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Referendum Aftermath

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Seem to me they buying time with the artical 50 and filling minds with the negative factor so when it comes to it they will try some weak leave deal on.


I'd say you're right pal and you're not the only one thinking that.






This has prompted much speculation – and a glimmer of hope – for those who want Britain to remain in the European Union. Cameron, they argue, had repeatedly said during the campaign that article 50 would be triggered immediately if Vote Leave were to win the Brexit referendum.


By not doing so, the theory is, and by handing the responsibility to whoever succeeds him, Cameron has handed the next prime minister a poisoned chalice. Given the dramatic reaction to Brexit – on world stock markets, on the foreign exchanges, in Scotland, across Europe – and with the enormity of the consequences of leaving the EU now plain, who will dare pull the trigger?


One consequence of this, as a below-the-line commentater argued on the Guardian website, is that Cameron has effectively snookered the Brexit camp: they may have won the referendum, but they cannot use the mandate they have been given because if they do so they will be seen to be knowingly condemning the UK to recession, breakup and years of pain.


This could mean, as lawyer and writer David Allen Green has suggested in a blogpost, that “the longer article 50 notification is put off, the greater the chance it will never be made ... As long as the notification is not sent, the UK remains part of the EU. And there is currently no reason or evidence to believe that, regardless of the referendum result, the notification will be sent at all.”

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Walshie, it's because the younger generation have been turned into zombies and haven't hardly done a days graft, but especially don't know how to fend for themselves, my own granny was angry this morn

Chris Martin just needs to accept that the UK and the EU have consciously uncoupled. :

my issue is with the cowardly media they had there media block on french riots and any troubles with the run up to the ref and now because it was a leave vote all they can do is talk everything down a

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Now the dust is settling its actually looking like we can get a fair maybe even good exit deal from the EU .im not saying its not going to be a bumpy ride but if we are clever and strong and united then there's everything to play for as the last thing the EU want now is to look like a bitter dictatorship to the rest of its already jittery members.


Thing is that the EU committee are playing hard ball whilst the member country's leaders are being more conciliatory. There are elections in France and Germany next year and they will need to reassure their industries that they won't lose out. Meanwhile in lah-lah land Junkers and co. have thrown the teddies out of the pram and are clinging onto the gravy train for grim death. One of them stated that they were worried that the uncertainty about the UK exit would cause 'populist' dissent about the EU. For 'populist' read 'democratic'. Democracy is what they fear.

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The Sun and Daily Mail readers seem shocked that Brexit could have an impact on their lives...






Surely everyone knew there was good chance of at least a short term negative impact on the economy?

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Project self doubt has began.

The Sun and Daily Mail readers seem shocked that Brexit could have an impact on their lives...






Surely everyone knew there was good chance of at least a short term negative impact on the economy?

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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

Edited by BGD
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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

dont be silly When have the news groups ever published a positive story we are all doomed i tell ya lol
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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

dont be silly When have the news groups ever published a positive story we are all doomed i tell ya lol



Considering a majority of the papers are pro-Brexit I'd expect a few at least...

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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

Yorkshire and the Humber put £1bn into the EU in 2015, in comparison we received £747m between 2007-2013...... Yep the EU has benefitted our area greatly......

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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...



(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)


dont be silly When have the news groups ever published a positive story we are all doomed i tell ya lol


Considering a majority of the papers are pro-Brexit I'd expect a few at least...

But positive story's don't sell and there in the business of selling paper's
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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

Yorkshire and the Humber put £1bn into the EU in 2015, in comparison we received £747m between 2007-2013...... Yep the EU has benefitted our area greatly......


And with that £747m, they instruct you how you can spend it and no doubt charge you for the service.


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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

Yorkshire and the Humber put £1bn into the EU in 2015, in comparison we received £747m between 2007-2013...... Yep the EU has benefitted our area greatly......

So why are they whining about losing their EU funding, sounds like they're in profit? :hmm:

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So Cornwall, Yorkshire and parts of Wales are now demanding the UK Government match the funds they would have recieved from the EU if we haven't left...




(Sorry tiercel, another negative story :laugh: of course folk can feel free to post their own positive ones...)

Yorkshire and the Humber put £1bn into the EU in 2015, in comparison we received £747m between 2007-2013...... Yep the EU has benefitted our area greatly......
So why are they whining about losing their EU funding, sounds like they're in profit? :hmm:
Who's moaning??? They are merely pointing out how much the EU was funding them and would like a bit of reassurance. Edited by DogFox123
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