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Rat trapping

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Roland and mate have arrived in our garden and I saw two in next doors.  We have never had rodent problems here before.  I have set up a normal wire over mouse type trap .. a bigger rat size one.  I also have a mesh tunnel box type which I am going to put out tonight.  I have watched roland on cctv and it is VERY ,VERY CAUTIOUS AND WARY.  IT HAS FIRED THE TRAP ONCE BUT DIDNT GET CAUGHT.  the trap is super lite on the trigger and is coming there and removing odd bits of seed but isn't going for the bacon fat on the trigger which I have fixed with a twist of fuse wire so it can't be gotten off of the bait fork easily.  any ideas ?  Roland and mates have got to go.

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7 minutes ago, Meece said:

Roland and mate have arrived in our garden and I saw two in next doors.  We have never had rodent problems here before.  I have set up a normal wire over mouse type trap .. a bigger rat size one.  I also have a mesh tunnel box type which I am going to put out tonight.  I have watched roland on cctv and it is VERY ,VERY CAUTIOUS AND WARY.  IT HAS FIRED THE TRAP ONCE BUT DIDNT GET CAUGHT.  the trap is super lite on the trigger and is coming there and removing odd bits of seed but isn't going for the bacon fat on the trigger which I have fixed with a twist of fuse wire so it can't be gotten off of the bait fork easily.  any ideas ?  Roland and mates have got to go.


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1 hour ago, Odin said:


Roland aint feared of terrier.!  next door has an aggressive little bugger but I've seen two Roland's on their lawn this morning.  when he went out there they shot off in the hedge. 

40 minutes ago, Bosun11 said:

If your using 'snap traps' set em in a open fronted box, just high enough for the trap to work.

I've got it set against the shed wall on one side with the back end of the trap up against a fece post and  another brick on this side so that it encourages him to approach from the food end. He is getting in the right place but somehow the clever bugger realises that this situation is dangerous and he is really flighty.  I wait patently.  He will get complacent or careless In the end.  its like lamp shy Charlie's they always make a mistake somewhere and the trap waits.

19 minutes ago, keepdiggin said:

We had rats in our garden and we got a kitten must of killed a few as I haven't seen any since

no point in replacing one vermin with another. Several cats patrol through our garden because I've seen them on cctv.  Useless b*****ds.  They only come here to shit in our garden.  If we didn't have neighbours I could use the 22lr with subs and silencer to knock them over in the garden but you know how it is.  One of the buggers rapidly climbed up an apple tree like he was on the flat if you please.

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15 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

chuck some bread down for the birds afore ive got in the house my back garden is alive wi the buggers, bloke across the back has pigeons, spose they are coming from there.   

Flying rats and walking rats,a few years ago my next door neighbour set herself up as a rescue centre and she had a garden full of animals and birds.I was besieged by fecking rats,they burrowed under the terrier pens and the mutts became mental attempting to get to them.I had traps set and poison stations,the poison stations i tossed over her fence may have attributed to her moving back down south,the Lakey that mullered her Eagle,after it nipped through the fence in the pursuit of a rodent,may have also made her mind up.The fecking pigeons she fed every day,about 40,still hung about years after she buggered off.My wife still believes my son dragging a lifeless Roe out of the back of his motor in full view of her one morning may have been the final straw,i think it was the eagle.

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29 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

chuck some bread down for the birds afore ive got in the house my back garden is alive wi the buggers, bloke across the back has pigeons, spose they are coming from there.   

Get some bread chucked in that big hole you’ve dug mate, grease the sides they will never get out ;)

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Had similar,had a vet move next door,annoying women,wore the same clothes for a month.she got some chickens,then we had rats everywere,i kept asking her if shes seen any rats,even tho i was chucking trapped ones over into her garden.shed seen none.so it got worse so i put poison bait stations about.....she soon came flying round saying her cats eaten a rat and got ill,have i used poison.??yup i said,its the new stuff so surely a vit k jab will sort the cat out,she replied whos paying for it the cheeky c...t.i just told her to fuk off out of it.

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1 hour ago, stumfelter said:

Sort out why they're coming there in the first place, for them to be hanging around there must be a food source, bird feeders?

This is one question that doesn't seem to have an obvious answer.  We've lived here for many years and we've never had any evidence of any sort of rodent show at all.  Visual or material ( shit or stuff chewed ). None of the houses round here have got chickens and niether us or the immediate neighbours are feeding wild birds.  Roland goes around my shed and then disappears all through the night ( I checked the rear garden / shed cctv at fast X16 and there's no sign of him), but there was two of them out on the lawn next door in broad daylight. dodging between the daffs to the hedge.  As soon as the terrier went out there there zipped off into the hedge and when the terrier went in they were back out on the lawn in about a minute.  but they aint out on our lawn in the day?  Their grass must be much            more luxuriant than ours.  Roland might have had his night routine altered by the two lovebirds next door have been out in a swing chair in the garden until after dark.  as soon as they went indoors ( we can hear their French doors closing) I went upstairs and got a handheld ir to have a look see if Roland was having a garden party.  as soon as I turned the IR illumination on the bloody terrier went absolutely mental in their conservatory.  I had a quick scan and turned it off, Muttly stopped going mental so I repeated this operation a couple of times and mutely did the same SO... mutely must be able to detect that something is going on.  Charlies don't take any notice.  It looks like I've got the night shift because Roland has just tripped out onto my lawn now at 10 pm !  he's checked out the two traps one a cage type and the other a snap over both loaded with a mix of bacon rind fat and peanut butter.  he must be vegan or vegetarian cos he's checked them out thoroughly and really got in there but no action he's declined the offer and then just browsed about on the grass like they did this afternoon round on next door grass.  whatever it is they are looking for aint bird food or any sort of food that has been dropped or chucked out for birds , it is a lot more interesting.  That gas powered bolt gun thing above is interesting but as we've never had a rodent problem of any sort I can't see that it would be something I would go out and buy myself.  Is there still such a thing as the council Ratman?

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