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Election Time..????

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its a chance she going to take, there is little point in trying to plan a future with them lot sniping away in the background, lets see where we all stand on a national scale, then we can maybe move o

I'm thinking Conservative - even though May voted remain, at least she had the balls to stand up and give the electorate what they voted for, after her predecessor chucked his toys on the floor and wa

For me it's all about who I hate least at the moment I hate may and the Tories less than I hate the whingeing failed student minded left

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Be good too see the Labour Party consigned too history once and for all, funny just how distorted socialism became, truly shows money will corrupt all :laugh: I'm sure the usual suspects will vote Labour regardless and they will continue too needle and spoil away at all our so called 'rights' and 'freedom' on a local level, spoiling any progress by voting for what suits themselves.


I'm no fan of any of them too be honest but would rather live under Conservative Government than under Labour from what Ive experienced so far in my life under both so far,

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There's a lot of anti brexit that might see labour as a choice to scupper the plans

its a chance she going to take, there is little point in trying to plan a future with them lot sniping away in the background, lets see where we all stand on a national scale, then we can maybe move on and sort out the Scotland problem and then get out of Europe , hopefully pull away a little from the yanks as well on the starting wars front.


We had a referendum on Scotland and Europe but still we not allowed to move on cause of all the minority whinging and crying on, we so used to pandering too loosers and lost causes its almost ingrained into our electoral procedures now, must appease the looser, lol its that mentality that ruined everything in the forst place, socialism has no place in the modern world nor does the so called labour party, Blair etc showed us exactly what they thought of the common working man, they sold him down the river along with our heritage and history, flooded his country with undesirables unchecked , spent thousands on benefits to gain a lazy easy vote when election time came, hedged its bets with America and started wars all over the world in an attempt to recoup embarrassing money losses in American financial markets, they where a pure embarrassment to what the original Labour Party stood for, Blair is nothing short of a war criminal, he stands alongside Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Bush and many others that have fetched nowt but misery on mankind


Corbin and co are deluded and will make no real attempt to win the election as they would not know where to start trying to solve the mess the last lot left, likesay they a gonna history

Edited by arcticgun
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