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Child Poverty

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Watched a really sad and moving programme last night on child poverty in the UK.

It was presented by that musician Professor Green and I have to say he was an amazing presenter of this subject.

It found it very emotional, it’s absolutely disgusting that in 21st century Britain (or anywhere in Europe) that kids and families are having to live like that.

We take so much for granted and these poor little b*****ds have nothing.

If anyone can find it, watch it, when kids are having to live that way then something is badly broken.

Heartbreaking !

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I don’t t think it’s any different to what it’s always been. I’m in my fifty’s and I was brought up in poverty. We had fukc all as kids and if my father didn’t have a veg garden and didn’t hunt fukc k

True that mate, I had to give up plastering a couple of years back as the old joints are getting pretty knackered, I am quite illiterate have a very colourful police record and a multitude of ailments

Im not going to give you a whole Oliver Twist poor me tale , but we were so poor we had to wank the dog off to feed the cat. Things like carpets , wallpaper and curtains were for other people.  A

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13 minutes ago, WILF said:

Watched a really sad and moving programme last night on child poverty in the UK.

It was presented by that musician Professor Green and I have to say he was an amazing presenter of this subject.

It found it very emotional, it’s absolutely disgusting that in 21st century Britain (or anywhere in Europe) that kids and families are having to live like that.

We take so much for granted and these poor little b*****ds have nothing.

If anyone can find it, watch it, when kids are having to live that way then something is badly broken.

Heartbreaking !

Agreed,there shouldn't be poverty in this day and age,the world seems to be going backwards at times

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I haven't seen it WILF but I agree with you. 

No one should be in poverty in this day an age, with millions an billions in the banks. 

The thing is only a small percentage care, an will actually help. 

See this is the reason I despise multi millionaires an billionaires, there's plenty money there, that they won't miss, but will they help? 

There not all like that......... 

Bill Gates, money to wipe his arse with, but doesn't give a fook, only pushing his tech an vaccines an not for a good reason. 

He went to India years ago, an paralysed 400,000 kids with his polio vaccine. 

50 odd billion he worth, but pushing vaccines, why don't he build schools, create jobs, infrastructure etc give people a chance to rise up an take care of themselves, but no, these c**ts want to subdue the world an take it for themselves, we're Guinea pigs to these c**ts. 

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I personally don’t blame wealthy people, after all the poor kid living in one room with his mum should be able to feel he can go on to be a millionaire without being penalised for doing so.

Self made blokes living off the fruits of their own labour I have no problem with at all.

What I do have a problem with is poxy politicians relieving people of trillions and their coat tail hangers profiting while some little kid can’t  afford a tin of beans.

One couple had one lightbulb for the whole house and were in the point of having the kids took away (because of their financial circumstances) and were still getting court letters about poxy council tax !!


Edited by WILF
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8 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

Not seen it to realy comment on it though a lot of the child poverty I see around me is down to drug and alchol abuse by so called perants.

I hear you mate and we all know the story but it’s isn’t the case for all.

4 million kids in poverty they reckoned ! 

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6 minutes ago, socks said:

I don’t t think it’s any different to what it’s always been. I’m in my fifty’s and I was brought up in poverty. We had fukc all as kids and if my father didn’t have a veg garden and didn’t hunt fukc knows what we would have eaten half the time. We had free school meals hand me down clothes and very few presents at Christmas etc. We had no car and the only holidays we had was in my uncles caravan who used to take us to a site and leave us there lol ... but we grew up healthy and we certainly appreciate everything we have now ........

I agree with you mate, my point is that in a world where the state is taking 60% of everyone’s money and MPs are putting Kit Kat’s in the expenses should it exist today ? 
My old council were running a 1.2 Billion debt for money they had borrowed to invest in the stock market before this virus hit.......kids are starving and local councillors are playing Gordon Gecko on the money markets?.....to me, that’s criminal mate.

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 Its feckless parents who are responsible not the Government , back in the early 50s our neighbours had 16 kids and their dad was often out of work  and on the  dole but they got by !  they never lacked  for  Food or Warmth a nd never asked for anything  what they did have in heaps was Pride and Dignity .

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2 minutes ago, WILF said:

I agree with you mate, my point is that in a world where the state is taking 60% of everyone’s money and MPs are putting Kit Kat’s in the expenses should it exist today ? 
My old council were running a 1.2 Billion debt for money they had borrowed to invest in the stock market before this virus hit.......kids are starving and local councillors are playing Gordon Gecko on the money markets?.....to me, that’s criminal mate.

Absolutely agree mate. we are the 5th biggest economy on the planet. We should have no poverty or homeless anywhere. Obviously you will have people that will piss away any amount of money you give them but this government doesn’t even acknowledge the poverty we have. 

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7 minutes ago, micky said:

 Its feckless parents who are responsible not the Government , back in the early 50s our neighbours had 16 kids and their dad was often out of work  and on the  dole but they got by !  they never lacked  for  Food or Warmth a nd never asked for anything  what they did have in heaps was Pride and Dignity .

That’s a massive over simplification imho mate......I’d urge you to watch it and see if you still feel the same 

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18 minutes ago, socks said:

Absolutely agree mate. we are the 5th biggest economy on the planet. 

No we,re not India have overtaken us with a GDP of $2.94 trillion........they have jumped 4 places in 5 years yet we still send India foreign aid while we have children in poverty on our own streets.


Edited by gnasher16
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The elephant in the room is what do you want  capitalism or socialism? Something I've been thinking of quite a lot recently with this coronavirus mess. I've seen the hardest of  capitalists all of a sudden crying for socialism look at Branson he had his hand out looking for public bailouts on day one, look at the banking crash all of a sudden socialism was expected. but it's not just the big players I've seen plenty of normal folk who have been quite happy to make hay whilst the sun was shining do a quick U turn and expect to paid out the public coffers,there's a lot of hypocrisy about it all if you ask me .

National socialism minus the amphetamine  perhaps? 

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What ever the cause there should be no hungry children in the UK in this day and age, that is not acceptable and it shouldn't be down to charity/food banks to feed them.

 this fella has the right idea..

 Henning Wehn: “We don’t do charity in Germany. We pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments’ responsibilities."


mind they have food banks in germany.....

Edited by sandymere
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1 minute ago, kanny said:

The elephant in the room is what do you want  capitalism or socialism? Something I've been thinking of quite a lot recently with this coronavirus mess. I've seen the hardest of  capitalists all of a sudden crying for socialism look at Branson he had his hand out looking for public bailouts on day one, look at the banking crash all of a sudden socialism was expected. but it's not just the big players I've seen plenty of normal folk who have been quite happy to make hay whilst the sun was shining do a quick U turn and expect to paid out the public coffers,there's a lot of hypocrisy about it all if you ask me .

National socialism minus the amphetamine  perhaps? 

My own very uneducated opinion is that we live in a weird half way house where capitalism and socialism are expected to live hand in hand.

As Gnasher rightly pointed out, when governments can help themselves to trillions under the guise of socialism it just leads to waste on a massive scale......there’s actually more than enough money if tax was 10% across the board but you have to be sensible with it and make sure it gets to the right places.

10% ( as a throw away number) would allow opportunity and benevolence in equal measure if you add in a generous amount of common sense.


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