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Everything posted by scent

  1. its what i get for buying dvds down at the car boot sale in the Un-yoke Pa haha do ye do any animal porn pal
  2. you are cock sucking tree hugger may the curse of a thousand locus infest your under pants

    1. mick c

      mick c

      you f*****g anti b*****d f**k off

  3. If we kill them first , then surely theyre not being tortured are they ? Hes a strange lad old Gary aint he , he would do better getting himself a good lurcher and walking the fields , it would get rid of all that anger thats eating him away ! only one thing he needs a number 6 up the arse, that will take the sting out of him .!! 6 inchs of scents dangling fury up his ass would soon have him sucking his dummy and crying for his mammy lol
  4. or what was the other one....................Darcy Does the huntinglife lol
  5. how many pups did your 16 month old bitch loose pal
  6. well done pal ,3 of my mates travelled up to roscommon last weekend and ended up with 2 18lb and a 25lb pike .Not bad for a few hours fishing
  7. as i said pal i can take down one or two as iv a spare kennell ,just gives a buzz and it will be sorted no prob at all pal
  8. FFs pal this shit has to come to a stop and pesonally i think the only end is going to be someome getting seriously hurt .I really feel for the young lad as i know how much he loves his dogs.Il buzz you tomorrow for a chat pal
  9. jigsaw i cant believe the cheek of them to actually come back AGAIN.This must be the third or 4th time .Someone down your way is def telling the c**ts exactly where the dogs are being kept .All you really can do is make it as hard as possible for them to take the dogs.Iv a spare kennell down here if you want a dog kept away for a bit pal.But if you happen to be there when they call next you had better put the fear of god in them
  10. i think they actualled called a while back when it was just his wife there and she spoke to them ,they tried to say that they were there to pick up a dog .pal
  11. scent

    scary shit

    i got a right fright when i saw it first
  12. we use them in certain spots so far i caught a terrier that the fox bolted in to the net lol and a fox got out from another one .Needless to say that terrier is no longer with us
  13. scent

    scary shit

    watch from 8.30 on
  14. is it just me or does that dog on the right only have 3 legs
  15. i wonder if you ate a shit dog would it taste like shit lol
  16. and if she chewed on the top of your knob,she will get sprayed with ink lol
  17. im already one down that didnt do the business ,sickner but thats life i suppose
  18. he was only walking the dog off the lead and they sprang up ,he tried to call him back but the dog couldn hear him because off that shit muusic he was playing lol
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