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Muslim Terrorists Al Shabab

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i think you're confusing yourself mate.


slow down and if you're not sure maybe read it twice :thumbs:

im english (thats what the flag under my name means)


and yes they had gods.

Im on phone an cant see your flag,,,im just trying to come to terms with your complete lack of understanding an empathy neems,,,but you see that as a weakness,,dont you,,,


Could you tell me a little about these gods,,,an how do you know they werent forced on people as you say,, you were not there?

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Better...worse,it doesnt matter.


all that matters that we are a distinct and unique people,just like Australian Abo's or the Massai.


every unique group is worth preserving,xtianity is your identity so you cant see why other people would want to preserve their racial and cultural identity,but plenty do....even some xtians.

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i think you're confusing yourself mate.


slow down and if you're not sure maybe read it twice :thumbs:

im english (thats what the flag under my name means)


and yes they had gods.

Im on phone an cant see your flag,,,im just trying to come to terms with your complete lack of understanding an empathy neems,,,but you see that as a weakness,,dont you,,,


Could you tell me a little about these gods,,,an how do you know they werent forced on people as you say,, you were not there?


if youre genuinely interested i can PM you the names of some books later on that will explain better than me,as well as some historical accounts that show religion was not forced on people (though if you understood the European religions youd see they were geared toward keeping outsiders in the dark as regards rituals,beliefs etc)


im very understanding and empathise fine btw,neither of which are weaknesses as long as you know to remain guarded around outsiders.

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Axum, haven't you noticed something about Christian and muslim countries, something that stands out a mile.


In general,

Christian countries = progressive 21st century with relatively good hygiene, medical and education standards.


Muslim countries = backward and medieval with no or very poor hygiene, medical and education standards.


You don't hear many of the Christian countries we colonised moaning about being dragged into the civilised world do you ?

Can't hear the states or the Aussies whinging. If the mussie countries want to stay mussie then let them, they can continue to live in disease ridden filth, the rest of the world should just leave them to it, they'll die out soon enough without any aid from civilised countries.


The simple answer to this problem is close the borders and stop all aid, problem will be over in ten years or so. :thumbs:

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Yeah send me the info il check them out,,,the aussie abos were slaughtered,,,,,indians were slaughtered etc,,,I dont get your point,,,


christianity tells us that we all came from same descendants,,,that doesnt mean were not soverign to our country im irish,, an proud,,, an reject globilization,,, an so does christianity,,,

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Yeah send me the info il check them out,,,the aussie abos were slaughtered,,,,,indians were slaughtered etc,,,I dont get your point,,,


christianity tells us that we all came from same descendants,,,that doesnt mean were not soverign to our country im irish,, an proud,,, an reject globilization,,, an so does christianity,,,

will do.


xtianity is globalism,you see yourself as closer to some pacific Islander whos a xtian than you do an athiest Irish man.


you are more loyal to your internationalist religion than your kin or heritage (pagan),that makes you an internationalist or globalist.

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and the point about abos etc was,better or worse doesnt matter,all that matters is we're different and add to the diversity of the planet,multi racial societies destroy that diversity.


if we want to preserve human diversity on earth we need to stay seperate,if not eventually one or both races dissappear.

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Il have to disagree there neems,,,,thats like me saying your a globalist,,, millions of americans are agnostic,,atheists,,,,,most of russia are atheist....


Neems ireland was always christian,,,,we beat the pagans out over a thousand years ago,,,,the vikings


There might have been paganism in ireland,,,but back then people knew paganism,, was devil worship,,,thats all paganism is,,,trace back pagan gods they all lead back to satan,,, ive done it



christianity is not about taking over the world,,its the opposite ,,,, an by the way im welcoming to any man women,,,no matter there colour or worldview,,,ive a few atheist friends neems

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European paganism has nothing to do with any xtian idea like satan,it predates xtianity as do its gods (personifications of nature).


all of Europe was pagan before xtians subverted their way into power and massacred the best and brightest we've ever had,a very small amount of research would prove that,if you actually wanted to the truth.


look at the ancient,pre-xtian,pagan burial mounds in Irelnad,the precision with which they're made and just by ordinary people,not specialist architects or engineers.


Ireland was always pagan,the vikings were pagan but not long before so was everyone else here.


think of paganism as ancient science,the xtian burned alive and tortured to death the most intelligent who could fully grasp these concepts,(speaking of vikings,you might want to research why the viking age began) some people would call that dysgenics,and if you look at the average IQs and the aggression with which the xtians took over,you'll notice the correlation.


there's a reason why soon after xtianity came to Europe we entered the dark age.

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Immigration isnt a problem if the people coming here want to fit into our society and contribute via job we have a shortage of or bring high skills. Those that want to come here n change our way of life or just claim benefits and use our nhs is a problem. We need to take care of our own first its just common sense.

Other than voting and drawing attention to things what can be done without breaking the law? I think people are angry and fed up which is understandable. It is the internet though your always going to get the odd keyboard bruce lee lol.

You seem a sensible chap. It's the folk who talk like they are going to change the world and Islam is the only wrong in Britain. Immigration has not effected me directly so i dont see it as a problem .yet
Like I said on previous posts you don't know what your talking about as it does not effect you, yet you have the cheek to suggest when the lads that say they have a problem that they are wrong and call people fukin wankers for voicing there opinion.

You can't see that your basically doing the same to me with my opinion

But By Your Own Words Your Uneducated On This , As You Say It Doesn't Affect Your Life !! So Your Disagreeing With Those Who Do / Have Had Experienced On This . . Maybe 1 Day You Will Regret Some Off Your Opinions !!
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