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A quick biology lesson for all those who keep on with their school boy ideas that carnivore means anything lol.


The order Carnivora has over 280 member species with diets ranging from almost exclusively meat eater such as the polar Bear to vegetarians such as the Panda. The majority use meat, fish or insects as a major part of the diet but there are sub orders within this such as the canoidea which are less specialist than others such as the Felifomia (cats). In general the canoidea having a more omnivores diet with less specialized carnassials teeth and digestive systems than the cats although a few follow this form including some of the Mustilids.


So carnivore is a populist label not a class, it refers to meat Eating. Dogs are Canoidea, they eat a variety of foods as availability presents, the wolf ancestors of the dog probably had a mainly meat eating lifestyle although to what extent we don’t really know. But as their sub orders suggests they had evolved to be more omnivores than the more specialist Carnivora such as cats. Man then changed the wolf to a dog leading to an increasingly omnivorous biology.


So dogs can be carnivores if you feed them meat, vegatarians if you feed them vegtables, pescertarians if you feed them fish or good old omnivores if you feed em a mixed diet. Personally I don’t believe that meat alone is the best diet for a variety of reasons, I’ve written of these before, therefore I feed by dogs an omnivores diet. If you feed just meat and have good results good for you and you can proudly claim your dog is a carnivore if it makes you feel good. I feed a variety of food so mines an omnivore but in neither case is this anything to do with them being members of the order Carnivora!





Mustilids Racoon etc


Edited by sandymere
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Good post sandy,,, I always like your posts , always worth reading. I new I was right about them being carnivore,,,thanks for clearing that up...

I could be wrong here lol, but the gut is were wild dogs,wolves, canine 's go for 1st in a kill, look at all the attacks on the prey always that area 1st, then the neck.So they would feed there 1st

Fecks sake sandy,,,that writing is hard to read,,,     Look I get what your saying,,,I did from the very first post,,,,it's almost like a sliding scale,,,with herbivore at one end,,,us in the middl

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Yes Makay I can repost every time some egit starts with "my dogs a carnivore" as though it some sort of badge of honour, its getting as bad as people with gluten intolerance lol. :victory:

Edited by sandymere
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Good post but a dog's digestive system is still derived from a predator to digest meat and bone if you feed your dog a raw diet you 'll notice it's crap looks a lot like Fox but bigger even though I do feed a varied diet it would be interesting to know if greens put strain on its digestive system, I found this before and it's a good read it's from 2006 so might slightly outdated lyttp://nutrition.highwire.org/content/136/7/1927S.full

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Good post but a dog's digestive system is still derived from a predator to digest meat and bone if you feed your dog a raw diet you 'll notice it's crap looks a lot like Fox but bigger even though I do feed a varied diet it would be interesting to know if greens put strain on its digestive system, I found this before and it's a good read it's from 2006 so might slightly outdated lyttp://nutrition.highwire.org/content/136/7/1927S.full

Are you suggesting that a predator wouldn't ever eat greens in the wild?

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Good post sandy,,, I always like your posts , always worth reading.

I new I was right about them being carnivore,,,thanks for clearing that up...

Erm.....not exactly...lol

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A lot of folk on here say feeding complete, makes your dog crap a lot. Well, i think that depends on the brand you feed.

Have you ever fed your dog a whole raw rabbit and watch it crap for the next day or 2 ?? :icon_eek: ...and the smell...... :bad:

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