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Loosing face on here mate really, this is a website were faceless people can live a made up life, I,m sure I,ll survive the shame of it, the moon pic was a bit easier to get as well, as its massive co

You could be right. There are no records of lynx attacking anyone (Quick google search).So I'm sure that would be taken into account. Dogs kill kids every year. Personally I'd be much more concer

Shot because it was deemed to be a severe risk to humans, what a load of bollocks, public have more to worry about from chavs and their bull breeds than they ever would from a Lynx 

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13 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Hope the Croyden cat killer isn't on its case. Or maybe it's all a plan to trap the Croydon cat killer? Or maybe I've  now inedvertently warned off the Croydon cat killer now?  :hmm:

Your starting to cloud the water bringing that one up, they have had 300 cats and fox,s killed in two years and that's just the ones they have found ,big problem is bringing up the subject that big cats eat little cats and any other smaller preditors  but I would love access to the pictures they have of all the remains,  there is a simular situation going on in Dorset at the moment with lots of pets going missing but there have also been sightings of a puma and it seems to be coming in people's gardens and nailing pets and people are calling for it to be shot which is an inevitable thing, I would guess it's an older animal that's found pets an easy food source anyway much as I love talking about this stuff I have to be on a train by three into town so I won't be back till late 

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4 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Your starting to cloud the water bringing that one up, they have had 300 cats and fox,s killed in two years and that's just the ones they have found ,big problem is bringing up the subject that big cats eat little cats and any other smaller preditors  but I would love access to the pictures they have of all the remains,  there is a simular situation going on in Dorset at the moment with lots of pets going missing but there have also been sightings of a puma and it seems to be coming in people's gardens and nailing pets and people are calling for it to be shot which is an inevitable thing, I would guess it's an older animal that's found pets an easy food source anyway much as I love talking about this stuff I have to be on a train by three into town so I won't be back till late 

You are persistent mate. I'll give you that.:thumbs:

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Not having a dig greyman but im not believing that. I would say 80%of folk have some form 9f camera system @their homes these days so if it was coming into there gardens it would be caught on film.  Unless ofc  they are all keeping it quiet and deleting the footage in case an influx of hunters or sightseers come and trample their flower beds. 

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Domestic cats learn to hunt birds mice etc very easily even if well fed. Given the extra motivation of actually being hungry and cats will soon learn to hunt efficiently.  Certainly Joy a damsons lions leopard and cheetah did. Also billy arjan Singh released leopaRd tiger and I think fishing cat with no trouble. Some crackpot released tiger in a huge compound with antelope etc in South Africa a few years ago and they learnt to hunt antelope quite easily. So I think the hunting instinct in cats is naturally strong and they should adapt quite quickly to a wild existence

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11 minutes ago, beast said:

Domestic cats learn to hunt birds mice etc very easily even if well fed. Given the extra motivation of actually being hungry and cats will soon learn to hunt efficiently.  Certainly Joy a damsons lions leopard and cheetah did. Also billy arjan Singh released leopaRd tiger and I think fishing cat with no trouble. Some crackpot released tiger in a huge compound with antelope etc in South Africa a few years ago and they learnt to hunt antelope quite easily. So I think the hunting instinct in cats is naturally strong and they should adapt quite quickly to a wild existence

Tigers in Africa 

I think I seen that programme. I searched before but couldn't find it.  If I remember correctly the Tigers were scared of ostriches or emus and in the end when they killed lots of antelope in one go the handler was crying because he couldn't go inbetween them and take the meat back to display dominance because their was so many carcasses . From then on he couldn't touch them 


Please tell me you remember the show.  Tried explaining it to my dad for years but couldn't remember what it was called

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Yeah there was a show about the tigers I didn't watch all of it. I know the handler couldn't get a handle on them in the end couldn't remember why though. I can't remember what went wrong with the project but I know it ended in tears. I will try to find out


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31 minutes ago, beast said:

Domestic cats learn to hunt birds mice etc very easily even if well fed. Given the extra motivation of actually being hungry and cats will soon learn to hunt efficiently.  Certainly Joy a damsons lions leopard and cheetah did. Also billy arjan Singh released leopaRd tiger and I think fishing cat with no trouble. Some crackpot released tiger in a huge compound with antelope etc in South Africa a few years ago and they learnt to hunt antelope quite easily. So I think the hunting instinct in cats is naturally strong and they should adapt quite quickly to a wild existence

I wish they didnt ...my working cat  2am last night :icon_eek:

2017-11-08 22.39.31.jpg

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