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Pup Won't Retrieve

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As the title says, my 5/6 month old pup won't retrieve, I've been trying for a few weeks now and still nothing. I had tried when she was a bit younger and it was the same. Doesn't matter how much you encourage her to come back with it once she has whatever you throw in her mouth she's off with it with no interest to come back to you.


I've tried squating down,lying down on the ground, running back from her, turning and running away,lots of encouragement and treats but she just runs in circles or in the opposite direction.


Really getting fed up with her now, any advice?

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I had a 3/4 bred collie x greyhound almost 30 years ago and he was excellent until he was 9 months old and turned into a complete c**t overnight...this phase lasted 2 months and in that time I almost

well lets hear your advice ?

As the title says, my 5/6 month old pup won't retrieve, I've been trying for a few weeks now and still nothing. I had tried when she was a bit younger and it was the same. Doesn't matter how much you

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if you can try placing her down some kind of narrow place if that makes sence lol in other words when you throw whatever she goes for then she will try to get past you ,as she trys passing hold her and praise her it worked for my old dog ...when i say narrow place i mean anywhere where she cant go other than past you ..

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One of them extendable leads or a lunge rope. Coax the dog to you. Pull it if you have to. When it gets to you praise. Take the ball and give a piece of sausage.


Repeat. Dog will be running to you to swap the ball for sausage.

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get a long piece of blue rope and tie it around the ring on her collar, when you have this done throw out the dummy and when the pup picks it up gently pull the rope back towards you and giving the command ' come ', when you pull the rope back towards you the pup has no choice but to come back. When the pup comes back give her a treat. Do this 2/3 times a day and every time the pup comes back give her a treat. So dog is kinda saying in its head, 'If i come back to him i get a treat, mmm i like this'

Gradually the dog will associate the command ' come ' with getting a treat. So over time you shouldn't have to pull the rope back as much, the dog should eventually start coming back itself. Do not make the pup retrieve too many times in one day or else it will loose interest and stop completely. Just do it about 3 times a day :)


Hope this helps mate,

Good luck and atb with your pup :)

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One of them extendable leads or a lunge rope. Coax the dog to you. Pull it if you have to. When it gets to you praise. Take the ball and give a piece of sausage.


Repeat. Dog will be running to you to swap the ball for sausage.

you beat me to it lol long lineing it will do the job
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Hows the dog bred,ive owned Collie bred lurchers that soon got bored or fathomed out what a waste of energy it was to chase somethind and be expected to retrieve it,i made an habit of using different things for it to scurry after,from tennis balls to an assortment of cuddly toys,plastic and fabric,from car boots.Some dogs soon believe its a wasted exercise and never take to retrieving what you throw,the same dogs will retrieve game at the first opportunity,some just won,t and make for a fitter owner.

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Hows the dog bred,ive owned Collie bred lurchers that soon got bored or fathomed out what a waste of energy it was to chase somethind and be expected to retrieve it,i made an habit of using different things for it to scurry after,from tennis balls to an assortment of cuddly toys,plastic and fabric,from car boots.Some dogs soon believe its a wasted exercise and never take to retrieving what you throw,the same dogs will retrieve game at the first opportunity,some just won,t and make for a fitter owner.

my dog never retrieves anything I throw,just looks at me is if I am fcuking stupid.... :laugh: ,and never has done and he is coming up for 3yr old... :thumbs:

the first rabbit he caught he could not wait to bring it back to me and show me.... :D ,and carried on doing this with any game he caught...right back to me and he would sit right in front of me with it... :yes:

and he is lurcher x lurcher with a lot of collie in him.... :thumbs:

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One of them extendable leads or a lunge rope. Coax the dog to you. Pull it if you have to. When it gets to you praise. Take the ball and give a piece of sausage.


Repeat. Dog will be running to you to swap the ball for sausage.

yep n sum dogs then drop what they have in there mouth for treat. Neva like using treat for retrieving other then praise. I find best is ally lots of praise n dont bore em with it. If dog has great recall it should come back to you regardless when called so as long they keep it in chops bobs ya uncle it comes back I find there huge link with recall and retrieve. It's the droppers I find hardest to train
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One of them extendable leads or a lunge rope. Coax the dog to you. Pull it if you have to. When it gets to you praise. Take the ball and give a piece of sausage.


Repeat. Dog will be running to you to swap the ball for sausage.

yep n sum dogs then drop what they have in there mouth for treat. Neva like using treat for retrieving other then praise. I find best is ally lots of praise n dont bore em with it. If dog has great recall it should come back to you regardless when called so as long they keep it in chops bobs ya uncle it comes back I find there huge link with recall and retrieve. It's the droppers I find hardest to train

I think there is a BIG difference between recall and retrieve. I've seen dogs with 100% recall go deaf when they have got something in their mouth.


Each to their own though. What works for one won't work for another.

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Is there another dog involved?

My next pup is planned and one thing for sure it will never be trained in front of another dog.


As stated revert back to basic and day one.

I train all mine in the company of others,usually elders,in all honesty i find it aids education and seldom hinders it.Its how you channel the energy and training,company often aids training as the youngster as something to watch and follow.At times a few one on one training sessions are desirable.

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