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The Dark / And Your Mind ?

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after reading top dog1 post about seeing strange things in the dark when lamping . this is one years back , but always makes me think what your mind can do when put in the right or wrong position . :D

. one night I was lamping on some hot ground with a big collie x grey Blaze , this ground had mad feckin farmer who run in with lurcher lads before , one lad come out of it with bust up face, this farmer was big bloke over 6ft 18-20st , so you knew if got you , you get a good bang of him. well this one night , I was going not bad had 10 rabbits, and had fox , went in to another field about 1 mile from his house , I kept the lamp off as much as I could. I seen squatter right out , sent blaze to get it , he took it right off its seat , as he was coming back he looked back and stood still, I called him in, got the rabbit off him. I put the lamp on where he was looking, bloody hell I seen this massive shape start to get up, I thought it must be the farmer who been hiding/watching it looked like he had black donkey jacket on. Blaze started to growl as he would protect me if he had to, and he was big dog 27in and strong with it . the shape was getting bigger , I thought feck me he big bloke, I got a knife on me , but thought I let him get closer to me then kick him hard I as could in the balls , as they all go down who ever they are :yes: . it started to get even more big I thought right this it now Blaze was ready as well , had the lamp on all the while, then it stood right up it was a big black feckin cow lol. thank god for that , I got out of there quick after . so the dark can deff play tricks on your mind mate :yes:

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after reading top dog1 post about seeing strange things in the dark when lamping . this is one years back , but always makes me think what your mind can do when put in the right or wrong position

True words,...     Seen a lot of things ,...but never been feared of the night.....   Night hunting is like entering a whole new world,...but as a rule,..there ain't nothing out there to hurt ya.

One night whilst night fishing a small secluded mere in Cheshire a car pulled into the car park,a young couple got out and decided to have a session on the car bonnet with the lights still on....must

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after reading top dog post about seeing strange things in the dark when lamping . this is one years back , but always makes me think what your mind can do when put in the right or wrong position . :D. one night I was lamping on some hot ground with a big collie x grey Blaze , this ground had mad feckin farmer who run in with lurcher lads before , one lad come out of it with bust up f, this farmer was big bloke over 6ft 18-20st , so you knew if got you , you get a good bang of him. well this one night , I was going not bad had 10 rabbits, and had fox , went in to another field about 1 mile from his house , I kept the lamp off as much as I could. I seen squatter right out , sent blaze to get it , he took it right off its seat , as he was coming back he looked back and stood still, I called him in, got the rabbit off him. I put the lamp on where he was looking, bloody hell I seen this massive shape start to get up, I thought it must be the farmer who been hiding/watching it looked like he had black donkey jacket on. Blaze started to growl as he would protect me if he had to, and he was big dog 27in and strong with it . the shape was getting bigger , I thought feck me he big bloke, I got a knife on me , but thought I let him get closer to me then kick him hard I as could in the balls , as they all go down who ever they are :yes: . it started to get even more big I thought right this it now Blaze was ready as well , had the lamp on all the while, then it stood right up it was a big black feckin cow lol. thank god for that , I got out of there quick after . so the dark can deff play tricks on your mind mate :yes:

lololol belter
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There's only generally the same things out there at night. They're just harder to see.


P.S. Ray you poof! :laugh:


true, :thumbs: but if he got yeh you be one dead poof :D ,the last lad got bust ribs and bust up face , deff got be size 9 in the balls mate :thumbs:

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You are a game one Bird...you stood your ground...

yeh i was going to leg it at 1st, but i thought if i fell over or what ever, and that big fecker drops on me i got no chance so i thought attack prob better than run, i still the same now but carnt run anyway got fooked knee now lol

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We were once out on a local golf course, just after midnight, walking past one of the ponds/lakes and 2 blokes in wet suits popped up from beneath the water! Turns out they were stealing all the golf balls out of the lake.


We thought it quite suspicious that someone would drag themselves outta bed at that time just for golf balls.. they thought it quite suspicious we were out at that time just for a few bunnies, but each to their own ey haha.

