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Best Earth Dog You've Had An What Way Bred."

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Please excuse my punctuation, not so much grammer or spelling mistakes. I'm on some bad medication at the moment for panic attacks and sometimes im not at all coherent! However, I will try my best. I

Best dig or rather best fox accounted for was in a pile of dumped paving slabs roughly 6 foot deep near a concrete works near me .We were looking for a chicken killer and found a trail of feathers fro

A couple of years ago my mate got a call out from a farmer who had just seen a fox go to ground. The farmer had been combining & had seen a fox go to ground in a single holer out in the wheat fiel

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Why all the arguments? Look how foxdroppper, Fatman and myself got off to a bad start! that's in the past and to be honest the person Iam i'd sooner help someone, but if offened that is something totally different. Of course there is some good guys on here who doesn't have to write afew short lines to prove their abilities. I know of course we won't always agree on certain aspects, but at least lets try and be friendly, lets help each other. I may get some flack for this statement but I don't think it is a good thing to keep having a poke at each other. I have a brother who had the world at his feet, excellent dogs, money ,education , personality and great charisma. Nowadays he suffers from terrible depression and longs for his life back. He lost everyhting to a friend he called (Whisky)! 'A shadow of his formerself. However, I have pm a certain person on hear who lives in Ireland, he knows who he is and even a person like me can be taught many important and wise lessons...... Thank you to him as he seems such a nice person. Hoping everyone has a good day. 'Allways remember your terriers as the song goes. KEEP THE FLAG FLYING. Lutra.....

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The best earth dog I have ever had isome a border dog. Genuine levi stuff, in all honesty the dog is to hard for his own good. He's 5 now and has earned his stripes he's a fox killing dog. People slate borders but if you get the right stuff you won't get a better dog than a border.

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The best earth dog I have ever had isome a border dog. Genuine levi stuff, in all honesty the dog is to hard for his own good. He's 5 now and has earned his stripes he's a fox killing dog. People slate borders but if you get the right stuff you won't get a better dog than a border.

Seen a few good borders down the years and as said when there good there good but the sucsess rate of workers in litters is low imo due mainly to the fact that not many lads work the border any more.I reckon that if there were as many borders as blacks,russels,lakeys and so on about there would be a good percentage of working borders about providing they were bred the right way and not for the show ring or for the ££££.I remember maybe 25 year ago a few lads in the south of ireland had a very good line of working borders,terriers that were well worked and tested,the same men probably have them still.

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I know men who have them men who are late 50's etc. They have the proper stuff bred worker to worker over the years and keep it close amongst friends. I have been lucky enough to get in the circle and have 3 working borders myself now.

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I've not seen a good Border for nearly 30 years... Shame that.


A mate of mine an Wolfy's had a very Bordery little bitch years ago that was very good and thats about it!


It's a breed (though in working terriers 'type' is the better description) that i've always wanted to see more of...

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Yes, how's the sex life? , haven't seen the pair of you in over five years, and no love letters, oh well , nothing to report, ha

Haha, it's over 5 years now Pab's. AT keeps me updated on your hunting. 'Ol Wolfy should get on here more but he restricts himself to Friday nights... Keeps him off the porn though...!

Live the dream mate, live the dream!! ;)

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Please excuse my punctuation, not so much grammer or spelling mistakes. I'm on some bad medication at the moment for panic attacks and sometimes im not at all coherent! However, I will try my best. I don't really want to talk about my dogs, sooner give other dogs credit, but alll the dogs I had I bred myself and they died on my Mothers yard. That is testimony to the dogs working ability. I had 2 really good terriers pass by last year and it broke me asunder. 'Still sorely missed, Tramp and a little rough- coated bitch called Thatch. So -called dog men who doesn't get a tear in their eyes are not reallly terrrier men to me. I can remember going to Bert Griptons cottage and he asked my brother to take one of his old bitches back to the kennels, the place my brother worked. She had become old and had developed an ulcerated tumour, her time had finally come to an end. As we put her on her collar and lead I don't know who was more upset, my brother and myself or Bert. He gave her one final look in her eye, and that final look said a thousand words.He patted her on her head and while walking down his garden path all we saw was Bert waving googbye, yes to my brother and myself but above all to little Tod.Sometime after, the situation started to deteriotate quite rapidly, Berts old dog Tiger died, so really that was the end to a most wonderful career.He had a dog called Toby Hard; if a fox bit it, googdbye Fox.I have a letter in my possession and when I find it out I will try and get it published on this forum. I think Tiger was entered into a place that consisted of gravel and his old dog Tiger was undrground for 3 days or more. In the end after digging many feet down Bert reached Tiger, several ft deep , about 10ft or more.Of course the dog had lost his voice after the second day and was lodged between a dead fox.After unlodging him there were I think 8 dogs and 1 Vixen. It took him and Tiger 3 days to get over the ordeal. In 1996 Christmas time my bitch Thimble entered a place which was an undergound incinerator, a good place for the local foxes in that particular vicinity. The place ran into the middle of Mansfield town centre and heated up the local swimming baths. It would be virtually impossible to say how many foxes had been bolted over the years.The place was undiggable but the bitch was supremely clever and had never ran into trouble before. However, on this particular ocassion this turned out to be a nightmare for any terrier man. She was entered early one Thursday Christmas week.2 large metal pipes ran side by side for about a mile in length which went to the swimming baths. A terrier couldnt negotiate the pipes due to them being blocked off, but could run underneath were the foxes ran also. on top of the pipes large man made concrete slabs covered the pipes.There were 2 entrances but the foxes always prefered to use one entance which ran underneath a disused railway bridg.Nets on and the bich hit the entrance with a vengance.After a while of waiting I noticed a fox waiking down a field side. So of course I thought a fox had bolted but on further exmination the net was still placed over the hole. Iwaited hours and was becoming increasingly concerned,After waiting for hours I decided to block the entrances and come back later. When I arriverd unblocked and shouted her, but nothing.After afew days the council and tetevision decide to get invovoled. At the far end there was a wooden building I had the keys. I could scramble over thepipes go into a large culvert and try and shout know avial. By now Thimble had been underground for apporx 8 days. Then who arrived the R.S.P.C.A. I set the trap has no one else knew how to set the trap. the R.S.P.C.A the top guy knew it was my dog.i'll never forget what he said, he replied another terrier wants putting in to see if the dog can be found.A lady who I know kindly lent us her jcb, but still no luck. On the eleven day my sister climbed into the culvert and there stoodthe pipe was Thimble. She was rather amaciatied with some marks All the people who had helped thought it was my sisters dog. When the dog seen me she was istatic with happinees.Did I get drunk that day. The best Chrisrtmas present I.ve ever had.

Edited by Lutra Lutra
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