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That's It, I've Gave Up....

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First day as a non smoker got my vapour thingy yesterday, started this morning. First draw...... I honestly thought I was going to cough up a kidney. By f**k they're harsh on the throat. It's like su

Ha!!!   Not dead mate, just sedated   Honestly, I can't even stress enough the importance of only buying liquid of decent quality, imagine the little Chinese man mixing his liquid to send to the

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Sounds strange and I know I've only started on this thing 5 hours ago lol but I honestly feel better already :D

thats all that stretching fook all to do with packing up fags ...

Edited by the_stig
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Im back on the Ecigs , I couldn't get on with those vapouriser things , any one looking to try it can have my kit ,

Now you tell me ya fanny


1 ,would you have trusted me with your address to send it you

2, would you open anything I sent you in the post

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Im back on the Ecigs , I couldn't get on with those vapouriser things , any one looking to try it can have my kit ,

Now you tell me ya fanny
1 ,would you have trusted me with your address to send it you

2, would you open anything I sent you in the post

:hmm: no and definitely no :D

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One of the main worries about electronic cigarettes is whether they are safe to use and whether electronic cigarettes can really be regarded as healthy. The question therefore must start with the E-Liquid itself and the ingredients in them. So, what is in an e-cig?The great thing about the electronic cigarettes and e-liquids stocked at Vaporized is the LACK of ingredients. Compared with the tobacco cigarettes that have tar, ammonia, carbon dioxide, not to mention the other thousands of ingredients found in tobacco, the e-liquid has only a few main components that Vaporized are happy to explain:

  • Propylene Glycol – an organic compound used to help produce the vapor in e-cigs. This chemical is found in a plethora of things common consumed by humans most notably used in food and drinks to carry flavours, used in vaccines, asthma inhalers and cough relief syrups and in many cosmetic products. When ingested, the chemical is metabolized into pyruvic acid, a compound directed derived from glucose. Put simply, since this chemical is not only a natural, necessary compound for the human body plus being used in foodstuffs, we can conclude that propylene glycol is a safe substance.
  • Vegetable Glycerin – again this is an organic, natural compound extracted from plants in the form of oil. Broadly speaking, glycerin is used as a sweetener. Rather than using sugar which elevates blood sugar levels and contributes to bacterial tooth decay. If fact vegetable glycerin is used in the treatment of gum disease as well as many other treatments for bacterial infection. Again, an amazingly safe ingredient.
  • Nicotine – this is probably the most referred to ‘unhealthy’ component that makes up the E- Liquid. But to what extent and at which point does this apply? Nicotine is a stimulant. However at high doses it can be lethal and as many of the opponents of electric cigarettes reiterate in their arguments. It is true to say that doses of 50mg and higher can cause health problems and slightly smaller amounts may cause a little dizziness and nausea and on some occasions lowered blood pressure but what they fail to state is that these things happen at dosages that are extremely high. For example, one cigarette contains approximately 3mg! That’s 1.5% of the amount that causes any sort of unhealthy effect. At these low amounts, you experience a feeling of well-being and alertness created by an increase in the flow of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter.
In addition, switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes reduces your nicotine intake further. Concluding that in the dosages of nicotine present in Vaporized’s E- liquids should not cause any harmful effects if used within the guidelines and recommended amounts.I therefore conclude that the active, main ingredients present in most E-liquids are on extreme contrast to the tobacco cigarettes that you are trying to replace. As aforementioned, the LACK of ingredients is a positive comparative and when enjoyed in moderation, can offer a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking.
they have also diethylene glycol in them.....an active ingredient in anti freeze :yes:


no the fda in 2009 found one cartridge that contained a trace of it at a 1% level, no traces have ever been found by anyone since, again it is down to the quality of what your buying just like it is when you are buying anything these days



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Sounds strange and I know I've only started on this thing 5 hours ago lol but I honestly feel better already :D

thats all that strecthing fook all to do with packing up fags ...


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I tried skycig and puffin smoke (?) but having smoked menthol, the synthetic ones tasted awful! I do not recommend them at all.

I also tried some NRG ones from skycig which did help but the flavour wasn't always taste appropriate.


Altogether I went cold turkey about 2 months back.



