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Everything posted by hily

  1. want to replace my two jills they where stolen yesterday anyone in the northeast got some little workers.
  2. mine went last night morpeth area any one got some workers sale
  3. hope so friend if not my son lives in kings heath area he might collect for me but he is not back in the country until just before xmas.
  4. just went out to feed my jills and found the court gate open and no ferrets checked on them last night and both ok can only think they have been nicked or released as the gate was bolted last night but not this morning gutted .Got to have ferrets lost without them.
  5. ferrets stolen or let loose last night bloody gutted these two jills came to hand on call and worked well also very gentle with the grand kids I NOW need two working Jills for this season as I promised to ferret a few of my mates permissions this season so any one have a couple of jills they don't want or for sale I would be interested in having them .
  6. picked up a cobra merlin want to add ir illuminator t20 any good for this unit to reach 60 yrds
  7. when I had a lot of rabbits to go at I bought an extra plastic 5 round mag and loaded both before going out so just had to swap mags if needing to take more shots and then refill both as and when needed .Sometimes loaded stingers in one and subs in the other but always took rounds out and left mags empty before storing away leaving no load on the spring in mag thinking less chance of weakening the spring action. Didn't cross my mind that the mag would be causing the problem until I spotted all the gunge in the top of the mag.
  8. Took a walk about with the 22LR and lamp after a few rabbits hadn't used the Sako for some time but on its last outing it was fine and zeroed ok bolt seemed stiff when pushing home the round and missed the first few bunnies (head shooting) so thinking it must be me as not that good a shot that I hit everything I aim at I decided to go for body shots and got the next two but now the round just didn't want to feed into the chamber and so I packed in .Today I cleaned the rifle and even used an air line to blow any gunge out that I couldn't reach and then had a go feeding the rounds into the cha
  9. It was perigrines, there's a clip on the one show a week or so back. Was a good watch.. ah new it was some kind of hooky beak didn't take a lot of notice at first thought they where going down the persecution route
  10. something on the box a few weeks ago about dead buzzards turned out to be gossy protecting its young and territory .
  11. thanks for info lads and the offer Mick
  12. Ok had a test on my mk1 finders the 8ft works but the 15ft is knacked so wonder if the deben mk 3 any good before I go out and buy one any reviews on them .
  13. Any gatherings of thl folk up north
  14. hily


    GOT ONE will try it out this w/end stop over at permission to check out for charlie sniffing about them pens got to be better than driving at daft o'clock at night /morning cheers to those who took the time to reply.
  15. let them have an islamic state in the middle east let anyone inn who wants to join them BUT don't let anyone out ring fence it no trade no aid no reporting of any sort exile them from the rest of the world , let them get on with it with any luck they will implode IF ONLY IT WAS THAT SIMPLE
  16. some might say a piece of cake
  17. are the dogs ears OK, if so then you could try and build noise tolerance up and start with you clattering about or lawn mower noise radio etc and as said before do not react to the dog if it plays up only treats or praise when its calm.O.M.O.good luck
  18. hily


    sounds sad but I travel along the same road to work 21.30hrs and 6.00hrs and I count the rabbits on the verge approx 35 at night and 20 morning the last week few at night and none in the morning and the ones at night all had mixy permission near home has to much cover to see any bunnies yet and the one in the borders all the rabbits look ok hope its local to the roadside only
  19. hily


    Got me hopes up for my ferrets getting work this season as seen lots of bunnies about BUT noticed lots of mixey around morpeth /ashington areas is it just me or has anyone else seen it about in there area.
  20. 2 or 4 berth caravan warm no damp wanted north east area
  21. Just a thanks to all that asked about the shoot we now have a full team
  22. you could remind him if the rabbits get out of hand and overflow onto next doors land his neighbor could get vermin control and charge him for getting rid.
  23. looking for rear canopy for my defender 90 in and around the north/east
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