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The Bible Flaws

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Oh mick, the boat didnt make him live to 900, it was the gear he was taking at the gym, he was benching two giraffes.

On a serious note, in the right conditions why is it impossible to live to few hundred year old, can anyone dispute this.

Think about our tasty mary jane plants, perfect conditions they grow into big luscious healthly plants, in bad conditions there shit, might not be best comparison but hey ho.

Think about the dinos, how did they grow so big, by just being herbivores, someone do the math, cause my heads pounding lol

how can you believe in dinosaurs and the bible when the earths which god created is 2017 years old but dino's are 150,000,000 years old.?
Where the f**k does it say anywhere that the earth is 2017 years old?........honestly, this is what we are dealing with !
Almost as bad as saying it is only 6000 years old. :whistling:



Maybe this version is only 6000 years old?.......maybe we are on MK 2 or 3?

Now there's something to really bake your noodle ;)

See, we easily beleive that a solitary asteroid caused a mass extinction over the whole planet with a single impact but we laugh at a flood doing the same?.........

We don't laugh at the flood, we laugh that two of every animal on the planet trecked, flew and swam from all corners of the planet, to end up in Turkey to board an ark.

An ark that was big enough to take them, water and feed to last 150 days, then they returned home after lol

It's madness to take it literally but millions of Americans and a good few over here do just that.

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You need to chill out mate.It`s a bit deep for f-----g boxing day . lol

I am a catholic and I believe in God and heaven and thus hell. The bible is full of parables and metaphores, in my opinion it is like a film based on a true story where only about 50% of it is true an

Another odd question.........if people think stuffs nonsense and don't beleive any of it why the f**k are they asking/telling/worrying about it ?   Baffles me, I don't beleive in being a vegetarian

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If you really want to be righteous just do your best to be honest and fair to other people, whatever their beliefs or race but remember that most wars are caused and/or fought by people who either believe or profess to believe that they know what is ultimately right and therefore have the right to impose it on others.

Make you're own mind up. Don't be swayed by those who seek to convince you they know what's best.

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I am a catholic and I believe in God and heaven and thus hell. The bible is full of parables and metaphores, in my opinion it is like a film based on a true story where only about 50% of it is true and the rest has been dramatized for reciever enthralment.


As with anything in life you give and take from it what you wish. Will I sell all my wordly possesions and give to the poor? Nope. Do i give what I can whilst ensuring my family are cared for. Yep. And if one day I have to discuss that with God at the pearly gates I will ask hin why the churches are so lavish and priests want for nothing and have TVs and cars etc which are not essential. I havent been to church for about a year. I stopped going as i lost someone close and began to question my religion. Also I got f****d off with the constant begging by the priest for one pot or another and that was ontop of the regular collection to pay his bills and run his car.


There is extremists in every walk of life. The only reason it is an issue when someone has a religion is it can be pinned to a group. Its always catholics, taliban, muslims, ISIS or lone gun man.


Anyone who reads any book and devotes there life to it word for word is a nutter in my mind regardless of the book.[/quote


Have you read the bible front to back?

If you did youd realize that jesus doesnt tell all beleivers to give away there belongings an money, it was to a ceftain rich man, not everyone, an he was making the point that material goods are worth nothing an meaningless, if you read it youd see that?


Sorry for your loss mate, an i agree that the catholic church is a joke, they use God an jesus, to make money an hide paedos, why you blaming God for this?


They do not represent God or the bible, just leaches, but im not saying thefes no honest folk in there, there is, an also im not a nutter lol

I'm not much for long post Francie. But this looks like a nice one. I would point out that some priest start out wealthy and work for a Diocese. Others who belong to specific orders are poor and beg for everything they get. Either way, most are fine devout men who give their lives to Christ.

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