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Everything posted by Saltmoon

  1. Didnt old bill hardy have mali xs? Or something of the sort?
  2. I'll just give em a red bull before I go out that'll do the job I reckon
  3. Gospel claims they are not but yes they are no matter what he says the manner is the same and both names love a wind up
  4. No chance exmoor is about hour an half from me bud I live on dartmoor always bloody wet but plenty of farm land around and the moor not that I lamp the moor ?
  5. You must know me! Nikes packed away soon my season nearly done ?
  6. Gos what dogs and xs do you actually have if not pure sals?
  7. What do you run then gos? If not pure sals? Genuine question
  8. I'm not a hater but cant beat a bit of bull blood in the mix for game I've a bull sal grey pup
  9. That's what I was getting towards if you get my drift.
  10. Also I am right in thinking your saying a sal is a all round dog? And a single dog at it all yes?
  11. You reckon you'll still have a dog to run ? no pure sal used as an all rounder used single is leaving alive.
  12. Invite for you bring your SINGLE all round sal down to exmoor winter time?
  13. Nice one trev looks a strong little pup that. It will have one or two bunnys to go at with you I'm sure!
  14. Go back to the sand pit with the other children, give mummy her phone back.
  15. Cracking photo that mate ?
  16. Dont pretent like you have a clue what I run and what I do. Run along in your clown boots you silly boy
  17. f**k me another clown internet warrior syndrome strikes again
  18. Loads of that going on all over the place. One farm I had my first perm on grate little place kicked up all sorts now half of it is houses and everything has moved out
  19. Mc hull you ever ventured on the big VERY open exmoor?
  20. I heard that mc hull went to Africa and his dogs took down a rhino then an elephant and out ran a cheetah
  21. Probably fake news but I 100% believe that it's not over just yet with cases coming up all over the country i think we will see another lockdown. I hope I'm wrong but I can see it happening. Anyway you still got zero symptoms since testing positive?
  22. No they cant not if your just walking the dog down the road with a normal torch however I got pulled local to me one night i dont have a torch so took my lamp with me and old bill came over blues on the lot i explained i do go out lamping but I'm simply walking my dog think it's more to do with where you are like if your walking through a farmers field and no permission to be there and there are hare round and your camo up then yeah you might end up in a bit of bother
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