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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. the hatch that i breed are just wild out.ive not had many man fighters over the yrs.
  2. battle cross chicks,asil cock x hatch hen,the cock below is a asil cock x hatch hen i bred a good few yrs ago.said i would do the same x again.there very easy to handle. compared to the pure hatch i breed.
  3. thank you for the offer,but im in ireland.
  4. trying to get a greyhound at the moment rang a good few lads no luck,its like trying to get blood from a stone.
  5. young pup i was kindly gifted coming on nicely.full of temper and drive 8mth old.
  6. one of the best around.joey diaz
  7. see you,your nothing but a c**t.
  8. the 3 dogs should have been shot,not good at the job in hand.
  9. glad to hear that,its one of the best run shows around ,if not the best.
  10. that fella with the beard was at a show at the start of the yr, i did not know him nor had i ever heard or seen him before hand.what i observed were 2 men,one with a wheatan x and the other with what looked like a full whaetan stand roughly 12 ft apart.i was in conversation with a friend i hadnt seen for yrs at the side of the ring,for a good 15mis or more all the while these two lads just let there dogs strain on the leads and watched on as both dogs wanted to get at each other.you could see the two lads were well into it.it looked fare foolish to the many on lookers and passers by.
  11. a lot to plant nxt wk but should get yrs of colour in the orchard each spring time.sir winston churchill narcissus you wont get nicer scented daffodils.
  12. any one looking for 3 buff orpington rooster birds.1 yr old.healthy birds friendly breed.
  13. benn is ment to have failed a drug test.if so eubank will ask to do away with the hydration clause or the fight is off,the ball is in eubanks court now if true.
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