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One of the main worries about electronic cigarettes is whether they are safe to use and whether electronic cigarettes can really be regarded as healthy. The question therefore must start with the E-Liquid itself and the ingredients in them. So, what is in an e-cig?The great thing about the electronic cigarettes and e-liquids stocked at Vaporized is the LACK of ingredients. Compared with the tobacco cigarettes that have tar, ammonia, carbon dioxide, not to mention the other thousands of ingredients found in tobacco, the e-liquid has only a few main components that Vaporized are happy to explain:

  • Propylene Glycol – an organic compound used to help produce the vapor in e-cigs. This chemical is found in a plethora of things common consumed by humans most notably used in food and drinks to carry flavours, used in vaccines, asthma inhalers and cough relief syrups and in many cosmetic products. When ingested, the chemical is metabolized into pyruvic acid, a compound directed derived from glucose. Put simply, since this chemical is not only a natural, necessary compound for the human body plus being used in foodstuffs, we can conclude that propylene glycol is a safe substance.
  • Vegetable Glycerin – again this is an organic, natural compound extracted from plants in the form of oil. Broadly speaking, glycerin is used as a sweetener. Rather than using sugar which elevates blood sugar levels and contributes to bacterial tooth decay. If fact vegetable glycerin is used in the treatment of gum disease as well as many other treatments for bacterial infection. Again, an amazingly safe ingredient.
  • Nicotine – this is probably the most referred to ‘unhealthy’ component that makes up the E- Liquid. But to what extent and at which point does this apply? Nicotine is a stimulant. However at high doses it can be lethal and as many of the opponents of electric cigarettes reiterate in their arguments. It is true to say that doses of 50mg and higher can cause health problems and slightly smaller amounts may cause a little dizziness and nausea and on some occasions lowered blood pressure but what they fail to state is that these things happen at dosages that are extremely high. For example, one cigarette contains approximately 3mg! That’s 1.5% of the amount that causes any sort of unhealthy effect. At these low amounts, you experience a feeling of well-being and alertness created by an increase in the flow of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter.
In addition, switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes reduces your nicotine intake further. Concluding that in the dosages of nicotine present in Vaporized’s E- liquids should not cause any harmful effects if used within the guidelines and recommended amounts.I therefore conclude that the active, main ingredients present in most E-liquids are on extreme contrast to the tobacco cigarettes that you are trying to replace. As aforementioned, the LACK of ingredients is a positive comparative and when enjoyed in moderation, can offer a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking.
they have also diethylene glycol in them.....an active ingredient in anti freeze :yes:


no the fda in 2009 found one cartridge that contained a trace of it at a 1% level, no traces have ever been found by anyone since, again it is down to the quality of what your buying just like it is when you are buying anything these days




You only have to look at the amount of snide tobacco out there... people still buy it and smoke it...

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Im back on the Ecigs , I couldn't get on with those vapouriser things , any one looking to try it can have my kit ,

Now you tell me ya fanny
1 ,would you have trusted me with your address to send it you

2, would you open anything I sent you in the post

:hmm: no and definitely no :D



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One of the main worries about electronic cigarettes is whether they are safe to use and whether electronic cigarettes can really be regarded as healthy. The question therefore must start with the E-Liquid itself and the ingredients in them. So, what is in an e-cig?The great thing about the electronic cigarettes and e-liquids stocked at Vaporized is the LACK of ingredients. Compared with the tobacco cigarettes that have tar, ammonia, carbon dioxide, not to mention the other thousands of ingredients found in tobacco, the e-liquid has only a few main components that Vaporized are happy to explain:

  • Propylene Glycol – an organic compound used to help produce the vapor in e-cigs. This chemical is found in a plethora of things common consumed by humans most notably used in food and drinks to carry flavours, used in vaccines, asthma inhalers and cough relief syrups and in many cosmetic products. When ingested, the chemical is metabolized into pyruvic acid, a compound directed derived from glucose. Put simply, since this chemical is not only a natural, necessary compound for the human body plus being used in foodstuffs, we can conclude that propylene glycol is a safe substance.
  • Vegetable Glycerin – again this is an organic, natural compound extracted from plants in the form of oil. Broadly speaking, glycerin is used as a sweetener. Rather than using sugar which elevates blood sugar levels and contributes to bacterial tooth decay. If fact vegetable glycerin is used in the treatment of gum disease as well as many other treatments for bacterial infection. Again, an amazingly safe ingredient.
  • Nicotine – this is probably the most referred to ‘unhealthy’ component that makes up the E- Liquid. But to what extent and at which point does this apply? Nicotine is a stimulant. However at high doses it can be lethal and as many of the opponents of electric cigarettes reiterate in their arguments. It is true to say that doses of 50mg and higher can cause health problems and slightly smaller amounts may cause a little dizziness and nausea and on some occasions lowered blood pressure but what they fail to state is that these things happen at dosages that are extremely high. For example, one cigarette contains approximately 3mg! That’s 1.5% of the amount that causes any sort of unhealthy effect. At these low amounts, you experience a feeling of well-being and alertness created by an increase in the flow of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter.
In addition, switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes reduces your nicotine intake further. Concluding that in the dosages of nicotine present in Vaporized’s E- liquids should not cause any harmful effects if used within the guidelines and recommended amounts.I therefore conclude that the active, main ingredients present in most E-liquids are on extreme contrast to the tobacco cigarettes that you are trying to replace. As aforementioned, the LACK of ingredients is a positive comparative and when enjoyed in moderation, can offer a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking.
they have also diethylene glycol in them.....an active ingredient in anti freeze :yes:


