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The Tribes Are At It Again....

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Its in there genes to riot and cause mayhem. You ever seen a country where the c**ts come from that hasn't rioted and ran around hacking each other up with machetes.


Savages with below average intelligence. Almost always dishonest and untrustworthy.

:thumbs: just read that if the rioting continues , and on the scale like it been in the past , that the cops wont handle it , through lack of man power .Well ok you dont need as many men to shoot the feckers , drop about 10-20 to the deck ready for body bag , they will soon get the message to stop rioting , or get killed, :yes:


thats the only thing that will change things .not words :thumbs:

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What triggers me is your condescending holier than though attitude ... you think your so superior to everybody else on here ... you always think your right until your proven wrong then you ignore any

Its in there genes to riot and cause mayhem. You ever seen a country where the c**ts come from that hasn't rioted and ran around hacking each other up with machetes.   Savages with below average in

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it is funny when people say corbyn nearly won,did you see the county in red and blue to show who won what and where.mays party had at least 75% of the country.shows what a load bollocks it all really is

You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else


Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more

Which Labour leader resigned after an election where they gained 30 seats? I'm drawing a blank here.

i think there on about michael howard who won 33 seats but resigned because it was a failure but corbyn only won 30 i think.something like that

Kinnock won 271 seats and resigned

Did he go into the '92 election with everyone saying the Conservatives would win in a 100+ seat landslide and end up stopping them from winning a majority? That's certainly not how I remember it.


Also he got less total votes and a smaller percentage of the vote share than Corbyn in 2017 so you're still wrong to say previous leaders have won more votes but still resigned ;)

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it is funny when people say corbyn nearly won,did you see the county in red and blue to show who won what and where.mays party had at least 75% of the country.shows what a load bollocks it all really is

You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else


Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more

Which Labour leader resigned after an election where they gained 30 seats? I'm drawing a blank here.

i think there on about michael howard who won 33 seats but resigned because it was a failure but corbyn only won 30 i think.something like that

Kinnock won 271 seats and resigned

Did he go into the '92 election with everyone saying the Conservatives would win in a 100+ seat landslide and end up stopping them from winning a majority? That's certainly not how I remember it.


Also he got less total votes and a smaller percentage of the vote share than Corbyn in 2017 so you're still wrong to say previous leaders have won more votes but still resigned ;)


did labour win the last election ?

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it is funny when people say corbyn nearly won,did you see the county in red and blue to show who won what and where.mays party had at least 75% of the country.shows what a load bollocks it all really is

You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else

Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more

Which Labour leader resigned after an election where they gained 30 seats? I'm drawing a blank here.
he means seats in total not gained ...it must be true cos I heard it on radio 2 ...and no I'm not going to show you evidence because I can't be arsed.

Kinnock actually gained more seats than Corbyn in 2017 (42 compared to 30) but he went into the election expected to win and totally failed and allowed the Conservatives to keep their majority, it's all about expectations ;)

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it is funny when people say corbyn nearly won,did you see the county in red and blue to show who won what and where.mays party had at least 75% of the country.shows what a load bollocks it all really is

You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else


Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more

Which Labour leader resigned after an election where they gained 30 seats? I'm drawing a blank here.

i think there on about michael howard who won 33 seats but resigned because it was a failure but corbyn only won 30 i think.something like that

Kinnock won 271 seats and resigned
Did he go into the '92 election with everyone saying the Conservatives would win in a 100+ seat landslide and end up stopping them from winning a majority? That's certainly not how I remember it.


Also he got less total votes and a smaller percentage of the vote share than Corbyn in 2017 so you're still wrong to say previous leaders have won more votes but still resigned ;)

did labour win the last election ?

A hung parliament means there was no outright winner but no, Labour didn't win the most votes :blink:

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it is funny when people say corbyn nearly won,did you see the county in red and blue to show who won what and where.mays party had at least 75% of the country.shows what a load bollocks it all really is

You have to remember this labour have a different maths system on everyone else

Other Labour leaders have resigned and called it a failure when they got similar votes even a few more

Which Labour leader resigned after an election where they gained 30 seats? I'm drawing a blank here.
he means seats in total not gained ...it must be true cos I heard it on radio 2 ...and no I'm not going to show you evidence because I can't be arsed.
Shove the fukcin evidence
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But would be calling for the boxer to retire after that performance? ;)

There's only so many shots at the title before you call it a day

Aye that's true, that's why Kinnock had to resign after losing in '87 and again in '92.


If Corbyn loses the next GE we can start talking about his resignation ;)

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So.....how's the "ignoring BGD thing" going ?

Actually pathetic how you've taken it on yourself to tell folk to ignore me. Don't like the posts don't read them, simple.


Leave the playground stuff at school eh?

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BGD I will ask you again ... how can you be on a hunting site and passionately stick up for the political party that banned hunting ??? ........

Answered that many, many times. If you're that interested feel free to search back in my post history for the last time I answered :thumbs:


In fact it was answered the last time you asked you total fecking plank :laugh:

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Ah name calling ... it must feel safe calling folk all sorts from the safety of your computer eh ... trouble is nobody stays anonymous forever do they billy .........

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