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Dave when I was 14 my youngest brother who was eleven at the time fell off a rope swing and shattered the back of his skull on a rock ... As luck happened one of the leading neurologists in the countr

Best of luck to your mate Dave..   7 years ago we were told the same about my Dad, kept in an induced coma for nearly 3 weeks as the operated on his brain, We were told there was no chance of a re

Very true newkid, no matter what any doctor says, theres always hope, my mum was on her deathbed three times in three years, an she still here live an kicking,

Thanks for the kind words lads.


Doesn't look good. Doctor told his mother he probably wouldn't make it through tomorrow.


Also got hypothermia from laying there for who knows how long and at least one, possibly 2 fractures to his skull. FFS he was strong as an ox and just the sort of friend anyone would want. It's heartbreaking to see a lump of man lying there like a baby,


Considering the cops "don't suspect foul play" they're taking it pretty seriously. Flat and car park are cordoned off as a crime scene, his phone has been kept as evidence and they are searching all nearby cctv footage for anything.


All sounds very suspicious to me.


He is also the most stubborn man I ever met, Let's hope that stubbornness gets him through.

Hate to try and guess what's happened here mate but 2 skull fractures.? Sounds very like he has been attacked.?

Had he been at the pub or anything??

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jesus thats a tough blow. i heard the same news last year about the wife's cousin, said he wont live past the next two days and if he did he'll be a vegetable.

he's now back at his job and back to normality. with a very slight speech impediment.


i hope he pulls through mate, it does happen.

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Dave when I was 14 my youngest brother who was eleven at the time fell off a rope swing and shattered the back of his skull on a rock ... As luck happened one of the leading neurologists in the country at the time was visiting Morriston hospital to open a new wing and scrubbed up and operated on him .... nine hours later the prognosis was 20% chance of him surviving ... He had 80 stitches inside his scalp and and had to have part of his brain scraped clean and had 160 stitches to put his head back together ... Today he his a manager of a double glazing factory ... There is hope for everybody mate ... Keep the faith .......

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All sounds suspicious eh mate.


Can only wish you the best mate, really hope there's improvement and he pulls through it.

The first 24hrs are critical, as I said we were told the worst at first, the swelling of the brain was so bad.


Stay positive mate.

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Dave when I was 14 my youngest brother who was eleven at the time fell off a rope swing and shattered the back of his skull on a rock ... As luck happened one of the leading neurologists in the country at the time was visiting Morriston hospital to open a new wing and scrubbed up and operated on him .... nine hours later the prognosis was 20% chance of him surviving ... He had 80 stitches inside his scalp and and had to have part of his brain scraped clean and had 160 stitches to put his head back together ... Today he his a manager of a double glazing factory ... There is hope for everybody mate ... Keep the faith .......[/quote


Ran out of likes Ken, but the surgeons are different class in this field, as your brother can testify..

It's always worse case scenario, you can only hope..

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Sorry to here that Dave , my best friend had a small heart attack a while back very upsetting people close to your heart having bad things happen in there life hope he recovers for you and his family

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My mates lad was in a car crash a few months ago.

18 yrs old and in a coma with a broken neck, shattered vertebrae collapsed lungs, brain injury from deceleration, plus all the other crash injuries you normally get.


The hospital wrote him off and reckoned he wouldn`t make it 24hrs. And if he did he would have severe brain damage.


He got his collar off last month and I was chatting to him at my gate the other day while he was out to buy fags.



You never know Dave.


Fingers crossed bud.

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Sorry to hear such bad news......by the sound of it theres not going to be a pleasant outcome either way......but hopefully there will be an outcome that people close to the man can accept......all the best of strength and luck to the chap over the coming days.

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