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Everything posted by reddog70

  1. hello bullmastiff hows that pup you kept shaping up? would be great to see some recent pics if you have any
  2. real nice dogs you got there mate. from the pic there dosnt look much difference in the build between your line bred and 3quart cross do you see any difference in there working abilities? im on my first collie cross now 2 yrs old am really taken with this cross does everything i want in a dog
  3. got one of my bitches spayed shes 13 now its never made a bit of differene to her prey drive or incontenence and being a saluki x has never gained any extra weight guess depends on each individual dog shes even still catching the odd rabbit at night when i take her
  4. hello some good advice already given i can only add that my vet said as well as poss cancer it can also alter there temperment.i had my collie/grey done at 13 months and his retained one was also found in his abdomen
  5. seems evidence a lot of animals mainly in usa are becoming sick and dying from this dry food i have seen it sold over here just thought id post this in case anyones feeding it on here and feel they should be made aware will put some links up when i can
  6. nice one looks like you got some good permission there hes a handy little whippet i got one myself still doing the biz at 9 yr old
  7. rainmaker with all what you got wrong with you i wouldnt hesitate in moving with neighbours like that things never get better think of your health and the future if your renting it wont be to hard to find somewhere else and your dogs would be fine kipping in the car if need be at this time of year. get the feck out and move on from these low lifes all the best in the future
  8. looks a great day out you had there mate nice pics. do you ever see any reptiles when your out? wondered if theres a few living down some of the burries do they give you any trouble
  9. thanks all, ive never tried eating one i might have to try the next one i see
  10. i see a few of these little fellows out and got close to this one.
  11. heres my first cross collie grey having a run around
  12. if you are keeping dogs outside and you got the room (shed) get an old 2 seater settee in there sleeping quarters there never happier can even cover it with old blankets
  13. nice one dawnraider is the pup a collie x
  14. gutted for you its a shame after breeding and then losing a choice pup like that it might be worth seeing if anyones looking to part with one of the litter mates you never no. got to get some good luck soon.. all the best in the future
  15. heard the unpasteurized variety has better health benifits
  16. little men and jack russells have bloody big chips on there shoulders
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