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Everything posted by hily

  1. thats another propshaft UJ changed

  2. Thanks I thought so. Still don't no why anyone would take the risk of contamination .I know some farmers want to see the result of a fox cull and you have to take the fox back for them to see but in one pic the foxes are actually in the dog box itself .Hope they had the sense to disinfect it before letting the dogs back inn and on that point what disinfectant could be used would fam 90 - vircon or battles black be any good.
  3. looking at some pics of shot foxes placed in the back of trucks and its plain to see that dogs are carried in the same truck as well, dog boxes on view dog leads etc shown in the photos not all of these pics from this site some from other hunting sites now I always thought it was dodgy to let the dog have much contact with foxes let alone house them for any length of time in the same area a fox has been.because I thought the risk of the dog catching mange from a fox was very real or am I daft to believe this
  4. As title look in game shooting section of the forum for details
  5. Going up to shoot on Sunday if wanting to check the place out Pm me.
  6. friend is a foster carer and has had no issues about him having guns in the house northumberland
  7. sorry to say one lad has had to drop out so we have a vacancy left for the syndicate. we may think about selling a day to individuals if we can,t fill the position.
  8. Ok long time ago about( 40yrs) my first ess bought from a respected trainer who adviced me to be very hard on this dog to my shame I took his advice as gospel dont let it get away with owt so thats me expecting the trouble from every move this dog made and jumping on it straight away scruffing it for the least bit thing I did not slap or kick the dog but when out with others working their dogs I took note that they would aim a kick or slap the dog now and then and this became the norm and as a novice I was to thick to think for myself until one day I picked the dog up by the scruff and bec
  9. top net for pen + s clips wanted any size considered
  10. hily


    Have had a vet go out once already to examine the dogs there was 1 police officer and 2 rspca officers in attendance with him the vet found no fault with the dogs and could not understand why they had them i had arranged with them to see the remaining 8 dogs had an email from the rspca stating they will bring 4 dogs first them the following week the remaining 3 (Theres a dog missing some where or a clerical error on the side of the rspca )i saw 4 dogs out off the 4 dogs one lurcher of my sons had lost 1/3 off his body weight all his bones were sticking out i did complain to the Sargent that wa
  11. hily


    As I go onto PW site and also a few gundog sites would it be helpful if someone off thl who knows how to do it put links to this event onto as many fieldsport sites as they can and drum up more support cos I can't say as I have seen this mentioned on them sad to say I don't know how to
  12. hily


    can't understand why the dogs can,t be seen, if no charges have been made. Would a request to the police of a third party such as a independent vet to inspect the dogs be taken up by the police or has the rspca have the final word ? and if so then they must have more powers the the police !.and if that's the case then anyone who has a pet of any description should be worried
  13. Put a new potting shed on the end of the green house and paved a few areas in the garden this spring looking forward to retiring so I can get into the garden more.Got to admit it I've turned into me oldman
  14. this lass asked about tail docking on this forum and was advised to get them done if she intended to sell as working dogs shame she did't get them done this doesn't reflect on the quality of the pups but it will be harder for her to sell as workers though she will sell them probably as pets and it looks like the going price is £500 to £600 anyway good luck
  15. pleased mines due soon get it paid and forget about any increase for five years, or will I
  16. don't ignore it or you could damage your flywheel
  17. hily


    24x 8 foot round posts 3 or 4 inch diameter northeast area can collect cheers
  18. good day in the garden

  19. never used them but have seen them used during the foot and mouth to put down animals that we couldn't get into the crush .The effect on these mature cows was instant death shot in the same place you would place a captive bolt when the vet checked them over he told us that the slug had traveled through the beast and smashed the pelvic area don't know how this would effect the meat on deer and bore..
  20. I hate that bloody terrier she's just ripped up the dog box mattress a well she can lie doon on the bare floor little git

  21. So do you think a gun dog breed is more a pack animal and happy to work in a team to get a kill if so does this make the running dog breeds come from a line of single hunting animals (loners) or is it nurture and not nature.
  22. retire a bit earlier than i'am going to
  23. scottish borders a couple of guns wanted D.I.Y.shoot happy to answer your questions PM for details .
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