no the fda in 2009 found one cartridge that contained a trace of it at a 1% level, no traces have ever been found by anyone since, again it is down to the quality of what your buying just like it is when you are buying anything these days




to be fair i missed out "found" in my post lol

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No don't smoke Baccy. Vape everything :)


:laugh: fair play mate :thumbs: the captain of the pool team up the club has gone full bore crazy on vaping :blink: he has brought one that looks like a bong lol had a go on it and nearly died :icon_eek: really made me feel bad for few mins after the "hit" and that kunt is permantly on it and dont bat an eye lid but surely breathing such a strong load of it cant be good :hmm: im with stig on this, ive cut right down on the fags and will quit but will do it for free with no modern technology :laugh: BUT good luck to all you vapors if it leads to no smoking at all then fair play :thumbs:

i just leave my fags at home say on a saturday when i go to auction i have one at 8 before i go thats it till i get home at 2 if i`m in the workshop i leave em in the house if there not at hand i dont bother..if i took the dogs out for 2 hours i`d smoke 3/4 now i just leave them on the side...
I'm The Opposite , If I Don't Have Any to Hand I Literally Go Hyper ;) Yet At times I Can Go For Hrs Without 1 . . As Long As There In My Pocket !!
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One of the main worries about electronic cigarettes is whether they are safe to use and whether electronic cigarettes can really be regarded as healthy. The question therefore must start with the E-Liquid itself and the ingredients in them. So, what is in an e-cig?

The great thing about the electronic cigarettes and e-liquids stocked at Vaporized is the LACK of ingredients. Compared with the tobacco cigarettes that have tar, ammonia, carbon dioxide, not to mention the other thousands of ingredients found in tobacco, the e-liquid has only a few main components that Vaporized are happy to explain:

  • Propylene Glycol – an organic compound used to help produce the vapor in e-cigs. This chemical is found in a plethora of things common consumed by humans most notably used in food and drinks to carry flavours, used in vaccines, asthma inhalers and cough relief syrups and in many cosmetic products. When ingested, the chemical is metabolized into pyruvic acid, a compound directed derived from glucose. Put simply, since this chemical is not only a natural, necessary compound for the human body plus being used in foodstuffs, we can conclude that propylene glycol is a safe substance.
  • Vegetable Glycerin – again this is an organic, natural compound extracted from plants in the form of oil. Broadly speaking, glycerin is used as a sweetener. Rather than using sugar which elevates blood sugar levels and contributes to bacterial tooth decay. If fact vegetable glycerin is used in the treatment of gum disease as well as many other treatments for bacterial infection. Again, an amazingly safe ingredient.
  • Nicotine – this is probably the most referred to ‘unhealthy’ component that makes up the E- Liquid. But to what extent and at which point does this apply? Nicotine is a stimulant. However at high doses it can be lethal and as many of the opponents of electric cigarettes reiterate in their arguments. It is true to say that doses of 50mg and higher can cause health problems and slightly smaller amounts may cause a little dizziness and nausea and on some occasions lowered blood pressure but what they fail to state is that these things happen at dosages that are extremely high. For example, one cigarette contains approximately 3mg! That’s 1.5% of the amount that causes any sort of unhealthy effect. At these low amounts, you experience a feeling of well-being and alertness created by an increase in the flow of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter.

In addition, switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes reduces your nicotine intake further. Concluding that in the dosages of nicotine present in Vaporized’s E- liquids should not cause any harmful effects if used within the guidelines and recommended amounts.

I therefore conclude that the active, main ingredients present in most E-liquids are on extreme contrast to the tobacco cigarettes that you are trying to replace. As aforementioned, the LACK of ingredients is a positive comparative and when enjoyed in moderation, can offer a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking.


Writtem by??

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