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Injurys Hunting Foxes ( Pre Ban )

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That's a fair enough point that is. I'd ban shooting photos like that too ;-) neither kind do field sports any favours at all, move with the times folks ;-)

The pics that go up weather they are legally taken in ireland or shot in uk makes no great odds, all will be used against us to potray us as barbaric hunters who flaunt the law and disrespect the ban,

Putting any photos on the internet of dogs with injuries through taking quarry invites the public to believe that those who hunt somehow relish the blood, gore etc. Now if someone posted a photo of a




, could have easily lost an eye that time..

Ive seen many cuts and bites near the eyes on a dog, even into the socket, but funny enough, its very rare for a dog to loose an eye from regular fox work in my opinion. Ive only seen one terrier that lost an eye out of many hard working dogs.


Most fox bite wounds are just minor punctures, and if the dog is treated properly and given time to heal, it can get right back at them!


Other than that, the injuries you will see go hand in hand with running a dog, no matter what the quarry species.

that the word time to heal :thumbs:
summertime we used to call it ray atb AT


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makes me laugh that a shooter can put pic up of a fox with its inerds spewing out yet a scratch on a dog taking fox legal gets removed,one rule for them one rule for us it seems

That's a fair enough point that is. I'd ban shooting photos like that too ;-) neither kind do field sports any favours at all, move with the times folks ;-)

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No one is ruling our way or life, by not putting them up we are helping protect it, for us & future generations.. Seams ni on impossible for a lot of folk to understand!!!

true , :thumbs: the ban with hunting with dogs (running dogs terriers ) will I don't think ever be lifted disregard who runs this country who ever you vote for , the riding + hounds have found few loop holes around it as yet , we aint . so shooting people can put pics up of fox control till the cows come home , and that the way it is until the ban lifted . so as above keep what you do in the field with lurchers+terries leave it in the field , I know its shit :censored: but that's the way it is as yet :yes:

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Putting any photos on the internet of dogs with injuries through taking quarry invites the public to believe that those who hunt somehow relish the blood, gore etc. Now if someone posted a photo of a dog with a puncture wound or gash and was asking for help in how to treat it, that might be different, as the problem would be seen to be a medical one rather than boasting about how a dog actually got injured. I'd still be very careful when posting any pics of injuries as the obvious course would be to take the dog to the vet rather than asking unqualified people for their advice: it's a minefield out there with eyes everywhere and legislation as it is.

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The pics that go up weather they are legally taken in ireland or shot in uk makes no great odds, all will be used against us to potray us as barbaric hunters who flaunt the law and disrespect the ban, and are cruel. The ones using the pics in the future wont be explaining that they were legally taken in ireland or flushed to guns and humainly dispatched..... There are some forms of fox control still legal and under constant threat so best not do ourselves harm when its not totally neccessary.... Yes Its great to see pics on here and the great shots some lads get but we will enjoy looking at them once for a few moments and move on.... The pics will however remain here to be copied, used and publisized by many many others who wont appriciate them as much as we do to back up there silly propeganda's. A picture paints a thousand words and it would be very easy to convince a fence sitter and get there vote if they are shown a few pics of dead foxes with bloody dogs standing over them.... The words "this is still going on dispite the ban" and the fence sitter now thinks we are evil law breaking criminals.....

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The pics that go up weather they are legally taken in ireland or shot in uk makes no great odds, all will be used against us to potray us as barbaric hunters who flaunt the law and disrespect the ban, and are cruel. The ones using the pics in the future wont be explaining that they were legally taken in ireland or flushed to guns and humainly dispatched..... There are some forms of fox control still legal and under constant threat so best not do ourselves harm when its not totally neccessary.... Yes Its great to see pics on here and the great shots some lads get but we will enjoy looking at them once for a few moments and move on.... The pics will however remain here to be copied, used and publisized by many many others who wont appriciate them as much as we do to back up there silly propeganda's. A picture paints a thousand words and it would be very easy to convince a fence sitter and get there vote if they are shown a few pics of dead foxes with bloody dogs standing over them.... The words "this is still going on dispite the ban" and the fence sitter now thinks we are evil law breaking criminals.....

good post mate

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