs . . . . some of the best friends i've ever had.
  20. Erm. . . . . you could soak the complete before you feed it ! Still digests at a different rate. Bones and meat digest at the same rate ?
  21. Erm. . . . . you could soak the complete before you feed it !
  22. Well, if i had a hat, i would take it off, and admit i was wrong ! Fair play lads, i MUST be doing summat wrong. atb ff.
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