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Muslims Vs Russians

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DB was known as the "Tehran Terror" in his street fighting days. He has the strength of 10 men and steeps his hands in crude oil straight out of the ground

Why have they all got gloves on?.........street fight my arse, I've had more vicious fights with my best mate over who gets the windy end of a bus stop to sleep at 4 am !!

It all looked very gay to me ... Half dressed young men throwing themselves on top of each other ..... Oooooo sailor ......

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"I made myself look a total fecking clown but jokes on them because they replied to me."


Yeah ok then pal you crack on :blink:

You must be an annoying twit to everyone bar your muslim boyfriends. Why are you so critical, insulting and presumptuous to everyone except muslims. I try not to be presumptuous but you remind me of some pathetic bum lickers I see hanging around muslims getting treated like a pitiful lapdog who think they are cool and tough with the bad boys coming out with sad, twisted arguments that only divert from the real problems. Keep it up lapdog one day you will get some respect #sarcasm
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Yep I'm the critical, insulting one not the clown calling the heroes fighting ISIS cowards :laugh:


Silly little clown.

At the end of the day there have been numerous bombings, shootings, gang rapes, social problems, welfare fraud, etc, etc OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO GET FED UP!!! somehow you continually deny, twist, downplay and manipulate words in favour of a group that has plagued your people!!! And you call me a silly little clown??? As I said you are a pitiful little lapdog who will never get any respect and certainly doesn't deserve any.
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Yep I'm the critical, insulting one not the clown calling the heroes fighting ISIS cowards :laugh:


Silly little clown.

At the end of the day there have been numerous bombings, shootings, gang rapes, social problems, welfare fraud, etc, etc OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO GET FED UP!!! somehow you continually deny, twist, downplay and manipulate words in favour of a group that has plagued your people!!! And you call me a silly little clown??? As I said you are a pitiful little lapdog who will never get any respect and certainly doesn't deserve any.
Yep the one standing up for the heroes fighting ISIS is the one trying to twist and downplay the barbaric acts they commit. Of course. It all makes sense now.


As I said, incredibly silly little clown :laugh:


Do YOU think the Kurds fighting ISIS on the ground are just a bunch of cowards, wifebeaters and internet Rambos? :hmm:

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When did I say anything of the sort lapdog? Get back in your kennel and be thankful you have internet like a little lapdog barking behind a fence.


So you actually agree with what I've been saying in this thread then? :blink:


So what exactly is your problem? Just fly into an an uncontrollable rage at the sight of my username? :laugh: Silly little child.

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"I made myself look a total fecking clown but jokes on them because they replied to me."

I replied to this pathetic, manipulitive attempt at claiming some sort of victory when you are the one who looks the fool, always defending islam and twisting peoples responses acting as if you alone are exempt from criticism. You, as usual, tried to twist it into 'I am supporting brave Kurds'blah blah. Always twisting words and for what gain? Do you feel good when people get fed up with your crap and don't bother responding anymore like jackknife in this thread? Does it make you feel your existence is worth something? You think I am in some rage, I always enjoy seeing if you will ever get bored of responding to my posts before I get bored of your crap, but your life must be so meaningless I get the feeling I have never even got close. Hahaha I look forward to your response.

Yeah ok then pal you crack on :blink:

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"I made myself look a total fecking clown but jokes on them because they replied to me."

I replied to this pathetic, manipulitive attempt at claiming some sort of victory when you are the one who looks the fool, always defending islam and twisting peoples responses acting as if you alone are exempt from criticism. You, as usual, tried to twist it into 'I am supporting brave Kurds'blah blah. Always twisting words and for what gain? Do you feel good when people get fed up with your crap and don't bother responding anymore like jackknife in this thread? Does it make you feel your existence is worth something? You think I am in some rage, I always enjoy seeing if you will ever get bored of responding to my posts before I get bored of your crap, but your life must be so meaningless I get the feeling I have never even got close. Hahaha I look forward to your response.

Yeah ok then pal you crack on :blink:



Jacknife made an idiotic comment saying all Muslims were cowards then doubled down on it when I mentioned the Kurds and Iranians fighting ISIS right now, post stupid shite like that and someone will call you out on it. He's welcome to carry on trying to defend his position, I'm not trying to stop him posting and don't feel any kind of weird sense of victory over "winning" an argument on an internet forum. It's a form of mild amusement to me that's all.


It takes me a couple of seconds to tap out a reply, really is no great burden :thumbs:

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I wouldn't get the over excited once the Muslims in certain regions have sorted out their squabbles they will soon unite and focus on the old enemies Israel and the west ,all those brave Kurds etc etc would love the chance to blow up a bus full of Western children we are after all only infidel.

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I wouldn't get the over excited once the Muslims in certain regions have sorted out their squabbles they will soon unite and focus on the old enemies Israel and the west ,all those brave Kurds etc etc would love the chance to blow up a bus full of Western children we are after all only infidel.

Yep every last one of the 2 billion Muslims in the world is just waiting for their chance to blow up Westerners :yes:



You fecking loon :blink::laugh:

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I wouldn't get the over excited once the Muslims in certain regions have sorted out their squabbles they will soon unite and focus on the old enemies Israel and the west ,all those brave Kurds etc etc would love the chance to blow up a bus full of Western children we are after all only infidel.

Yep every last one of the 2 billion Muslims in the world is just waiting for their chance to blow up Westerners :yes:



You fecking loon :blink::laugh:

Once again twisting words, you really are amusing! How much trouble has to be caused in FOREIGN countries by muslims before you will admit that there is no assimilation. Well you have already given your a$$ so I guess you expect everybody to do the same. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
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