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just watched the clip there... first of what does it tell you that when the Ex- Executive Director of LACS goes to a hunt with non bias attitude and embraces the hunt fraternity to find out what there really like ends up turning his back on all the false propaganda he himself and the LACS community had been portraying for years and decides to tell the truth... wildlife management is the only way forward for a whole matter of animals not just the fox.... and as for brian may...lets just say he has a deal with silvikrin hairspray and has to get tv time for his endorsement.... but his rudeness and ignorance has been shown....

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May is nothing more than a woolly headed has been, who likes to be noticed and is simply attempting to reclaim his lost 5 minutes of fame..... why else would a man of his age maintain a hair style lik

Just watched the Youtube Video. Poor old Brian is losing it..... What I can foresee is the RSPCA's funding colapsing even further into debt and their charity status as none political being further que

I'd love it if he turns out to be the next Rolf Harris!!

Wonder what old curly tops would think of a rat infestation on his property ,could be arranged .May is so obsessed, with his own profile ,his bygone fame as to be blinkered by any conflicting evidence that supports his oponents ,the same as many antis ive found .Mis placed passion added to an 80,s perm plus the obvious onset of torrets renders him the ideal man for the arspca front man to be rediculed further by his own sad kind .May is nothing ,never has been, an aids dodger from a half decent band .Pay no attention to fools spouting lies as they have no place in our lives .

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i dont usualy watch the news or keep upto date with the world but when somthings about to change they give u a little taste first to get you ready then it changes.. I think somthings going to change in a good way for the hunting in uk.. i dont no what but the rspca are getting it left right and centre and mays just been discredited infront of the nation sumones pulling some strings somwere

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its got nothing to do with whats right or whats wrong no more as it,its all about these childish politicians getting one over each other,the snp have the same amendments passed in their own country but don't agree with them in a country they didn't want to be part of months ago,it wont matter what anyone does I would just keep ya head down and keep doing what ya do.they couldn't give a shit about a fox any of them its about getting one over the other party.

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