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he explains in the vid ffs, that answers your question and shoot down a few other things, watch the thing...


would you also like to talk about angus grossart and martin gilberts views, or would you prefer to pick?..

Edited by Joe1888
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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

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I was all for Scotland staying part of the uk ... But the longer this debate goes on and the more I hear the jocks whinging about how hard done by they are and how they get the bad end of the stick blah blah fukcing blah the more I think vote yes and fukc off then for fukcs sake ... It certainly won't effect me one little bit ...bit it think a lot of scots will realise that the grass isn't so green on the other side of the loch ...........

I dont hear or see any of us whinging



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Now who was it on here who claimed to have had letters back from supermarkets inc Asda refuting claims prices would not rise in the event of a yes vote???


Looks like once again its all carp as ASDA has just announced it is very likely prices will rise, as has John Lewis and a few others.


Anyone voting Yes is blind to facts, go and watch Braveheart again and look what happened to Mel as he screamed FREEDOM, he was HUNG, DRAWN and QUARTERED.


The same will happen to Scotland if you vote Yes, except this time it will be Scotland hanging itself!!!

Edited by Chr15j
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Now who was it on here who claimed to have had letters back from supermarkets inc Asda refuting claims prices would not rise in the event of a yes vote???


Looks like once again its all carp as ASDA has just announced it is very likely prices will rise, as has John Lewis and a few others.


Anyone voting Yes is blind to facts, go and watch Braveheart again and look what happened to Mel as he screamed FREEDOM, he was HUNG, DRAWN and QUARTERED.


The same will happen to Scotland if you vote Yes, except this time it will be Scotland hanging itself!!!

So Asda are going to put there prices up? So that means Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi etc will be rubbing there hands since Asda have just priced themselves out the market.

Come on now think before you just post scaremongering shite mate. Seriously!!!

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

Lab, I'm giving MY views; Joe simple cuts and pastes a reply. Why won't he give HIS take on the reason Salmond didn't want the Scottish people knowing that RBS will relocate vast tracts of it's business south of the border if there's a "yes" vote ? I'm open minded about the vote, but I'd like all my Scots relatives, friends and aquaintences to know ALL the facts BEFORE the vote, rather than after, wouldn't you ???

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

Lab, I'm giving MY views; Joe simple cuts and pastes a reply. Why won't he give HIS take on the reason Salmond didn't want the Scottish people knowing that RBS will relocate vast tracts of it's business south of the border if there's a "yes" vote ? I'm open minded about the vote, but I'd like all my Scots relatives, friends and aquaintences to know ALL the facts BEFORE the vote, rather than after, wouldn't you ???

Ok well IMO he never liked it because it's an underhand media trick to strike fear again. A lot of the serious debating has now went out the window and it's sly stuff from the No side that's seeping through.

Headlines like RBS are pissing of taking the headquarters down south...implying thousands of jobs are lost and that was bollocks.

Then a lame attempt saying Lloyds would do the same....that was a serious blunder as there headquarters are already in London...?


To the people voting No or Yes these things just bounce of you cause we know it's all smoke and mirrors but the effect these scaremongering tactics have on the undecided are nothing short of shocking.


That's good that you want to see facts....I have made my decision based on lots and I'm happy with Yes.

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Now who was it on here who claimed to have had letters back from supermarkets inc Asda refuting claims prices would not rise in the event of a yes vote???


Looks like once again its all carp as ASDA has just announced it is very likely prices will rise, as has John Lewis and a few others.


Anyone voting Yes is blind to facts, go and watch Braveheart again and look what happened to Mel as he screamed FREEDOM, he was HUNG, DRAWN and QUARTERED.


The same will happen to Scotland if you vote Yes, except this time it will be Scotland hanging itself!!!


tesco rejected this last week, others wouldnt support the said 16% rise. today asda said could,might,maybe, if


lab makes a good point about the other companys

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

Lab, I'm giving MY views; Joe simple cuts and pastes a reply. Why won't he give HIS take on the reason Salmond didn't want the Scottish people knowing that RBS will relocate vast tracts of it's business south of the border if there's a "yes" vote ? I'm open minded about the vote, but I'd like all my Scots relatives, friends and aquaintences to know ALL the facts BEFORE the vote, rather than after, wouldn't you ???




face palm, i give up replying to your posts mate, if you would put the same effort into reading/replying as i have with you then you might be suprised, if your truly open minded on this, read back , watch and listen.. if you can do that, ill reply


we all need a source ;)

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To me, the plusses are Scotland will , if the "yes" vote wins; have full control of their finances and spending and taxation, of course it will be allowed into the EU, as part of the EU's expansion plans. This will probably mean joining the euro and the Shcengen Area as pre-requisites to being accepted. Scotland seems far more pro european than the rest of the UK, so it may be just what they want. The minusses are they will be swapping one union for another, and may find that Brussells is making more rules, laws and regulations than Westminster ever did. Keeping the pound without monetary union will leave you with no control over you currency, keeping the pound WITH monetary union will mean a foreign country will be setting your monetary policy, i.e. interest rates, taxation, etc. Personally, I'd say Scotland would be better off in the long run, with it's own currency and central bank. This uncertaincy over the currency is the MAJOR minus I can see; just about everything else will be worked out with time and consultation.

Edited by Brigzy
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Think about it...

1) Scotland will be a FOREIGN, NON-EU COUNTRY

2) The costs of export to Scotland cannot be avoided, we will be EXPORTING, not just delivering

3) There will be red-tape where before there was nothing

4) There will be an exchange rate which will fluctuate and I bet the pound will be stronger than the.,,,.oh wait a minute you don't yet have a currency, perhaps you will trade in sea shells?


How can prices NOT go up???


And do you think the rest of the UK will absorb the costs above, like hell, UK consumers will vote with feet if prices go up, so what will happen, and there will be far more power in out purchasing habits than yours so the retailers (who know which side their bread is buttered) will just do good business (look after their key customers - US), Scottish consumers will have to foot the price increases (why should we).


This is SIMPLE ECONOMICS, not rocket science

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

Lab, I'm giving MY views; Joe simple cuts and pastes a reply. Why won't he give HIS take on the reason Salmond didn't want the Scottish people knowing that RBS will relocate vast tracts of it's business south of the border if there's a "yes" vote ? I'm open minded about the vote, but I'd like all my Scots relatives, friends and aquaintences to know ALL the facts BEFORE the vote, rather than after, wouldn't you ???




face palm, i give up replying to your posts mate, if you would put the same effort into reading/replying as i have with you then you might be suprised, if your truly open minded on this, read back , watch and listen.. if you can do that, ill reply


we all need a source ;)


The thing is, YOU haven't given a reply to my posts, you give others oppinions, not your own. Lab has at least tryed to reply to the Salmond/RBS question, you haven't.

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