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Robert Lemm The Mill Maker

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I understand your point perfectly mate but my impression of what the lads are saying is that they need to find out how big the dogs heart is before they put the proper time into it or they may get a f

Azium/Dex was the basis of a dog matchers tool kit 20 years ago whereas today it would be like pulling up on a drag strip with a mk 4 cortina .....i remember a greyhound man asking me about it years

We dont ?......cant say as your name rings a bell but ive had shit thrown at me from all angles on here the names dont really register anymore.... but hey i apologise it was probably my fault anyway



Think of a stress test in a hospital, you don't need to be fit enough to run a marathon. After a bit of a stress test, you make a considered decision whether you think the "heart" is strong enough to warrant the time effort to train it for the marathon.


No point in training for a marathon if you hit the wall at ten....

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Thats right those " old hands " just bred the arse off curs like Bullyson and sold any buckskin colour dog they could get their hands on to all corners of the globe like ol Don did !................like i said mate those old tapes are great for historical interest but dont let yourself fall into the trap of thinking they were good old boys who were whiter than white..... time stands still for no man/dog and todays top competitors are far superior to yesterdays......and thats how it should be.



I have no opinion on whether he quit or not, I just like reading up on articles etc... You can spend hours of interesting reading so I thought I'd post this link because half way down the page they talk about how bullyson had went into the match just in case you had an interest in reading it! http://rayfox6.tripod.com/id75.html

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Only a complete idiot would compare the working life of a competition bulldog to a competition greyhound its not even similar it would be like comparing football to cricket just because both involve a ball !......a greyhound might have upwards of what 50 contests in its career a bulldog will be lucky to have 3 or 4.....how can you compare conditioning for a race to conditioning for a fight its like comparing Usain Bolts preparation to Anthony Joshuas.........starting with a fit and healthy body is where the comparison ends !


I had a little dabble with greyhounds years ago but quite frankly it bored me and i have very little interest apart from a little flutter now and again...... for me nothing dog wise has ever come close to a performance bulldog i wasnt particularly good with a dog i couldnt connect all that well with them but i could put condition on a dog that few others could......ive seen some of the best conditioners around Europe and they all have their own ways of doing things and their own ideas but the one common thing everybody will agree on is the biggest mistake a conditioner can make is to condition the wrong dog......hence the correct testing/schooling of any dog is everything and without it you have nothing.

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I'd call a man willing to put his dog in that position not conditioned to perfection ignorant or maybe just plain daft .

Thats because you havent got the foggiest idea what you are talking about !........you seem to know a little bit about greyhounds and thats great.....stick to talking about greyhounds and leave the bulldogs for people who know bulldogs ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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Nobody's talking about contests.Rolls are not contests they are they are used to put a young dog against dogs with different styles to see what a young dog has about it in the quickest way possible.Day for instance a dog is going to be rolled 4 or 5 times between the age of 1 and 2 yrs if the youngster is rolled in average condition well fed and walked a few times a week each roll might last 30 mins before the youngster gets tired and has to show it has a bit of heart . whereas if that youngster was conditioned to go 3hrs you wouldn't even be able to roll it 4 times in a year and even if you did it would probably have to be retired at the end of it.



Couldnt agree more.............the test of the dog is the game test......the test of the man is the match.

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Only a complete idiot would compare the working life of a competition bulldog to a competition greyhound its not even similar it would be like comparing football to cricket just because both involve a ball !......a greyhound might have upwards of what 50 contests in its career a bulldog will be lucky to have 3 or 4.....how can you compare conditioning for a race to conditioning for a fight its like comparing Usain Bolts preparation to Anthony Joshuas.........starting with a fit and healthy body is where the comparison ends !


I had a little dabble with greyhounds years ago but quite frankly it bored me and i have very little interest apart from a little flutter now and again...... for me nothing dog wise has ever come close to a performance bulldog i wasnt particularly good with a dog i couldnt connect all that well with them but i could put condition on a dog that few others could......ive seen some of the best conditioners around Europe and they all have their own ways of doing things and their own ideas but the one common thing everybody will agree on is the biggest mistake a conditioner can make is to condition the wrong dog......hence the correct testing/schooling of any dog is everything and without it you have nothing.

If a dog shows promising after a few rolls.

What would be your method of conditioning. flirt pole. treadmill.timescale.diet.etc.and how would you increase the work load week by week.

We don't see eye to eye but I'm asking as I'm interested in dogs gnasher.

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Personally I never liked all these set time tables and exercises, every keep is going to be different depending on the dogs strengths and weaknesses and the condition they're starting in. You have to go by feel as much as science, IMO.

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No it's quite the opposite you just don't like folk you have a gripe against having any kind of say

That's plain to see.


Did you condition your animals with any kind of performance enhancing drugs?


And remember that big Feller is all seeing and hearing lol


So no fibs.

Max if someone talks complete nonsense and is plainly wrong about something i know a little bit about then im going to point that out whether its you or anyone else....sorry and all that......." gripe " :D dont flatter yourself son i have gripes with real people not folk hiding on computers.


Yes of course ive had dogs on the gear as virtually everyone else did......it doesnt suit all dogs but i guess averaged out over the years it was 50/50 shots and natural......why would i lie about it....Max you are aware that matching dogs is illegal arent you :laugh:

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If a dog shows promising after a few rolls.

What would be your method of conditioning. flirt pole. treadmill.timescale.diet.etc.and how would you increase the work load week by week.

We don't see eye to eye but I'm asking as I'm interested in dogs gnasher.


We dont ?......cant say as your name rings a bell but ive had shit thrown at me from all angles on here the names dont really register anymore.... but hey i apologise it was probably my fault anyway :D


If a dog shows promise then game test it in everyday healthy condition........if it passes its test then have the courage of your conviction to back it,simple.......every conditioner alive sees things different but i always wanted 3 months inclusive of a 2 week pre keep.....some folk dont pre keep their dogs so 3 months would be too long for them.......beyond that every dog is different i believe you have to adjust a keep to suit a dogs personality some dogs are lazy by nature you cant condition a lazy dog the same as you would condition a hyped up nutcase.....but yes treadmill both free running and slow electric,swimming,plenty of massage,blood counts depending how serious you are......is all part of a keep....flirtpole only towards the end just to bring up their reactions.......anyone whos conditioned a bulldog will tell you its just too involved to do it justice in a few lines.


Obviously this is all from a historical interest point of view as nobody breaks laws anymore.

Edited by gnasher16
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I remember when Azium first came on the scene, some dog men thought it was the b all and end all of everything , some in fact thought they could lessen the amount of hours put into a dog as Azium would make up the difference. It s all about what's good for the individual dog....I dare say you give two litter mates the same dosage and one might go forwards and one backwards....seen it with my own eyes that performance enhancing drugs don't always work..BUT as Gnasher says ..on some they will...you pays your money and takes your chances.

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Tested for drugs Tallywakker.


So Gnash can any man really take any credit for the condition of a dog on Roids ?

And can any dogs record be worth the paper it's wrote on if on the gear for the keep period and or during its Competeing period or periods ?


Do em clean no matter what your into and you know exactly what youv got.

Use drugs and your not just kidding everyone else but most of all yourself .


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