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What Muslims Learn In School

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage??

Nothing wrong with that at all mate. After all, the human species is very tribal.


However, what we want and what we get are different things but, the ability to adapt is what has made our species what it is today.


If you want to go deeper - it's just an evolutionary thing thing so, don't sweat it because you can't change it.


......... even monkeys kill other monkeys for teritory (no offense intended :))

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For fcuk sake open your eyes and see what is going on People like you have made this country like it is today and that is fcuked

the journalist alibhai brown might have married a non muslim but you would not let your daughter marry a non muslim. rather hypercritical to give alibhai brown as an example of a muslim womens freedom

Chris you normally present a well thought out balanced argument but there is no way you can convince me that not every scouser is a thief lol ........

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage??
Nothing wrong with that at all mate. After all, the human species is very tribal.


However, what we want and what we get are different things but, the ability to adapt is what has made our species what it is today.


If you want to go deeper - it's just an evolutionary thing thing so, don't sweat it because you can't change it.


......... even monkeys kill other monkeys for teritory (no offense intended :))

Exactly, even Muhammad Ali said it. Blacks want to be with Blacks, Chinese want to be with Chinese, Muslims want to be with Muslims, Christians want to be with Christians. Islam has no place in the United Kingdom I'm afraid and that's not to say there isn't any decent Muslims because there is. Multiculturalism doesn't work, it causes clashes and segregation which in turn causes even more unrest...

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage??
Nothing wrong with that at all mate. After all, the human species is very tribal.


However, what we want and what we get are different things but, the ability to adapt is what has made our species what it is today.


If you want to go deeper - it's just an evolutionary thing thing so, don't sweat it because you can't change it.


......... even monkeys kill other monkeys for teritory (no offense intended :))

Exactly, even Muhammad Ali said it. Blacks want to be with Blacks, Chinese want to be with Chinese, Muslims want to be with Muslims, Christians want to be with Christians. Islam has no place in the United Kingdom I'm afraid and that's not to say there isn't any decent Muslims because there is. Multiculturalism doesn't work, it causes clashes and segregation which in turn causes even more unrest...


Spot 0n but idiots on here want to tell me how to bring up my own family because my stance on my own family doesnt suit them LOL

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage??
Nothing wrong with that at all mate. After all, the human species is very tribal.


However, what we want and what we get are different things but, the ability to adapt is what has made our species what it is today.


If you want to go deeper - it's just an evolutionary thing thing so, don't sweat it because you can't change it.


......... even monkeys kill other monkeys for teritory (no offense intended :))

Exactly, even Muhammad Ali said it. Blacks want to be with Blacks, Chinese want to be with Chinese, Muslims want to be with Muslims, Christians want to be with Christians. Islam has no place in the United Kingdom I'm afraid and that's not to say there isn't any decent Muslims because there is. Multiculturalism doesn't work, it causes clashes and segregation which in turn causes even more unrest...

Spot 0n but idiots on here want to tell me how to bring up my own family because my stance on my own family doesnt suit them LOL

Fair play but you obviously have integrated to our culture to a degree, you obey and respect our laws I assume? Radicalisation should be stomped on and squashed. Any Muslim suspected of radicalisation should be arrested or immediately or deported along with his family, stronger deterrents are needed I'm sure of that.

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage??
Nothing wrong with that at all mate. After all, the human species is very tribal.


However, what we want and what we get are different things but, the ability to adapt is what has made our species what it is today.


If you want to go deeper - it's just an evolutionary thing thing so, don't sweat it because you can't change it.


......... even monkeys kill other monkeys for teritory (no offense intended :))

Exactly, even Muhammad Ali said it. Blacks want to be with Blacks, Chinese want to be with Chinese, Muslims want to be with Muslims, Christians want to be with Christians. Islam has no place in the United Kingdom I'm afraid and that's not to say there isn't any decent Muslims because there is. Multiculturalism doesn't work, it causes clashes and segregation which in turn causes even more unrest...

Spot 0n but idiots on here want to tell me how to bring up my own family because my stance on my own family doesnt suit them LOL

Fair play but you obviously have integrated to our culture to a degree, you obey and respect our laws I assume? Radicalisation should be stomped on and squashed. Any Muslim suspected of radicalisation should be arrested or immediately or deported along with his family, stronger deterrents are needed I'm sure of that.


