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Dog Kills Pensioner Owners Get 12 Months !!!

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Ok vin also anyone with a lurcher should be made to have a dangerous animal licence as well. Lets not forget what the lurchers are bred for. You get your idiots in all walks of life. Why should reputable owners be made to be punished for some idiots. A well balanced dog is a well balanced dog no matter if its a lab\rottie\pitbull or yorkie.


I would have no problem with the government testing me or my dogs to see if we were worthy of a license. .


There's way too many fools with working dogs these days. . . its too easy to buy a dog from anywhere. . . in some cases its tantamount to giving a loaded gun to a Monkey.


Nearly every lurcher I see local is a BullX ... usually accompanied by some young numpty walking around with it straining on a lead looking all hyped up and well hard.. they havnt got a clue what they have on the other end of the lead. . . and them dogs dog get worked usually...they just get frustrated at being held back from any graft they were once bred for. . .recipes for disaster.

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Gnasher is right, Battle Dogs fight, because they want to fight,.same as some people...   However,..they should have no desire to bite a human,.unless commanded (and conditioned) to do so....

Lets hope for everyones sake your mate Ian has a better understanding of his chosen breed than you have !!.............Its this repulsive fur mommy nonsense that all but destroyed the breed in the fir

that wouldn't stop attacks like this,these two wouldn't have muzzled it anyway.

And do you really think this government (probably soon to be run by labour) is going to give a fair and balanced assessment regardless of breed and purpose of dog?


They'd probably give the duty of checking to the RSPCA.

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Having been accidentally bit by my dog..... I know what it's like to be bitten and for a 24yo male, 6'6" and built like a sh t house, even I went pale and almost cried in pain!

An old person and to be killed by an obvious aggressive and out of control dog, I can't even imagine what suffering they went through.


They should serve at least 5 years, manslaughter or murder.... f*****g pathetic as they'll be out in 6-8 months for good behaviour.

well havnt been bit my self, but my brother as been bitten by a dog we had years ago, it was a yampy Dalmatian . just norm size of the breed not over big dog. the dog was under the kitchen table and my mom wanted it to go outside so she could clean up the kitchen , my brother called it out wouldn't go, so he put his hand to grab it collar to pull it it out . it bite him on the hand fook me did it hurt him, he said it was like somebody slamming a door on his hand , very painful :yes: now that was just a 50 odd lb dog of normal' type power .So a dog like presa or similar strength+ jaw power , you would be finished like this poor old man was . I ve got a very powerful young dog with hell of a bite on him , but I am very lucky he daft as brush and very sociable with people dogs, you got to with a powerful dog like him, and other breeds, you carnt take chances with them , and people do so more people+kids will get hurt or killed :yes:

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Bring in a statue law that requires all dogs to be muzzeled dont giv a fuk wat kind it is a dogs a dog cant be trusted hundred percent them two need took out an shot for this f***ing scumbags.people are acting like its just another attack a old frail man got mauled to death fukn terrified.ffs

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Bring in a statue law that requires all dogs to be muzzeled dont giv a fuk wat kind it is a dogs a dog cant be trusted hundred percent them two need took out an shot for this f*****g scumbags.people are acting like its just another attack a old frail man got mauled to death fukn terrified.ffs

that wouldn't stop attacks like this,these two wouldn't have muzzled it anyway.

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Is it a fair assumption, that the people who like these sort of dogs don't want to see any form of control what so ever? & the people who don't, do want to see something done.....

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Thing is yes there are responsible owners.

But at what point do they say ok something needs done'



Mean how many kids adults are to be maimed killed before they change thier views.


I suspect unless it's thier immediate family and even then I've heard excuses made.


There is a problem and a problem with horrendous results


There c**ts these days in charge of dogs that you wouldn't give a goldfish to

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Bring in a statue law that requires all dogs to be muzzeled dont giv a fuk wat kind it is a dogs a dog cant be trusted hundred percent them two need took out an shot for this f*****g scumbags.people are acting like its just another attack a old frail man got mauled to death fukn terrified.ffs

that wouldn't stop attacks like this,these two wouldn't have muzzled it anyway.
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Obviously any dog can maim, but these halfwit wannabe gangsters aren't strutting around with golden retrievers........they all want these potentially lethal dogs.......

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Just alone naw neems but put in place an also if dogs are seen without muzzles taken away an pts no second chances something along that lines something has to be done.if someone seen them then they shoulda phoned straight away

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You do see the local chavs with running dogs now also been in the company of lurchers\terriers that would bite anyone.So whats good for the goose must be good for the gander but a licence on all dogs???


I would trust my American bulldog round kids then any terrier.

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Just alone naw neems but put in place an also if dogs are seen without muzzles taken away an pts no second chances something along that lines something has to be done.if someone seen them then they shoulda phoned straight away

That's what happened to my brother in law in the early 90's, he got caught walking his pitbull without a muzzle & it was pts.......he was just the type who wanted it for status, but wasn't man enough to take it to the vets, my sister did lol.......


Something like that again could/maybe help............but this is definitely not gonna get any better anytime soon & the people who die, will of invariably been killed by these type of breeds.

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I would'nt trust any dog around kids..none of my own. . . kids,food,treats,snacks,toys,noise,other dogs/pets/cats the list goes on and all possible causes of a good old normal dog doing something out of the ordinary just once... and thats all it takes .. just once.


As for lads who keep dogs that would bite anyone be it a terrier or any kind of lurcher /gun dog etc etc... they are the type I avoid like the plauge.

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