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Were Do I Stand

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I took the dogs for a walk last night with me little girl and just as I was walking down the back lane they grabbed hold of a cat and killed it in front of the owner it happend so quickly I took her some flowers round this morning but she didn't want to know I feel bad but it was a freak accident so were do I stand if she decides to ring the police ?

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I'm sorry but a pet cat isn't quarry, feral cats are different but anyone who refuses to differentiate between them is a moron sure accidents happen but intention is just plain f***ing stupidity,

Aye don't think your be seeing one soon either .

I had a Whippet x Bedlington who lived with our Cat, cant say they loved each other, but she never bothered it, she was different with Ferals, she would take them out, but in a public place, or built

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They could say dog was out of control but its not actually an offence for a dog to kill a cat dating back to when dogs where licenced and cats are not if you ran over a dog when they were licenced you had to inform the police but if you ran over a cat you didnt so now no dog licence so your dog killing the cat is an act of nature.

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Like I say I do feel bad about it because at the end of the day it is someone's pet but it was a accident and I've tryed to make the peace . Thanks for the advice anyway . I just think stuff like this happen gives lads with lurches a bad name you know what do gooders are like if it was a lab or a collie that killed it there wouldn't be much said but because it was a lurcher it was done on purpes if you know what I mean

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all cats are feral my brothers dog killed my daughters cat this cat was sited miles from home in the local town it just came an went when it felt like it an 9 times out 10 if the brother called the cat wasnt about.. if you feel bad about it replace the cat other than that there nothing they can do as far as the law goes

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all cats are feral my brothers dog killed my daughters cat this cat was sited miles from home in the local town it just came an went when it felt like it an 9 times out 10 if the brother called the cat wasnt about.. if you feel bad about it replace the cat other than that there nothing they can do as far as the law goes

That's nonsense.


You can be prosecuted for having dogs out of control in a public place.

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Happened to me a couple years back. Took the dogs along the back of the railway, as everyone does, it's basically amid path through the scrub, I let the dogs off one at a time to get the toilet, I assume the cat was laying in wait for mice or birds or summit anyway it jumped up the fence when the dog got too close I didn't even see it and she grabbed it off the fence and it became the old cat hat, wrapped round her head, it must've been less than 10-15 seconds but by that time I had a pink dog with various puncture wounds and a tabbed ear, anyhow I got in contact with the owner when I saw the missing cat sign in the local shop, explained what had happened and luckily someone else had saw it happen saw the sign and phoned her and told her what had happened and that I made an attempt to stop it. The woman was very understanding but obviously unhappy

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