Radicalised Muslims I would shoot them no trial or f**k all . I respect the Laws of any country nothing here stops me being a Muslim or following islam why should I abuse it ?The only law I HAVE DIFFICULTY COMPLYING WITH IS THE HUNTING WITH DOGS ACT BUT i do try :yes:

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its one thing to say you respect the law of any country but when you openly condone things like honour killings then even if you would not do it yourself the fact you condone it is abhorrent,

Do you even know what honour is ?you cetainly dont from the tripe you post.

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multiculturism should work in this day and age and to a certain extent it does, but you have to give and take and muslims seem to want to just take

Multiculturalism seems to work for everyone bar muslims and not just in the UK but EVERYWHERE. It is obvious and not common but a %100 certainty. This is why I never understand the apologists and lefties who defend muslims. You don't have to look very hard or be very smart to see the same problems everywhere muslims form their communities there is the same problems. Yet people still find a way to defend them. WTF!!!
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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?

I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.


But would you disown your children for being with someone of a different race?

The original post made it abundantly clear it was a religious and cultural issue and not anything to do with Race or colour. Yet because that didnt fit in with your agenda its an attempt by you to turn it into a Race issue.Which is abundantly clear.it is not.
To me there is little difference between disowning your child over colour or religious reasons.


I can understand a parent being disappointed, I would be if I had a child who wanted to marry a muslim.

But it would not be my choice, and I would prefer to suffer the decision than loose my son or daughter.

Edited by shepp
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Guest ragumup






What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage??
Nothing wrong with that at all mate. After all, the human species is very tribal.


However, what we want and what we get are different things but, the ability to adapt is what has made our species what it is today.


If you want to go deeper - it's just an evolutionary thing thing so, don't sweat it because you can't change it.


......... even monkeys kill other monkeys for teritory (no offense intended :))

Exactly, even Muhammad Ali said it. Blacks want to be with Blacks, Chinese want to be with Chinese, Muslims want to be with Muslims, Christians want to be with Christians. Islam has no place in the United Kingdom I'm afraid and that's not to say there isn't any decent Muslims because there is. Multiculturalism doesn't work, it causes clashes and segregation which in turn causes even more unrest...

Spot 0n but idiots on here want to tell me how to bring up my own family because my stance on my own family doesnt suit them LOL

Your also following sharia law regards your daughter not being allowed to marry the kuffar.

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

I agree with you. But you wouldn't go living in a Muslim country and then tell your white Christian daughter to only marry a white Christian man as the Muslims are no good for her, whilst living as a guest in their country.

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Its one of the reasons why I believe muslims should have their own schools I did not want my daughters when they were growing up having any involvement with muslims though they were brought up to be polite and good mannerd which they are to any race creed or religouse person muslims included.

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Both those links came up blank, but I will have a look. The only successful solution I have heard is to ban islam or absolutely crush them like genocide. I never try to endorse violence so I would rather ban it in places, like islam free zones just on national or even continental level. As I said if I consider another option better I will endorse it.


How do you ban an idea though? :hmm:


It works in theory but not in practice. Christianity went through it's dark ages, which look pretty much like the middle east does at the minute. The reason they're not burning witches at the stake, any more, is because of secular education. Most people don't read the bible, these days, and take it absolutely literally. That's what moderation does, over time. Groups like Quilliam are trying to educate and find common ground that everyone can live with. Challenging extremism is the duty of all responsible members of society, is a quote from them, we're already experiencing that we simply cannot bomb the problem away. Tackling extremism, with extremism, doesn't work, as 15+ years in the gulf will attest.


Do you think a strategy of genocide will solve the problem? Or radicalise the others into fighting you before you get to them?


a fan of trump because he's going to bring common sense back to the western world, and start getting rid of the lefty clubs you lot have set up to influence and enrich our multicultural lives with. But not one of your lefty leaders actually asked us if it's what we actually want, ya see no matter how psychic you think you'd are, you don't make decisions or think for every body else just what suits you lot best. Usually to enrich your own bank accounts at a cost to the rest of us


Serious question for you though. Do you honestly wish to see a nuclear strike carried out in the middle east? Or is that just because you're pissed off, generally?

Edited by ChrisJones
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