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Millipeads Latest Speech

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Just listened to his speech, nothing has changed, he must have mentioned working people at least twenty times, calling the Tories, stating the NHS is only safe with Labour, more schemes for apprenticeships. doing away with zero contacts, nothing new, heard it all before.

looks like its gonna be either Tories or Labour, for another five years, with a coalition.

It will be interesting in Scotland with the SNP surge, and its usually a Labour stronghold,

But Milliband is thought not to be pm material, and the Thatcher era killed the tories.

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The best we can get at the min is a conservative /ukip at least as far as sorting out the field sports and immigration, that in itself will ease the pressure on the NHs, among other things. Labours mass immigration policy has gb on the cusp of bursting, and something was bound to give.

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With all the speeches today about what they will do to save the country , NHS, jobs , economy etc etc , the one thing that was noticeable was the complete lack of policy on the one real issue that the ordinary Joe in the street is really concerned about namely the constant flow of migrants into this country , the strain that's putting on schools , social services , NHS, jobs etc .No one has yet put any credible ideas forward that will address this ..Its the same old rhetoric , whats the old saying ...if it looks like shite , smells like shite chances are it is shite ..!

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It's got to be UKIP getting my vote this year. Not as I think they will do much better if they get in, but they certainly couldn't do worse. What could they possibly do to wreck the country that the others haven't already done?

At the very least it will possibly give labour / tories a kick up the backside and screw the eu over :thumbs:

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We are sticking to the plan = we are going to nick more of your money and waste it

We want fairness in the tax system= we are going to nick more of your money and waste it

We will increase capital projects = we will nick more of your money and waste it

We will tackle immigration = we will nick more of your money and waste it

We will renegotiate Europe = we will nick more of your money and waste it


Anything else we dream up = we will nick more of your money and waste it




Cut less fast and less deep = we will nick more of your money and waste it

No zero hours contracts = we will nick more of your money and waste it

Fairness for all = we will nick more of your money and waste it

Shift the tax burden to big earners = we will nick more of their money and waste it (but you won't mind because your jealous !!)

We will come down hard on bankers = we will nick more of their money and waste it (and insure they all piss off to Hong Kong taking the jobs with them)

We will borrow some more for capital projects = we will nick more of your money and waste it


Anything else we dream up = we will nick more of your money and waste it


Sounds like a plan boys !!! Lol

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its takes time, but you never know whats round the corner, take Labour in Scotland, they thought they had the divine right, to win the elections, then the SNP turned into a major threat and beat them, now according to the poles at this coming elections Labour could be losing more seats to the SNP.

It will take longer in England, but voters down there, must be sick of either the Tories or Labour getting in every five years.

The two of them need a good kick up the backside. will UKIP be like the SNP coming from nowhere, to become the major party in their country, who knows, only time will tell.

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