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4 minutes ago, green lurchers said:

Mc if you were given 2,000 acres and were in the middle of 5 mates land who each had 2,000 acres all land held 500 hares how long before you was over the fence into ya mates patch all year round ? And how long before you had no mates round ya ?

if they was mates they wouldn’t be arse if i wandered on there’s ? 

and i’m out all year for one year starting a pup there land had more wood cover smaller fields on it i’d be on there permission all spring summer ? 

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Rambo, 10 months old ready to start learning his job over the spring 

My rabbiting bitch . Keeps me happy

Right,I'll tell ye this ,once only,....cause I don't bother with the horseshit shovelled out in these pathetic debates,Katchum came with another bloke,he transported back 6 of the pups to England ,he

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5 minutes ago, Greb147 said:

You don't run em until they're 2 year old, what do you think are the benefits of doing that? 

Not saying one way is better than the other but we both know many a good dog has done plenty by the time they are that 


11 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i’ve got adult dogs they get packed away walked on a night off lead threw the spring summer 

i’ll be out day with the pups from spring to summer letting em get amongst it learning there senses best time to learn as things aren’t at there best 

Stop saying that at there best there not at there best when the young are 3/4 nearly adult September October. You want the hares milking an young learning to find there feet lol Not even got lay out of the land. So when that pup sees one later on in life it will be like this c**t isn't giving up am stopping. Where if a dog sees one at mid way 14 18 months a 3/4 that knows what it's doing knows its surroundings an dog kills it your walking away with an achievement. Then that's when your back on week after an week after then come December Jan you might have a chance of putting a few to bed. 

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21 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

20s on the lamp with half descent day dog things you do when your young mate isn’t it 

250 by 4th season isn’t out the ordinary 

me adult dogs are packed away middle a feb normally 

if i have pups about me they be on march right threw to season not intentionally at them just taking dogs were they is a few letting them enjoy thereself learning 


better then em doing fuckall lead walking believe me 


I dint say ote

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5 minutes ago, mC HULL said:


i give up mate ? 

good job wayne rooney didn’t start playing football until he was fully grown at 18 isn’t it ? 

a greyhound be starting at 12 month on track 16 month it’s getting graded isn’t it ? 

Whats a f***ing human being got to do with a dog ffs. Is Wayne Rooney a f***ing dog now a give up..

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1 minute ago, Bangersanmash said:

It's fact that a pup is called a dog at 12 months of age but there still developing upto 24 months which is there bone structure an hight. So you running a pup at them ages has a last affect on it later on in life. 

You learn something new everyday mate, I've never had dogs suffer bone or tendon problems, must have been fortunate on that one. 

I've always done the method like mC said, just general mooching, being sensible about knowing when they're ready. 

I'm not talking about slipping a first season dog on hare after hare, just entering them steadily. 

All dogs mature differently, you wouldn't enter a deerhound type at the same age as a whippet type, it's all about knowing your dog IMO. 


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Just now, Bangersanmash said:

Whats a f***ing human being got to do with a dog ffs. Is Wayne Rooney a f***ing dog now a give up..

it’s the same isn’t it he was playing at 6 or so loads a growing to do so we’re other lads who got injury’s never made it weeded out the weak from young same applies to dogs mate 

what about greyhounds starting 12 month graded 16 month bangers 

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I guess it's all down to man and dog as to when it's started.

A dog man who spends a lot of one to one time with a pup will have a good idea when it's ready.

Ive an eight month pup here who looks like it could pull a bull down, but it's still a daft pup !

When it does that mad, full speed, pretend coursing around a field, you can think " it'll kill a hare , no problem" , but a puppy playing around in an empty field is massively different to being towed around on a grueller !


Mistakes can happen when an unexpected one jumps up, but try and let them be pups, don't ruin them by being impatient. They can do the job for you for years, if treated right ?




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1 minute ago, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:

People leaving them till 18 months old been reading to many books, Ethiopians make the best marathon runners because there out as kids all day covering miles bringing water back from the wells ect, body gets use to it 

Ahh the Ethiopian skimmers fkn brilliant 

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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:

I guess it's all down to man and dog as to when it's started.

A dog man who spends a lot of one to one time with a pup will have a good idea when it's ready.

Ive an eight month pup here who looks like it could pull a bull down, but it's still a daft pup !

When it does that mad, full speed, pretend coursing around a field, you can think " it'll kill a hare , no problem" , but a puppy playing around in an empty field is massively different to being towed around on a grueller !


Mistakes can happen when an unexpected one jumps up, but try and let them be pups, don't ruin them by being impatient. They can do the job for you for years, if treated right ?




i agree in part charts but if that pup would a been chasing a sibling around for ages each day what’s the difference at 8 month getting on a hare for a few minutes mate 

i wouldn’t find one and slip it on a desert 


but knocking things up and chasing about is what dogs do mate 

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12 minutes ago, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:

Sankey top man with dogs on video saying he starts pups off at 8 months old, so do I little bits and bobs doubled up does no harm, most of the best dogs get started early, no good leaving them till 18 months, start going backwards if you leave them to long 


12 minutes ago, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:

Sankey top man with dogs on video saying he starts pups off at 8 months old, so do I little bits and bobs doubled up does no harm, most of the best dogs get started early, no good leaving them till 18 months, start going backwards if you leave them to long 

someone who has had great  killers mate 

must be 2 year old if you want chasers and pushers that have no brain ? 

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2 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i agree in part charts but if that pup would a been chasing a sibling around for ages each day what’s the difference at 8 month getting on a hare for a few minutes mate 

i wouldn’t find one and slip it on a desert 


but knocking things up and chasing about is what dogs do mate 

Hold up charts it spose to be teaching you not you teaching him get with the drill mc ?

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