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We were once out on a local golf course, just after midnight, walking past one of the ponds/lakes and 2 blokes in wet suits popped up from beneath the water! Turns out they were stealing all the golf balls out of the lake.


We thought it quite suspicious that someone would drag themselves outta bed at that time just for golf balls.. they thought it quite suspicious we were out at that time just for a few bunnies, but each to their own ey haha.


There's a lot of money to be made selling golf balls out of a lake. I saw a program on it a while back and this guy and his mate make £300,000 a year out of it :icon_eek:

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We were once out on a local golf course, just after midnight, walking past one of the ponds/lakes and 2 blokes in wet suits popped up from beneath the water! Turns out they were stealing all the golf balls out of the lake.


We thought it quite suspicious that someone would drag themselves outta bed at that time just for golf balls.. they thought it quite suspicious we were out at that time just for a few bunnies, but each to their own ey haha.


There's a lot of money to be made selling golf balls out of a lake. I saw a program on it a while back and this guy and his mate make £300,000 a year out of it :icon_eek:


Best get myself a wetsuit if you can make that kind of money then! haha.

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We were once out on a local golf course, just after midnight, walking past one of the ponds/lakes and 2 blokes in wet suits popped up from beneath the water! Turns out they were stealing all the golf balls out of the lake.


We thought it quite suspicious that someone would drag themselves outta bed at that time just for golf balls.. they thought it quite suspicious we were out at that time just for a few bunnies, but each to their own ey haha.


There's a lot of money to be made selling golf balls out of a lake. I saw a program on it a while back and this guy and his mate make £300,000 a year out of it :icon_eek:

When we where young we used to go to the golf course outside our area used to have a little gap in the fence round by the cemetery we used to go in collect all the goldballs and sell them to golfers on the course found a whole set of clubs and whatever in a gold bag once aswell and managed to sell that and the driving range we used to risk getting hit to walk out and grab buckets full of balls

Gettin chased by the course security in golf buggies was all part of the fun and sometimes well just go to get a good chase on

Edited by CushtyJook
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Was up on a perm that was a stables one night I was out with a mate and we split up. I was up near the fence line with woods behind me, lamp off just chilling with a ciggie. Heard footsteps thinking it was my mate I started asking how he'd got on. No reply turned round popped the light on and a fecking horse had wandered over and was stood about a foot away staring at me and Trev the dog lol pair of us shit it dog jumped a mile vertical :laugh:


Another time we were stalked by a fox! So me and a mate were lamping the field calling in and the sneaky fuucker had come up behind us to within a couple of meters and then screamed :laugh: two grown men and two dogs spun on a bloody penny lol

Edited by mushroom
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If you lamp alone a lot, you'll know how the mind can start to over think things and then you've started to spook yourself. It's funny how it can happen in some specks and never in others.

The irony is, for me anyway, that the reality of the worry is never as bad as the worry itself!

Sometimes that line of thought can spoil the whole night. Always good to put some clear,positive, rational thoughts in your head before you get there, especially if the gaff is a bit warm.

It really is, mind over matter.... ;)

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If you lamp alone a lot, you'll know how the mind can start to over think things and then you've started to spook yourself. It's funny how it can happen in some specks and never in others.

The irony is, for me anyway, that the reality of the worry is never as bad as the worry itself!

Sometimes that line of thought can spoil the whole night. Always good to put some clear,positive, rational thoughts in your head before you get there, especially if the gaff is a bit warm.

It really is, mind over matter.... ;)

Thats spot on that is. One night i was on my my way out (stammering already) and I was going somewhere a little but not very naughty. It was a very black night in november with enough wind to stir things. On the way I put the radio on and found myself listening to Bram Stokers Dracula being read by a deep voice together with menacing sound effects.. I really enjoyed it and nothing bothered me about it until I parked up and got out into the black night with those huge russling black oak trees on the edge of the wood that I had to walk through to get to the fields.

I just could not get rid of the spooks that night and only really stayed out to prove to myself I wasnt a puff like Ray.. Whenever I venture out on my own now I always take my tape of funny real life stories by Rolf Harris....nothing scary about that.. :blink:

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