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dean 29

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Status Updates posted by dean 29

  1. I love you for who you are, not what you are. It's who you are that attracted me in the first place. I love YOU!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lab


      No mate your still f****d ....lol

    3. nitestalker 28

      nitestalker 28

      fair play mate nice to be in love and be proud of it i am mad in love with my woman and were 12 years together in 10 days and 3 kids its nice to still be in love after tat many years she is a diamond eva



      Untill thet fcuk off with someone lol SLAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

  2. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT..... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions. If you agree with this please post this as your status!! I AM A PROUD BRITISH CITIZEN... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Do you have what it takes to repost this?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lab


      Cant wait to go for my tree this year then...i f*****g pray the man says i cant call it a xmas tree so i can tell him to stick it right up his f*****g arse then....lol

    3. bringthepain
    4. Lab


      oh you gay boy!!

  3. is playing mw3.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lab


      correct jacko.....ffs!!..lol

    3. scothunter
    4. fazza123


      the game is brilliant,just wish i was any good at it??


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jessythewhippet


      Youll not hsve any fiends saying ` I have no friends` lmao

    3. Simoman


      You on a downer with your updates

    4. scothunter


      are these real friends,or just the cyber friends that so many of you crave,and think your life is not complete,unless you have 50+strangers on your facebook page

  5. I may not be the brightest or the prettiest but I have a big heart, and I'm me.

    1. Carraghs Gem

      Carraghs Gem

      well the first parts probably true!



      Do I see someone who wants sympathy? Reads like a lonely hearts coloum at the back of a slutty mag lol

  6. I'm as bored as a midget in a theme park...

  7. TIP OF THE DAY never hold Ur fart in because it travels up Ur spine into Ur brain and that's were u get Ur shit ideas cum from lol

    1. smithie


      you held that fart too long.. lol

    2. whippetmad
  8. is having a day where I feel like smashing people's faces in

    1. Simoman


      Anger management issues?

    2. scothunter


      better watch they dont smash your face in lol

  9. "2 eggs boiling in a saucepan! 1 female, 1 male! she turns 2 him &says ' look, i've got a crack!' He replies, 'No point telling me, i'm not even hard

  10. Place this cat and dog on your wall to show that you are against animal cruelty..../\„,„/\......... //^ ^\\...( =';'=).......(/(_•_)\).../*♥♥*\........._/''*''\_.(.|.|..|.|.).......(,,,)^(,,,)I DON'T LIKE people that hurt animals...I HATE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Rebel Pack

      Rebel Pack

      on the wrong forum then lad

    2. Carraghs Gem
  11. came out of a chippy eating fish and chips a tramp said to me " I haven't had anything to eat for 5 days" so I said to him "I wish I had your will power!"LOL

  12. DAMN YOU VODKA!! You're bad for me, but we're fun together LOL

    1. bringthepain


      I heard you were taking shots off a naked thai boy.

  13. Im hide the sausage champion i am. WELL UP in i O. LEGEND

  14. out on the piss it is n lol

    1. rocky1


      same here mate ,off out 2 watch the match

  15. I walked into a mental hospital earlier, one of the residents had his cock between two biscuits. I said,"What are you doing?" he said,"I'm f*****g crackers!"LOL

  16. o well n f**k it im off 2 bed 4 the day

    1. Lab


      lazy coont!!!....lol

  17. out on the lamp 2 night me and my dogs

  18. Today I saw a sign that made me piss myself...Toilets Closed lol

  19. (_!_) regular arse (__!__) fat arse (!) tight arse (_*_) sore arse (_:_) sexy arse (_O_) well used arse lol

  20. swansey o cardiff 2 nite n

    1. Oildriller


      Different game mate, Swansea is away on top of Cardiff.Has been that way for a long time.think you will make it this year??? Jacks rule.

  21. wife says to husband,"shall i slip into something that will make you smile?" hubby replies,"yes.Try a f*****g coma.|LOL

    1. just jack

      just jack

      haha, mint

      my wife just pissed her bag

  22. Farting when you piss is not multi-tasking!

  23. its f*****g shit f**k all 2 do mun bed it is n

  24. HELP.I'm at the local police station,I've been caught drink driving. Urine sample was positive, so i stole the sample.Now i'm being charged for taking the piss! LOL

  25. ..a never ending day with the bullshit, it keeps coming and coming and then when u think it's all good another big heapin' pile of bull comes shitting your way! O well n f**k it

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