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About Tallywacker

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    Soggy bottom

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  1. Steves type I said, and there’s a good drop of that in the dog so it’s fair to refer to him as that ? although he doesn’t work like one not much between the ears must get that from chaz ?? good luck tho hope it works out for you ?
  2. They Must be thin on the ground or they’ve hit a brick wall for old gyn to travel to the valleys to use a Stevens type dog ?
  3. The dog was pasted from pillar to post, where he made a his name and just as well really because his life would have been spent waisted in a kennel!! The only dog that was DEAD GAME but still alive.. lol
  4. Go to your nearest shoot private or commercial and tell them you are interested in doing some beating and away you go.. atb
  5. There will be a few dogs on loan that day.. lol
  6. they wouldn't even put a bend in one..
  7. Hopefully my bitches will do the job if I go, can't see it though they have n.s blood in them...somewhere ?you said it..?
  8. The honorable thing to do would to take the man up on his nice offer and put this to bed..
  9. Stay clear lads just had a pm off a lad I know He's well known for dog dealing & being a bull sh*ter in he's neck of the woods,
  10. bang on! Look through his post's always making up excuses to sell his sh*t..
  11. Iv heard same chaffinch, an i saw a few doing it when not getting it there own way, if they never walked that is, but have beenbtold of a few folk that i trust that there was few good uns, but there had to be as there was loads an i mean loads brednothing like edging your bets Never seen him work so can't really disagree but the dog I had out of his stuff was no neck holder beleive me, he would wag his tail whilst on the hot end, and lads that seen him work that have also seen billy work said 'can't say he's harder than billy but he's as hard as him" for them to say that tells me he was no ne
  12. Iv heard same chaffinch, an i saw a few doing it when not getting it there own way, if they never walked that is, but have beenbtold of a few folk that i trust that there was few good uns, but there had to be as there was loads an i mean loads brednothing like edging your bets Never seen him work so can't really disagree but the dog I had out of his stuff was no neck holder beleive me, he would wag his tail whilst on the hot end, and lads that seen him work that have also seen billy work said 'can't say he's harder than billy but he's as hard as him" for them to say that tells me he was no nec
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