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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. . truth surfaced in the end.
  2. covenant.you will not be sorry you watched this movie.
  3. its going to be hard to listen to this shit for the next few yrs.
  4. great little video interesting way of life.
  5. starting the moult.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Vw66Zs0dQ ON the road up to croaker today well worth a watch lads.our national game show piece on display today .
  7. real west kerry accent
  8. just listened to this fonki cheff mix during the wk great stuff.but this nightmares on wax set is my go too. .
  9. ive a lot of young birds at the moment and more hatching out soon all going wel, if your ever in ireland let me know and there will be a bird of two for you if interested.
  10. asil x hatch coming on nicely
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