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Metric System

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My pet peeve at the moment is the way every TV programme now seems to use km instead of miles. We might use the metric system to a degree, but my speedo is in mph, the road signs are in miles and the speed limit is in mph.


"Steve's journey is 170km" (Supertruckers) "320km offshore." (Deadliest catch.) Does that mean anything to anyone without roughly converting it in your head to miles first?


Are you 1.8m tall or 5ft whatever?



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feet and inches ,pounds and stones and miles for me, having said that 50p is still 10 bob in my world

be better for all concerned if you kept your opinions to yourself tb25!!!

It sounds bigger in km rather than miles same for mm/cm and inch ...it makes them feel better

lol...if that's all that's bothering you then you have nothing much to worry about old boy... I remember starting my first day on a( construction site) building site we term it as here... in New York as a joiner ...we were metal studding walls in a hotel to be ( dry lined) plaster boarding we call it here.... so once all frames were up it was time to plaster board...you were in teams of 3 men...1 measuring and cutting boards for 2 men...who would then screw them to the wall... americans hadn't got a clue what sizes we were shouting out..... we the Irish/English men were shouting in metric...Mil. Metre..the americans only use inches and feet...after an hour taking the hand of the yanks the boards flew up.... In Northern Ireland most are signs are in Miles...go 3 miles over the border and all the road signs are in Kilometres... Same if in Europe all there road signs will be in Km? I always found it handy knowing how to read the 2!

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lol...if that's all that's bothering you then you have nothing much to worry about old boy... I remember starting my first day on a( construction site) building site we term it as here... in New York as a joiner ...we were metal studding walls in a hotel to be ( dry lined) plaster boarding we call it here.... so once all frames were up it was time to plaster board...you were in teams of 3 men...1 measuring and cutting boards for 2 men...who would then screw them to the wall... americans hadn't got a clue what sizes we were shouting out..... we the Irish/English men were shouting in metric...Mil. Metre..the americans only use inches and feet...after an hour taking the hand of the yanks the boards flew up.... In Northern Ireland most are signs are in Miles...go 3 miles over the border and all the road signs are in Kilometres... Same if in Europe all there road signs will be in Km? I always found it handy knowing how to read the 2!


I agree it's handy to know, but the fact is we DO use miles here so why TV thinks differently I don't know.


If someone i hadn't met told me they were 1.75 metres tall, I wouldn't know if they were a basketball player or a midget without converting it roughly in my head first.

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I like the old methods ..no need to complicate shit.I still refuse to use a drill to screw a bloddy screw in..even get hand held electronic saw things now days..worlds become lazy..

lol...obviously works in I.T. or something....complicating shit.... what a joker... you try putting a 70 mil screw in by a screw driver soon change your mind... hand held electronic saw things?? you mean a skill saw.... again you try cutting 40 to 50 6x2's for a roof by hand...

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Can't be arsed with km. First time I worked abroad I was given a VW Caddy van. I went everywhere at 160kph..., which I thought was fine. Wasn't til I got home and looked at the speedo on my own car that I realised my conversion was a bit off, and I'd been going everywhere at a 100mph. ?

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